Coffee review

Description of Candle Coffee Flavor in Sidamo area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Exchange of professional baristas pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) candlelight: after strict regulation and selection, it avoids the annoying soil odor and high bad bean rate in common sun-dried beans, but highlights the admirable sweetness of sun-treated beans. The charming fruit tone of candlelight inherits the charm given by the traditional Egyptian sun.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Sidamo production area: Sidamo grows in the southernmost Ethiopian plateau between 4600 and 7200 feet above sea level (Sidamo Province). It is a famous boutique coffee area in southern Ethiopia, bordering Kenya, southeast of Gemma and just south of the capital. It is usually sweeter and more loved by most people. Its annual output is about 225000 bags / 60kg. The bean body is smaller than Longberry, with gray in the green, and it is dried in the sun drying field of Sidamo. Coffee is placed in hemp net wooden frame, workers take turns in the sun exposure, manual stirring coffee, sun Sidamo is usually marked with G4 exit, washing Sidamo because the treatment process is more perfect, so most of them are exported at G2 level.

Candlelight: after strict regulation and selection, it avoids the annoying soil odor and high rate of bad beans in common sun-dried beans, and instead highlights the glamorous sweetness of sun treatment. Candlelight charming fruit tone inherits the charming aroma given by the traditional Egyptian sun, unreservedly expressing round, full, long aftertaste sweetness and just the right fruit acidity. The daily brewing of candles is also quite easy to use, the bean itself is rich in flavor, whether it is fresh dripping or strong Italian cooking, can well show its own flavor.

Candle flavor: floral aroma, nectarine, tropical fruit, BlackBerry, blueberry, plum, cream, cinnamon