Coffee review

Flavor characteristics of Papua New Guinea Coffee beans introduction to Paradise Bird Coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee in Papua New Guinea is unique in Papua New Guinea, which is different from its neighboring country Indonesia. Volcanic soil, rich rainforest environment, its bright, sweet and sour, flower-and fruit-scented atmosphere

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In recent years, Papua New Guinea has attracted the attention of the coffee industry, Qianjie Coffee has also been on the shelves of a Papua New Guinea coffee bean. Among them, the coffee beans from Paradise Bird Manor attract the most attention from Qianjie Coffee. Qianjie coffee is mainly because the coffee beans produced by Paradise Bird Manor are relatively stable and have a prominent flavor, which can represent the basic flavor of coffee beans in Papua New Guinea.

The first iron pickup variety of coffee beans in Papua New Guinea was introduced from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica and has an island-type planting environment, so it is called the "Little Blue Mountain". Qianjie Coffee often uses the name Little Blue Mountain to introduce Papua New Guinea Coffee to guests, plus historical reasons, and the name is much easier to remember than Papua New Guinea.

The key factors that determine the taste of coffee are many factors, such as variety, soil, altitude, production treatment and so on. Among them, Qianjie Coffee believes that altitude has the influence of weightlifting. Papua New Guinea is a standard island climate, located between the equator and 10 degrees south latitude, with tropical rain forest volcanoes and plateau topography, 2500 meters above sea level, is a paradise for growing coffee. There are plains and lowlands in the south, coastal areas in the southeast, the central mountain system in the middle, and several separate mountains in the north. It has a rich and unique animal and plant ecology, with about 6500 species of native plants and 380 species of native birds.

Most of Papua New Guinea's coffee is grown in alpine areas. The highlands of Papua New Guinea are mainly divided into eastern and western provinces. In the eastern provinces, coffee is usually grown in Goroka and Kainantu, with two estates, Arona and Purosa, the most famous. In the western provinces, coffee is usually produced on the outer ring of Mount Hagen, the Kimel estate north of Mount Hagen produces high-quality coffee beans, and the Wahgi canyon on Mount Hagen is known for its ideal coffee growing climate and fertile volcanic soil, with Paradise Bird Manor from Wahgi Canyon. The production of coffee in Papua New Guinea is small, with 85% of the production being cultivated under the smallholder model and treated with water. Qianjie believes that the coffee flavor of Papua New Guinea is different from the muggy and low flavor of Indonesia, but has a bright sweet and sour taste, flower and fruit aroma, similar to the flavor of South America.

Qianjie learned that the washing treatment in Papua New Guinea is different from that in Central and South America. Papua New Guinea is treated with three times of water washing and fermentation. Soak for about 24 hours each time, and change clean water to control the flavor of coffee. After cleaning, the shell of the coffee beans is removed and the grades are carried out. Qianjie Coffee found that in the coffee grading system by the strict division of the production areas, they produce coffee beans have one thing in common, that is, the beans are uniform in size and have small defects.


Another reason Qianjie chose Papua New Guinea Paradise Bird Coffee beans is that each coffee purchased by Qianjie Coffee wants to have its own unique characteristics and will not use beans with the same flavor. Qianjie spends a lot of time selecting beans, adjusting the baking curve and parameters, and so on, because a coffee bean can have similarities, but it has to have its own unique characteristics.

Founded in 1950, Paradise Bird Manor is a pioneer in the local coffee industry. It is located in the Wagi Valley in Xigao Province, is rich in mineral volcanic soil, and the Bird of Paradise Manor also pays great attention to ecological protection, rejects the use of pesticides and pesticides, and takes care of the ecology and nearby birds. Qianjie Coffee also agrees with the concept of sustainable development, which can not only improve the ecological environment, but also improve the quality of coffee beans.

The basic information of this Papua New Guinea coffee bean in Qianjie is attached below for your choice and reference.


Front Street Coffee: Papua New Guinea Paradise Bird Coffee beans

Manor: bird of Paradise Manor

Variety: iron pickup

Grade: AA

Altitude: 1600-1800 m

Treatment: washing

Flavor: the sweetness of toast, the sweetness of nuts and the acidity of micro-fruit form a good layered feeling, similar to the aroma of fruit, with a spicy finish and a rich and well-balanced taste.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925