Coffee review

Ten places in the world that are filled with the smell of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee location: Dublin, Ireland, the first sip of Irish coffee, with longing for a long time suppressed by the taste of Irish coffee is a kind of coffee like both wine and coffee, the raw material is Irish Whiskey plus coffee beans, special coffee cup, special cooking method, serious and persistent, ancient and simple. There is a beautiful legend of Irish coffee. It is said that there is a good at Dublin airport.

Coffee venue: Dublin, Ireland

The first sip of Irish coffee, with the taste of longing being suppressed for a long time.

Irish coffee is a kind of coffee that looks like both wine and coffee. the raw material is Irish Whiskey plus coffee beans, special coffee cup, special cooking method, serious and persistent, ancient and simple.

There is a beautiful legend about Irish Coffee. Legend has it that a bartender who is good at mixing cocktails at Dublin airport met a beautiful flight attendant and fell in love with her at first sight. Every time she comes to the bar, she just orders different coffee according to her mood and never orders cocktails. The bartender wanted her to drink the cocktail he made for her, so he thought of combining Irish Whiskey with coffee and invented Irish coffee with a strong and mellow flavor. Since then, the bartender has independently compiled a private wine list for her, which has an extra Irish coffee than any other wine list, hoping to use it only when she comes. I also hope she can find that the Irish coffee is only her own drink. It took as long as a year for the bartender to invent Irish coffee until she ordered it. When he first made Irish coffee for her, he burst into tears with excitement. He wiped away his tears with his fingers and secretly drew them around the mouth of the Irish coffee cup. Therefore, the taste of the first sip of Irish coffee is always with the bitterness of fermentation after longing has been suppressed for a long time. And she became the first guest to order Irish coffee.

Irish coffee itself is a beautiful mistake. It is not only a cocktail, but also coffee, whisky and coffee contain each other, the aroma of coffee with the mellow of spirits, seems to be mismatched, but it has a different scenery. Right here, please allow me to leave a place for you in my heart that only belongs to you, just like the bartender to the one he loves. From then on, Irish coffee will become a love totem for you and me, and we will always leave the best place in each other's hearts.

Irish coffee is to use a special cup, there are three thin lines on the glass of the cup, the bottom of the first line is Irish Whiskey, between the second line and the third line is Mantening coffee, above the third line (the surface of the cup) is cream, white cream represents the purity of love, cream is sprinkled with a little salt and sugar, salt represents tears, sugar represents sweetness, an unforgettable love story, isn't it? The process of making, first of all, is "beaker", which is to volatilize the alcohol of whisky. After burning the cup, the wine and coffee are hot, while the cream is frozen. In the process of slowly melting, the cream pulls out a lot of white thread on the surface of dark coffee and wine, symbolizing the lover's tears. When the temperature reaches balance, the white line spreads out, making people feel another feeling of wanting to cry without tears. In a cup of coffee, taste the bitterness of lovesickness. "Acacia is bitter." Bitter lovesickness, knowing that lovesickness is bitter, why bitter lovesickness.

Coffee well-known index: ★☆

Taste index: ★★

Composite index: ★? ☆

The rolling coast of Ireland

Best time to travel: it is recommended to travel to Ireland in early March, when there is St. Patrick's Day, the biggest holiday in Dublin. If you go to Ireland in July or August, the weather is warmer, the days are long, and there are many festivals gathered in these two months. These two months are the peak tourist season. It is also better to travel to Ireland in spring and autumn, when there are fewer people. It is not suitable to travel to Ireland in winter. Many bars and restaurants are open from October to Easter.

TOP 9: the Kingdom of Coffee-Brazilian Coffee

Coffee venue: Brazil

Brazil is the world's largest producer and exporter of coffee, and all Brazilian coffee is Arabica.

Brazil is famous all over the world for its high quality and strong taste of coffee. It is the largest coffee producer and exporter in the world, and is known as the "coffee kingdom". Coffee originated in Ethiopia in Africa and was introduced into Brazil in 1727. Brazil is located in the southeast of South America, located in the tropics and subtropics, the unique geographical and climatic conditions are suitable for growing coffee, coupled with cheap labor, coffee growing industry is booming.

In the 19th century, coffee was grown almost all over the country, followed by a "coffee boom" that lasted nearly a century. The extensive cultivation of coffee has brought wealth and prosperity to Brazil. At the beginning of the 20th century, Brazil accounted for more than 75% of the world's total coffee production.

