Coffee review

Tasting teacher 20 test questions _ Q Grader course written test project "Coffee Comprehensive knowledge examination"

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) 1. Coffee Comprehensive knowledge Test (a test) the Coffee Comprehensive knowledge Test is the only written test in the Q Grader course. It consists of 100 questions related to coffee planting, picking, primary processing, cup testing, grading, roasting, and brewing. Examinees are at 6.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

1. Coffee General Knowledge Test (one test)

The coffee general knowledge test is the only written test in the Q Grader course. It consists of 100 questions on coffee growing, picking, pre-processing, cup testing, grading, roasting, and brewing. To pass this test, candidates must answer 75% of the questions correctly within 60 minutes.

2. Sensory Skills Test (three tests)

Sensory skills test sets the basic standard of taste sensitivity, candidates have to independently distinguish different intensities of salty, sour, sweet. The exam is divided into three parts:

Part I: Reference Group Identification (Pass Score: 100%)

Candidates need to arrange the correct intensity from each group of solutions

Part II: Blind Group Identification (Pass Score: 80%)

Candidates need to distinguish between taste types and intensity levels in blind tests

Part III: Mixed Group Identification (Pass Score: 70%)

Test takers were asked to identify which flavors were present in the mixture and rate the intensity of the flavors.

3. Olfactory Skills Test (4 tests)

The olfactory test tests candidates 'ability to distinguish between Lenoir Le Nez de Café 36 coffee noses. In 30 minutes, candidates complete four tests with a pass score of 75%. Candidates are required to match six of nine pairs of blind groups and then identify the odors in three specific bottles in four other groups:

Enzymatic group: Flavor comes from planting and processing.

Caramelization group: Flavor comes from the early stages of baking.

Dry distillation group: taste comes from the late stage of baking.

Odor group: caused by storage, touch and initial processing.

4. Cup Test Skills Test (4 test items)

The Cup Test requires students to grade coffee using the Q Cup Scale, the definitive standard for grading coffee. Each cup test needs to be completed in 60 minutes, a total of four sets of cup tests, pass score of 80%. Scores on this test are based on the examinee's judgment of the accuracy and consistency of coffee quality ratings and the description of flavor:

Central American Arabica Coffee Group

East African Arabica Coffee Group

Asian/Indonesian Arabica Coffee Group

Sun-treated Arabica Coffee Group

5. Triangle Cup Test (4 items)

The triangular cup test tests candidates 'ability to distinguish subtle differences in coffee characteristics and learn to measure coffee differences to control coffee quality. There are four tests, each of which needs to be completed in 45 minutes, with a pass score of 83%. When taking the test, the examinee is required to complete the test in a dark room to eliminate visually discernible differences in the coffee sample. The test takers were asked to identify the inconsistent cups in each of six groups of three cups.

6. Organic acid control group test (one test)

The organic acid pairing test is designed to test candidates 'ability to identify common acids in coffee by identifying two cups of coffee with acid added from a group of four cups of very weak coffee, naming and pairing the acids in them. The six main acids are the acid components of coffee, including acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, and quinic acid. The exam takes 40 minutes and has a pass score of 75%.

7. Arabica Green Bean Grading Test (3 tests)

The Arabica Green Bean Grading Test examines candidates 'ability to distinguish between defective beans by counting the number of defective beans in each of three 350-gram samples and grading green beans according to SCAA standards. The green beans are divided into "fine coffee","fine coffee" and "commercial coffee". Candidates must complete the grading of coffee samples within 20 minutes, and two of the three samples must be correct to pass. This is an open-book exam and candidates are allowed to use SCAA Raw Bean Defect Manual and other supporting materials and references.

8. Arabica baked bean grading test (1 test)

Arabica baked bean grading test is similar to Arabica raw bean grading test. Candidates are asked to distinguish the bad beans from the shape of the 100g baked beans (immature beans will not be fully baked). Roasted beans should be graded before being graded according to SCAA criteria. This test is also an open-book test, the test time is 15 minutes, pass score is 100%.

9. Roast Degree Qualification (one test)

The Roast Evaluation Test requires candidates to determine the roast of coffee, evaluating coffee samples by taste and smell under red light to determine the type of coffee roast. Candidates are asked to select four of the following five baking samples: standard baking, light baking, overbaking, baking, and underbaking. The exam takes 60 minutes and has a pass score of 75%.