Coffee review

What is the variety of Nicaraguan Yushi coffee beans? Nicaraguan Yushi coffee has its flavor and taste.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Nicaragua Yersi: the newly discovered Ethiopian variety "Yersi" in Nicaragua is the latest Ethiopian variety discovered in the world! But the discovery was entirely accidental. Miguel bought almost most of the raw beans, now.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Yushi Yersi of Nicaragua: the latest Ethiopian variety discovered in Nicaragua

"Yersi" is the latest Ethiopian variety discovered in the world! But the discovery was entirely accidental.

Miguel bought almost most of the raw beans, and now the production batch is on the shelves. Although the flavor has obviously changed after a few months, the basic tonality is still very unique, cinnamon, chocolate, cloves, and this coffee is grown at an altitude of only 1000 meters!

Niagara Yushi first appeared in the "International Master Class" in May 2017. Miguel took a small number of Yushi samples from Expocamo, and everyone was amazed when the Baker baked it in Taipei and brought it to Shanghai for a cup test in class. Full of floral fragrance, extremely strong floral fragrance, extremely soft taste Body, it can be said that Yega Xuefei's floral fragrance goes to the extreme, that is, Youxi. After a week, we tested the coffee salon cup in Beijing again and got the same result. It tastes almost less like coffee and more like delicious scented tea.

Expocamo, an exporter of Nicaraguan raw beans, has been looking for boutique coffee in more remote areas in the past two years, and the San Juan de Rio Coco region is one of them. At the end of 2016, Expocamo visited the local Finca El Zapote farm and tested a cherry coffee similar to Tibica and found that the flavor was very different from the one they had tried, like ripe papaya.

Farmer Miguel Angel told them the name of the tree was Yersi, which his father had when he bought the farm, which was planted by the Paguaga family of former farmers 40-50 years ago. Expocamo requires that this batch be disposed of separately at the time of harvest. A few months later, Nicaragua Yossi showed a very special flavor on the cup table that he had never seen before. Very similar to the flower fragrance of Yega Xuefei, the cup score is as high as 87 points, while the farm is only 1000 meters above sea level, it is almost impossible to show such a flavor.

On the day of the cup test, Expocamo visited the farm to learn more about the coffee. After Miguel Angel's father died, he inherited the farmland. Like most nearby coffee farmers, he changed all the coffee on the farm to a new variety, Kaddura (Caturra), but retained Yersi, although the harvest was low, but the disease resistance was very strong.

Expocamo contacted CATIE in Costa Rica to find out what kind of beans the Nicaraguan Yushi coffee was, and then found Miguel Meza to see if anyone had heard of the coffee and whether it was a variety that had ever been discovered. But no one, including Miguel, has ever heard of Yersi.

Finally, they went to the World Coffee Institute (World Coffee Research) in the United States, where they can compare the gene sequences of plants to see if they match any of the existing varieties.

The results of the genetic comparison came out in June 2017. Yersi is a tree species native to Ethiopia and is genetically similar to Abyssinia, an ancient tree species once planted in Lake Kivu in Congo. According to the World Coffee Institute, Abyssinia can also be found today on a few farms in the Congo, although it is extremely rare.