Coffee review

Beginners of hand-brewing coffee utensils recommend the brand selection of filter paper grinder for hand-brewed coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). For beginners, it is easy to fall into the myths and traps of equipment, so I have always wanted to write this kind of article to share with you some of my experiences and ideas about equipment after playing coffee for so long. In this article, I

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For beginners, it is easy to fall into the myths and traps of equipment, so I have been wanting to write this kind of article these days to share with you some experiences and ideas about equipment after playing coffee for so long. In this article, based on my personal experience, I will share with you my experience and suggestions on how to upgrade the equipment.

The same as the previous article, "getting started for beginners-concept article", I hope that those who read this article can slowly set up their own cooking system. When your mentality and concept are correct, and your cooking techniques and experience are mature, the cooking equipment will be able to give full play to their existence value to you.

Let me put it this way, the effect of the same Qingxian sword in the hands of Yu Jiaolong and Li Mubai is not the same level. Well, these days, there should be relatively few people who know about the lying tiger, hiding the dragon stalk. To put it another way, you should know the words of the swordsmen who seek defeat alone and stay on the sword mound, right? New friends who don't know, please GOOGLE yourself.

As far as the world of coffee is concerned, the upgrading of the equipment can certainly achieve some quality improvement, but the taste of the final cup of coffee depends on the brewer's own skills. The equipment can certainly provide some help, but I don't think you need to stick to this too much.

The point is: what is the role of this equipment in the cooking process? And how do you make use of it?

Going back to this article, I will roughly divide the importance of replacing the equipment used in hand flushing into:

Bean grinder

Filtering tool

Hand punch pot


1. Bean grinder:

I have read most of the introductory books and will advise beginners to start with a hand bean grinder. In fact, this is also my suggestion. In the last article, I mentioned that for household (or even business) hand demand, whether it is flat knife or ghost tooth small Fuji is enough. Basically, there will be such an argument, which is from the point of view of the rank of the bean grinder.

To put it simply, I will divide the bean grinding tools into entry level and professional level.

From the perspective of the hand system, the simplest is, of course, the well-known entry-level model such as a small mailbox (or worth about 1000 yuan). To the professional level, my definition is more than 10, 000 yuan of models, such as Comandante, Lido this price of the brand.

As far as the electric department is concerned, the beginners will almost be Pegasus and Eagle, which are both familiar and unfamiliar brands. for me, professional ones, such as small Fuji (flat knife or ghost teeth) and NEXT-G, are almost between 10, 000 and 20, 000.

Of course, you will say to me, "Don't you still have HG, Maliwani; electric and top models like EK43?" "

Of course I know this, but these models are like camera lenses or bicycle transmissions. You can get the corresponding quality improvement immediately after you spend money, but if you want to go up after you reach a certain level, the money invested will become bigger and bigger, but the quality improvement will be only a little bit. For me, the bean grinder of the rank of small Fuji or NEXT-G happens to be stuck at the point where the CP value is optimized.

Normally, when I choose a bean grinder, I consider:

Cutter head structure: flat knife, conical knife, ghost tooth, material.

Is the fuselage made of all metal?

Is it easy to have residual powder and what is the convenience of cleaning?

Is follow-up maintenance easy?

Whether it can be combined with personal habits and preferences.

It is easy to understand that the structure and material of the cutter head will directly affect the flavor of coffee. Whether the fuselage is made of all-metal material, I think it will affect the durability of the bean grinder itself and the ability of stable grinding, at least as far as I know, metal is much more durable than other materials.

Bean grinder this is the best teeth to bite straight to the professional level, as for those in the middle of the so-called "advanced style"?

Uh. I think the price difference of more than 10,000 yuan and a few thousand yuan is really not obvious. although the price difference may be two to three times the distance, the actual price difference is really not that large. It is really not difficult to save more money or spend less. It is really not difficult to go straight to the bean grinder of the rank of little Fuji.

The so-called advanced model (or mid-priced product), unless the product itself has some irreplaceable performance, such as special ceramic cutterhead, slow speed or adjustable speed, most of the products that are positioned as "advanced" products will have a sense of whether they want to go up or not.

To put it simply, it is the relatively low price caused by saving costs in some places.

