Coffee review

A brief introduction to the Flavor characteristics and Price of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee how does the deep-roasted blue mountain coffee taste

Published: 2024-10-24 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/24, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee flavor characteristics are: dark chocolate characteristics of nutty flavor, low acidity, mellow, soft, supple taste. So, what makes it have such a sense? Tooth purchase

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

As one of the most representative players of mellow coffee, Blue Mountain Coffee can be said to "dominate" a larger boutique cafe with Indonesia's Mantenin Coffee and Hawaiian Kona Coffee in the past few decades. When people talk about good coffee, they always think of Blue Mountain Coffee for the first time.


Blue Mountain Coffee has always been so loved and recognized by consumers, perhaps because its balanced and mellow coffee flavor has conquered the hearts of coffee glutton. Qianjie Coffee loves Blue Mountain No. 1 Coffee very much, because in the past cup test and daily brewing, Blue Mountain No. 1 Coffee always shows the characteristics of dark chocolate, low acidity, mellow, soft, supple taste, unforgettable taste.

What is Blue Mountain Coffee?

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the most famous island coffee in the world. It is grown in the Blue Mountain Mountains of eastern Jamaica at an altitude of 900-1700m. Although the highest elevation of the Lanshan Mountains is 2256m, more than 1700m is a natural ecological reserve and can not be planted with cash crops such as coffee.


Therefore, Blue Mountain Coffee does not have the advantage of high altitude in planting, so it does not have the pleasant and bright acidity of Central American high-altitude coffee. Mild and low acid is its characteristic.

Blue Mountain Coffee Variety-- Typica

The variety of tin card now grown in the Blue Mountains was painstakingly escorted by French naval officers to the Caribbean island of Martinique in 1720, and then in 1725 the British Governor of Jamaica transplanted 7000 tin card seedlings from Martinique to the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. After more than 200 years of evolution, these tin card varieties have formed excellent disease resistance, especially better than ordinary iron pickups in resistance to rotten fruit disease, so it can be seen in the coffee variety family tree that Blue Mountain Iron Card has been separated separately.


Although Blue Mountain Iron pickup has a balanced coffee flavor, when these Blue Mountain Iron pickups are grown outside of Jamaica / planted at low elevations, the flavor is still not perfect, especially the long tail charm of the iron pickup species. it can only be played incisively and vividly when growing in the high altitude areas of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.

Flavor characteristics of Blue Mountain Coffee

In fact, the flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee is very easy to identify, that is, the dark chocolate flavor unique to the very traditional classical Typica coffee, just like the dark chocolate flavor with a purity of more than 92, which is brought by the pure tin card variety.


In addition, because the planting altitude is not particularly high, it reduces the formation of the sour taste of the coffee itself (because there is not much temperature difference between day and night to slow down the growth of the coffee and make the coffee produce more flavor). Therefore, Blue Mountain Coffee has a very mild mellow feeling, as well as the characteristic flavor of sweet, sour and bitter balance.

Qianjie coffee through the cup test found that the use of medium-deep blue mountain coffee has a very balanced and mellow flavor performance, black Qiaoli, roasted nuts, slightly sour fruit, each flavor is shown in a complementary state, no one will steal the limelight.

How to buy authentic Blue Mountain Coffee?

Qianjie Coffee has always been a loyal fan of Blue Mountain Coffee! In order for everyone to drink authentic and cost-effective Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee, the front street chose Clifton Manor, which has a long history of growing coffee in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.

The estate has been growing and producing coffee since around 1750 and is the only rainforest certified coffee farm in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica (environmental certification is available only in areas that meet the standards of the sustainable agricultural system).


At present, the imported Blue Mountain Coffee is of Blue Mountain No.1 grade. For export, the Jamaican government stipulates that exported blue mountain coffee beans must be loaded in wooden barrels, with strict requirements and specified export standards, and certificates will be given. The relevant buckets and certificates can be seen in the physical stores of Qianjie coffee.

How do the deep-roasted blue mountain coffee beans taste?

Qianjie coffee in order to highlight the smooth fragrance of blue mountain coffee, mellow and solid coffee flavor and taste characteristics, so blue mountain coffee beans will be roasted to a medium-deep level, as the shipments are freshly roasted coffee beans within 5 days, so you don't have to drink blue mountain coffee beans when you receive them. Seal the original packaging of coffee beans until 5-6 days after the baking date, and then start brewing, the flavor of the coffee will be better.

Qianjie Coffee is produced in daily stores, in order to give Blue Mountain Coffee a mild alcohol thickness, KONO filter cups with short ribs are used to prolong the time for water to pass through the coffee powder, and extracted with medium coarse grinding (coarse sugar size / 70% screening rate of China 20 standard sieve) and water of 88-89 degrees Celsius.


Medium rough grinding and low water temperature brewing can slow down the release rate of mellow substances in coffee, and the design of kono short ribs can also fully extract the good flavor substances of coffee. The brewing ratio can be adjusted according to your taste, 1:13 can be used for those who want to feel the balance of Blue Mountain coffee, and 1:15 for those who want to feel the balance of Blue Mountain coffee.

The extraction techniques are as follows: 30 grams of water is injected into the first stage for steaming for 30 seconds, and the second stage is injected into about 125 grams of water, then wait for the coffee liquid to drop, and when it falls to half, the last section of water is injected to 225 grams. Wait for all the coffee drops to lag behind before ending the extraction, the general total extraction time is about 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

"Qianjie washed Blue Mountain Coffee" dark chocolate, rich nutty flavor, creamy smooth taste, sweet and sour balance.