Coffee review

Iced coffee, cold extracted coffee and cold brewed coffee are the same kind of coffee? Or what do the three of them have?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Iced drop coffee, cold extract coffee, cold brew coffee--are they all the same thing? Or do they all have characteristics and characteristics in different directions? What do they have in common? Today we will talk about these things about them!~

First of all, we all know that about these three kinds of coffee, they all have one thing in common, that is, the temperature is very low. First understand a basic concept, coffee making is the process of extracting some of the substances in coffee. However, if this part of the substance is not extracted completely, it is called "insufficient extraction". If the extraction is finished, the extraction will extract unwanted substances, which is called "over-extraction". It is well known that coffee extraction is closely related to temperature and time. The higher the temperature, the more substances are extracted from the coffee beans, assuming that the same amount of extraction is required, the shorter the extraction time; and the lower the temperature, the longer it takes to extract a certain amount of substances.

Whether it's iced coffee, cold coffee, or cold brew coffee, we literally know that they're at a relatively low temperature, so they need to be extracted for a relatively long time to extract enough substances.

First of all, let's talk about iced coffee. As the name suggests, add ice cubes to a specific container, let the ice naturally dissolve into water, and extract the coffee powder, that is, extract it in a low temperature + long time manner.

The second is cold coffee, which is similar to ice drops, but it may be relatively short lived compared to ice drops. Cold coffee is extracted directly from ground coffee in a special container with ice cubes and water (i.e., an ice-water mixture). The same cold extraction coffee is also extracted in a low temperature + long time manner.

Of course, iced coffee can also be said to belong to the category of cold coffee. The difference lies in the cold coffee extraction process in the participation of only ice water and coffee powder.

A large amount of air is added to the ice drop coffee extraction process. Every drop of ice water mixes with air and ground coffee. After the final production, it needs to ferment for another night. Makes iced coffee have a stronger wine smell.

But cold coffee is clearly more stable in terms of stability. As long as ensure that each time the powder water temperature than time is fixed. The final product will not be too bad. More suitable for star father these chain operations. There are too many variables in iced coffee, so it is necessary to observe the speed of conditional water droplets at all times. And keep the upper layer always a mixture of ice and water, so that each drop of ice water is exactly 0 degrees Celsius. Also control the drip to finish within the estimated time range. When the time is up, if there is not enough dripping, the extraction is insufficient. If the dripping time is too long, the extraction is over-extracted, and the operability is more. In addition, it also needs to be refrigerated for fermentation, which is more suitable for independent cafes to slowly figure out.

Third, let's talk about cold coffee. He and the former two places are still the same with the low temperature + long time extraction method, but the difference is the extraction method. Cold brew coffee, what is brew? Soak coffee powder directly in a certain amount of cold water below 5°C and put it in a low temperature place such as a refrigerator for 8- 12 hours, then remove it and filter it.

Usually the coffee we drink is extracted at high temperature, and the high temperature extraction will decompose the tannic acid in the coffee into pyroacetic acid, resulting in bitterness and sourness.

However, because cold coffee is extracted at low temperature, water and coffee powder contact for a long time at low temperature, only the flavor substances with smaller molecules, such as flower fragrance, are extracted, and the flavor substances with larger molecules, such as smoke and baking flavor, are difficult to extract. Therefore, cold coffee can drink the flavor of coffee beans themselves, taste smooth, layer and sweet obviously.

Whether it's iced coffee, cold coffee, or cold coffee, after a long period of slow extraction, they may extract some sharp substances, which may be sharp acids, or offensive flavors, etc. At this time we are not suitable for immediate drinking, we all need to "raise a raise", just like freshly baked coffee beans we need to raise for a period of time to let some smoke scorched taste disperse, about 1- 2 days to drink.