I dare not say so about anything else, but from the point of view of the bean grinder used in hand-brewed coffee, instead of buying an "advanced version" of less than 10,000 yuan, it is better to save more money for a few months or buy less, and go straight to a bean grinder of the level of little Fuji. It's better than getting stuck in the middle. For example, when the price difference between a direct flight and a connecting flight is not obvious, why do you choose one more place to park in the middle?

If you already have a professional bean grinder and want to move up to the next level, my conscience suggests that unless you already make money from coffee and earn a steady income from coffee, you don't know how to spend your spare money. Consider more advanced models. Further up, the consideration is the same, unless there is something special that a professional model cannot provide, and then this function is just enough to meet your cup needs.

By the way, the price of a cup of hand-made product is about 150, which should be better to calculate the amortization of the bean grinder, right?

After deducting the cost of materials, personnel, and water and electricity, there is only about 1/3 left for depreciation and amortization of the whole store. You have changed a more expensive bean grinder to meet the demand of hand. You need a few more cups of coffee to get it back. In fact, it can be calculated. Not to mention the household part, because you don't even have a chance to amortize, just buy it and wait for depreciation, which is equivalent to spending money on paper, but it's a debt on the book.

I'm not asking you not to spend money. I just ask you to think carefully before spending, because it's really hard to make money these days.

Rotational speed is a very important variable, why not mentioned it? Because at present this function is only available in a few top bean grinders, I did not mention it for the same reason as above. Of course, there are some kits on the market that can adjust the speed of the motor, but from my experience with KOPOK, it is not wise to adjust the speed of the motor from the current end, because that is not the working condition designed by the motor and may have an impact on the life of the motor, so basically I do not recommend it.

If you want to adjust the speed, it may be ideal to replace the motor with a speed motor.

Filtering tools (filter cup, filter mesh, filter frame, flannel):

In the early years, when we played hand-made coffee, it was relatively simple, either V60 or KONO, amazing plus KALITA, and at most different materials or holes were compared. But there are many choices these days. At that time, we were only thinking about the basics. Now we are still telling you about the angle of the filter cup, the length of the guide channel, the number of the guide channel, the exhaust channel, the speed of flow, and the adjustable flow rate. Even the Coriolis force, siphon and hydrodynamics should be considered, and what is even more frightening is whether the appearance is good enough or not.

You can also learn the principles of physics by choosing a filter cup, and the world is much more complicated than I thought. If my mother-in-law used the same standard to find a son-in-law, I was afraid I would still be waiting for the number plate.

I'm just kidding!

At present, there are more and more kinds of filter cups sold on the market, and the prices are also rising with the rising tide. For ordinary players, looking at a dazzling array of filter cup features, it is easy to be led by others. I don't want to deny the value of those filter cups. I just look back, or will I focus on the cooking needs? in the end, do I want the quality of this filter cup to make aroma? Excellent taste? Or is it easy to use? For me, the back of each filter cup should represent a complete cooking system. A relatively simple case is that, like the KONO filter cup, there is a set of suggestions for cooking your own filter cup. What you need is the brewing system behind you to verify with your original, rather than blindly believing that buying a new filter cup will upgrade the taste of your coffee. Of course, as a player, when you see so many beautiful and good-looking filter cups, you will naturally want to follow suit to see if the function is as claimed. As far as I am concerned, my advice is: before you want to buy a new filter cup for verification, at least let your cooking stability reach a certain degree before the comparison of the filter cup will be valuable. otherwise, some of the taste differences may come from your own unstable cooking, or psychological factors after changing the filter cup.

At present, most of the filter cups on the market focus on the discussion of flow rate and material, but in my personal experience, flow rate and material are only the physical characteristics of the filter cup. The real showdown is the skill of controlling the flow and the quality of ripe coffee beans. The physical properties of the filter cup itself may have some effect on the taste, but those effects can actually be adjusted by other factors of hand flushing (controlled by the flow of water). This section will have the opportunity to explain it another day, because it will also be a long one (deleted on August 02, 2018.02). Ohh! By the way, the filter tool contains filter paper, but the quality of this thing is different, and in the sea of paper, I suggest you at least find a big brand, and do not choose bargains from unknown sources. If possible, try to find bleached filter paper. As for the filter paper made of cotton, hemp and bamboo fiber, anyway, the children in your pocket will tell you whether you can use it or not, whether you can use it every day or only occasionally, so you don't need me to talk too much. The point is, in your daily brewing process, be sure to have a filtering tool as the main equipment, which is usually used to make coffee, while other filtering tools are only used to correct or confirm the flavor. There is a fixed cooking equipment, your cooking method will be fixed, after the cooking method is fixed, you can complete the establishment of your own cooking system, there will be stable cooking quality to speak of. When I began to practice hand brewing, I finally made a cup of coffee that I could drink. Of course, I immediately brought it to my seniors to try it. Most of the seniors drank it well and asked me to bring this cup of coffee to the store manager. After drinking it, the manager only said to me faintly, "next, as long as you make this quality stable," I will use the plot in the Seven Dragon Balls as an analogy. If you want to make continuous progress, just let yourself get used to the state of "Please climb another tall building." As Sun WuKong said to Wuhan: "Let's start by getting used to the state of Super Saiyan." "

