Coffee review

What is the difference between iced coffee and cold coffee? Cold coffee or iced coffee?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) What is the difference between cold coffee and iced coffee? First of all, the concept needs to be analyzed clearly, that is, whether it is cold coffee? Iced coffee? Or traditional hot extraction after iced coffee, strictly speaking, this should belong to the category of iced coffee, therefore,[iced coffee] should be these finished coffee

For information, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What's the difference between cold coffee and iced coffee?

First of all, the concept needs to be analyzed clearly, that is, whether it is cold extracted coffee? Or iced coffee? Or traditional chilled coffee after hot extraction, strictly speaking, this should belong to the category of iced coffee, so [iced coffee] should be a general term for the temperature at which these finished coffees are drunk.

However, the cold-extracted coffee is completely different in the way of extraction, which makes his identity more delicate and outstanding.

-Cold extract coffee.-Cold Brew.

The coffee we drink is to grind the roasted coffee into a specific thickness of coffee powder, and then use water to extract the taste of the coffee.

Usually the coffee we drink is extracted at high temperature, and the high temperature extraction will decompose the tannic acid in the coffee into pyrouric acid, resulting in a sense of bitterness and sour taste.

However, because cold-extracted coffee is extracted at low temperature, when it comes into contact with coffee powder for a long time in low-temperature water, only flavor substances with smaller molecules, such as flower and fruit, are extracted, while flavor substances with large molecules, such as smoking and roasting, are difficult to extract. therefore, cold-extracted coffee is more able to drink the flavor of coffee beans, smooth taste, hierarchical and sweet obvious.

Ice drop coffee Ice-drip

Ice drop coffee is also known as Dutch coffee or Beijing coffee. Cold water or ice water is also used to make ice droplets, but unlike cold-soaked coffee, ice droplets are made by slowly infiltrating the coffee powder with water. In terms of production time, the production of ice droplets only takes about 5 hours, which is about half of that of cold bubbles.

Ice droplets are also a kind of cold-extracted coffee, compared to cold brew directly soaking water with coffee powder for 12 hours, ice droplets are extracted drop by drop. American barista champion Laila once said in an exclusive interview that ice drop coffee (Ice-drip) tastes more fragrant, delicate and subtle than Cold Brew.

Is cold extract better or ice drop better?