Coffee review

Key points for roasting hard beans and soft beans the density of coffee beans has a decisive effect on roasting.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) first of all, there is no magic or formula for roasting coffee, there are too many variables involved in roasting. However, people can sum up useful guiding principles through practice. The absorption capacity of hard beans to heat energy is better than that of soft beans.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

First of all, there is no magic or formula for roasting coffee, and there are too many variables involved in roasting.

However, people can sum up useful guiding principles through practice. The absorption capacity of hard beans to heat energy (the reaction to heat energy) is better than that of soft beans, so the development of its flavor is more complete. On the other hand, hard beans have high density and high water content, which also hinders the heat transfer. Use more firepower and higher bean temperature when baking.

Soft beans, whose structure is not as strong as hard beans, have more cavitation (airpocket) in its structure, which will slow down the transfer of heat to the interior of the coffee, so if too much firepower is used in the roasting process, the surface temperature of soft beans will be too high, resulting in coke and baking defects (scorching). When baking soft beans, the starting temperature should be lower. At the same time, the overall baking time of soft beans should be longer.

Density is important, but not all of baking.

The density of coffee beans and coffee roasting are not only a matter of altitude, there are too many different types of coffee beans, and the storage time of coffee beans also affects the density.

Record the data before baking, the water content, density, origin, treatment method, ambient temperature and humidity in the baking room, etc., and plan your baking curve. Recording the chemical and physical changes during the baking process will help you better understand the final baking results and help improve the baking curve.

Hard beans can provide room for flavor development, you can use a higher baking temperature to bake hard beans, if the baker does not understand the characteristics of raw beans, just copying other people's baking curve will not achieve the desired baking effect.

Please note that the characteristics you want to highlight during baking should take into account the flavor of the coffee beans themselves. Coffee roasting is a complex process, and there are no simple regulations for all situations. Some of the suggestions in this article are just general guidelines for baking to help bakers create their own baking style.