Coffee review

Flat white Australian White Coffee Milk Coffee what is the proportion of Australian White Coffee Milk Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

We all know that espresso and milk are needed to make espresso, and there are many types of milk coffee, such as latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc. the proportion of espresso and milk used in this article is to share with you the recipe of fragrant white coffee in the hidden menu on the front street and the degree of milk disposal.

What is Flat white coffee?

Frey White Flat white is a coffee drink that originated in Australia, so it is also known as Australian White Coffee, but some people argue that Australian White Coffee actually originated in New Zealand. In addition to the origin controversy, the practice of Australian White Coffee is also different. Australian White Coffee is a milk coffee drink with stronger coffee flavor / less milk and thinner milk. When it comes to the choice of concentrated base, New Zealanders like to use double essence espresso (Double Ristretto) to make Australian white coffee, while Australian baristas prefer single espresso (Single Espresso).


And according to Qianjie Coffee, in Australia, people can only make Australian white coffee hot, because once ice is added, this is a cup of Australian white coffee that loses its soul, because the ice will dilute the overall concentration. so it can also be understood that Australian white makes cold lattes.

How to make fragrant white coffee?

Latte is a coffee drink with a lot of milk. The most important feature of Australian white coffee is that when milk is injected into the coffee, it does not merge the milk with the coffee by rotation, but the fine water is injected from the middle to ensure that the oil on the surface of the espresso will not be washed away when the milk is injected, thus forming a small white circle in the middle.

First of all, Qianjie Coffee thinks that Furei White Coffee is a kind of coffee that highlights the taste of coffee.


Australian White uses more espresso than lattes. Qianjie also uses double espresso to make Australian White Coffee, but injects less 100ml of milk powder than lattes. In terms of foam, it will also be thinner than that of a latte, so that you can absorb all the foam and unwashed espresso oil in the first sip.

The following is the proportion of Qianjie Coffee in making fragrant White Coffee:

Qianjie Coffee uses Pegasus E98 espresso machine to make espresso. The Italian coffee beans are sunflower warm Italian beans. The extraction parameters are as follows:


Pressure: 9 bar

Temperature: 90.5 ~ 96 °C

Time: 20: 30 sec

Ratio of powder to water: 1. 7: 1. 1: 2.

Powder content: 12g (single espresso) 20g (double espresso)

Extraction concentration: 20ml (single part) 40ml (double part)

Recommend the ratio of milk to coffee in Australian white coffee


Milk: full-fat fresh milk (Weiji fresh milk used in front street)

Milk temperature: 50-60 degrees Celsius (too low temperature can not stimulate the development of lactose in milk, too high temperature will destroy the protein in milk and turn it into dregs)

Thickness of milk bubbles: 5mm (1cm milk bubbles make lattes, 1.5cm thick milk bubbles make cappuccino)

Espresso content: 40ml

Milk content: 140ml

The above Qianjie coffee provides the production parameters and milk ratio content of espresso. The second most important step is to mix the milk into milk foam, which is also one of the essence of Italian milk coffee. Then Qianjie Coffee will teach you how to make milk bubbles.

What is the best state of Fu Rui Bai's milk foam?

As mentioned above in Qianjie Coffee, Furei White Coffee is composed of espresso and milk. And what needs to be added is the milk that has been sent, and the operation of beating milk foam is a great test of the barista's skills in handling milk, so the production of Australian white coffee is divided into three parts, the first part is to extract espresso, the second part is to dispense milk, and the third cloth powder is to mix the milk with espresso and pull flowers.

What do you do with the milk?

Qianjie Coffee mainly relies on the steam stick of the coffee machine to pour the right amount of milk into the milk tank. For example, the cup of Qianjie Coffee latte is 300 ml, which can be poured into 280 ml of milk, because the milk expands because it is filled with gas. Before starting to dispense the milk, turn on the steam switch slightly to spray the steam to drain the excess water from the steam stick, then submerge the steam head of the steam stick into the milk level and turn on the switch. Finally, mix the milk with the extracted espresso and pull flowers.


What is the degree of coffee laced milk?

According to Qianjie Coffee practice, milk foam can be said to be the most important factor, and the exquisite degree of milk foam directly leads to the stable time of milk foam. The finer the foam, the slower it decomposes. Dispense with milk foam can be divided into two stages, send and play, in which the rough milk foam has been sent to play delicate, specific operation can put the steam stick deep into the milk bubble layer, about the liquid surface of the 1cm, all steam holes are buried in the milk, through a direction of the whirlpool to beat the milk bubble to delicate, generally qualified milk bubble surface without coarse bubbles, showing reflective surface, good fluidity.

Of course, the temperature of milk will also affect the rate of decomposition (layer) of milk bubbles. The ideal temperature for milk is between 55 and 65 ℃. If it is below this temperature, the sweetness of milk will not be excited as much as possible. If it is higher than this temperature, it will cause too much protein denaturation. That is, it will speed up the decomposition of milk bubbles.

What kind of milk do you use for milking?

Then there is Qianjie Coffee, which is often asked by guests that the common question of making milk foam is what milk to use to beat milk foam. In general, Qianjie Coffee will recommend whole milk, so other milk can not be made into milk coffee. Or will the conditions for making milk coffee be improved?

First of all, you should know that milk is made up of three main ingredients: protein, carbohydrates and fat. Protein accounts for 3.3% of milk. Proteins can be broken down into two elements: casein and serum protein.

Serum, or whey protein, contains nine essential amino acids that coagulate or deteriorate when heated to high temperatures. On the other hand, casein forms a "micelle" (micelle means that the surfactant dissolves in water and is dispersed by a single molecule or adsorbed on the surface of the solution when its concentration is low, thus reducing the surface tension. When you steam the milk, it interrupts the formation of the micelle, and the casein molecules wrap around the bubbles, protecting them from breaking, thus forming milk bubbles.

The degree of protein contained in different kinds of milk affects the durability of the latte's surface decoration. Whole milk will have a richer taste and thicker bubbles, while low-fat milk is more likely to produce large bubbles.

Therefore, Qianjie Coffee will choose whole milk with better foaming rate when making milk coffee. Therefore, whether it is full-fat, low-fat or skim milk, can be used to make milk coffee, but the fat in these milk, protein content is different, the difficulty of making milk coffee is also different, of course, there are no small differences in taste. Because of the high fat and protein content of whole milk, the foam sent out is dense, long-lasting and tastes good, so it is the first choice, but other milk also has its own advantages, depending on how to choose in the face of different situations.

The above is the relevant content of Qianjie Coffee about how to make fragrant white and how to make milk foam. At the same time, Qianjie Coffee also hopes to help coffee lovers who want to know about it, so that they can easily make a cup of Italian milk coffee at home in the future.

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