Coffee review

What is the ultimate goal of baristas?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Believe it! This is a problem that many people in the coffee industry are more concerned about! First of all! Let's define it! What is a barista? Many people have given the answer: "baristas are people who make coffee and other drinks on the table, and they usually work at the bar." "it's very well defined, very practical! But let's go back to the original question, when everyone chooses this.


Believe it! This is a problem that many people in the coffee industry are more concerned about! First of all! Let's define it! What is a barista? Many people have given the answer: "baristas are people who make coffee and other drinks on the table, and they usually work at the bar." "it's very well defined, very practical! But let's go back to the original question, whether everyone has considered a question when choosing this career: the road of development in the future! Which field can be reached eventually! At present, China's domestic coffee shops have opened one after another! Need a lot of staff! But the same is true of the national conditions! It is difficult to find excellent products with good attitude and ability. Many people ignore one point and do not look at the problem from a height! "ability, attitude" is not a person born with! The standard answer is no! This requires constant learning, growth, accumulation, summary, countless failures, falls, and growing up in pain. Ask, Edison, ask Jackie Chan! Ask the supervisor and manager of all the coffee shops if you don't believe it! As a successful person: if you don't even know the job, process, responsibility, and skills of your subordinates, you are likely to bring down a multimillion-dollar coffee shop! So the process is very important! This is a painful process of accumulation, learning, practice, growth and precipitation. No one succeeds brilliantly as soon as they go out! There's a process! I hope everyone! All must know their own future road! Start from the grass roots! Start from scratch! No matter which position in the coffee shop, enter the line first, enter the enterprise! Survive first, then discover! Achieve your ultimate goal! A successful person who really runs and manages the coffee shop! If you have the money, you can start your own coffee chain! Or a sales company that supplies raw materials and utensils to all coffee shops! Or become the planning and preparation company for all the opening cafes! Or the manufacturer that processes coffee raw materials! Wait! Hope that everyone engaged in coffee and coffee industry can work hard to pay! Then grow up to achieve your ultimate goal!