It is often the same with the process of growing up about the accumulation of experience. it is a little strange at first, but when you are skilled, you will get used to it. The same is true for coffee brewing. At first, you will feel that every cup you brew tastes strange, but as you accumulate experience, good coffee will slowly appear. Later, it will become more and more difficult for you to make a bad cup of coffee. In the end, every cup of coffee you brew will taste good.

If you ask me that every player must have my filter cup, my answer will be: Hario V60, KONO MD-21 Primary and stupid Dad filter holder.

Third, hand punch the pot:

I really don't think I have anything to say about the coffee pot, but it's all taken as a topic, and it seems that I should say something, too.

Personally, I don't like the fine-mouthed pot, but the advantage of the fine-mouthed pot is that it is a good tool to practice the stability of the current at the novice stage. On the contrary, it is my commonly used crane-mouthed pot KALITA POT 700, which is not so friendly to the novice.

The thin-mouthed pot I'm talking about here is a pot like the Kalita POT 900. the spout is slender and the opening is relatively small. This is the first tool I used to practice water flow, and then I turned into a big-billed bird. After using the Yukiwa M5 for a while, I finally decided to use the POT 700.

At the end of the game, I think POT 700 is the most convenient to use, and I have been using it ever since.

I will not emphasize the heat preservation function of the pot itself, because basically I think the faster the temperature falls, the better, so that the level of taste can be pulled out (just as I would slightly enlarge the grinding scale). I don't think the thermostat is necessary, because at present, none of them can cool down actively. Most of them naturally cool down to the specified temperature after boiling the water. On the one hand, the waiting time is too long, and on the other hand, I don't need that long heat preservation time.

For me, as soon as my kettle is boiled, it is poured to the temperature of the handmade pot, which happens to be 93 ℃ when I am making shallow coffee. It will be a little higher to 95 ℃ in summer, and I will just slap a few more times with my own thermometer. I make coffee at a fixed time every day, and I think I have a cup of coffee on a whim, so I don't need a constant temperature power consumption to stay at home.

The thermostat is completely different from my current cooking habit, which is the main reason why I give it up. In addition, I am lazy to adapt to its current for a new tool.

Practicing water flow is a process, and I personally think it is the most difficult part of hand flushing, and it is also the secret of all schools that you can see but not see through. Obviously it is the same parameters and the same equipment, but it turns out that what you flush, what I flush and what he flushes drink is different. the key is that the fine manipulation ability of each person's hand muscle is different. the technique of holding the pot is also slightly different, and the water poured out of the pot is also slightly different.

The so-called hand flushing technology, in fact, the plain point is your ability to control the flow of water, you know in what state of coffee powder should be how to feed water, bring out the taste you want.

But it doesn't matter what kind of pot you use, not exactly.

The relationship between the pot and the current is mutual cause and effect, which is indescribable and not so easy to understand.

4. Others:

I think the equipment that will have an impact on the hand-brewed coffee is listed above. Bean grinders and filtering tools determine the tonality and presentation of the flavor, and the flow interprets the details and levels of the coffee flavor. For me, you should at least practice these basic skills when you play hand punch, but if you still have the ability to pay attention to it in other places, of course.

For me, the original upgrade order was as follows: bean grinder, hand punch, filter tools, etc., but after the bean grinder and hand flush pot were positioned, the order of spending money was counted from behind XD.

There are a lot of gadgets that can be assisted by hand, some of which do not cost any money, and some of which are not a small sum of money, but I think they are only auxiliary in nature, and the types are endless, so I'll leave it to you to choose.