The laudatory name of "Coffee Kingdom". Coffee is one of the important pillars of Brazil's national economy. There are 500000 coffee plantations, large and small, with a planting area of about 2.2 million hectares, a working population of more than 6 million, an annual output of about 2 million tons of coffee, and an annual export earnings of nearly 2 billion US dollars. In recent years, Brazilian coffee production and exports have declined due to changes in the export structure and the downturn in the international coffee market. Brazilians love coffee. In the 1960s, per capita annual coffee consumption in Brazil reached 5.8 kg. In the past two decades, with the emergence of other drinks, the per capita coffee consumption in Brazil is still more than 3 kilograms. In Brazil, all kinds of coffee houses can be seen everywhere in both urban and rural areas. People can drink hot coffee with strong fragrance almost anytime and anywhere.

There are many kinds of coffee in Brazil, most of which are unwashed and dried, and they are classified according to the name of the state of origin and the port of transport. Brazil has 21 states and 17 states produce coffee, but four of them produce the largest, accounting for 98% of the country's total output. The taste of Brazilian coffee has a low sour taste, with the sweet and bitter taste of coffee, the entrance is very smooth, but also with a hint of grass aroma, slightly bitter in the fragrance, smooth and smooth, with a pleasant aftertaste.

Coffee well-known index: ★★☆

Taste index: ★★

Composite index: ★? ☆

Amazon River Basin in Brazil

The best time to travel: mainly tropical climate. The humidity is quite high in various places, especially in the coastal areas. Brazil is spring from September 22 to December 21, summer from December 22 to March 21, autumn from March 22 to June 21, 6

From September 22nd to September 21st, it is winter. Local summer is the peak tourist season, if you want to avoid crowds and temperatures above 37 degrees Celsius, April to October is a better time.

TOP 8: Kenyan coffee with a wonderful fruit flavor

Coffee location: Kenya

Kenya Coffee Garden: the Fruit fragrance of African time

It entered Kenya in the 19th century, when Ethiopian coffee drinks were imported into Kenya through southern Yemen. But it was not until the early 20 th century that the Bourbon Coffee Tree was saint. Austin Mission

(St.AustinMission) introduction. Kenyan coffee is mostly grown at an altitude of 1500 mi 2100 meters and is harvested twice a year. To ensure that only ripe berries are picked, people must tour the forest about seven times. Kenyan coffee is grown by small farmers. After they harvest the coffee, they first send the fresh coffee beans to the cooperative cleaning station. The washing station sends the dried coffee to the cooperative in the form of "parchment coffee beans" (that is, coffee beans covered with endocarp) to the cooperative ("parchment coffee beans" is the last state of coffee beans before peeling). All the coffee is collected together, and the growers charge the average price according to their actual quality. This trading method generally works well and is fair to both growers and consumers.

Aromatic, full-bodied, with fruit flavor, taste rich and perfect. Kenyan coffee has a wonderful fruit flavor, tastes like BlackBerry and grapefruit, and is a favorite of many coffee gluttons. This coffee has an excellent medium purity, crisp and refreshing taste. It has a fresh flavor and is most suitable for drinking iced coffee in summer. When tasting this coffee, if it is paired with sour fruits such as grapefruit, it will certainly give you the best coffee experience. "not much like coffee, but a bit like fruit tea" is the common feeling of many people about this kind of shallow roasted Kenyan coffee.

Kenyan AA coffee beans come from Ethiopia, the origin of Arabica coffee trees in the north of Kenya, but did not engage in coffee cultivation until they were handed over at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 19th century, missionaries introduced Arabica trees from Yemen, but did not plant them in large quantities. It was not until 1893, when Brazil's ancient bourbon seeds were introduced, that coffee was cultivated on a large scale. In other words, the current Kenyan coffee is of Brazilian origin, and the taste of Kenyan beans is very different from that of Brazilian beans due to differences in water, climate and handling methods.

Coffee well-known index: ★★

Taste index: ★★★

Composite index: ★★? ★

Kenya is called the Wildlife Kingdom: a herd of elephants is crossing Kenya's Amboseli national marshes.

Best time to travel: Kenya has two rainy seasons a year, long rainy season (about March-May) and short rainy season (about October-November), which is the off-season for tourism, and hotels are relatively cheap. The peak tourist season is from December to March, and from July to October during the summer vacation. During the peak season, it is best to book the hotel in advance.

TOP 7: the perfect combination of Coffee-Hawaiian Coffee

Coffee place: Hawaii, USA

Unusual Hawaiian KonaFancy Coffee

To visit Hawaii, in addition to the beautiful beach, don't forget the Hawaiian coffee bean-kona. The palate is sweet with the acidity of a pleasant wine, very special. It is kona, which is produced on the southwest coast of Hawaii, which is the most traditional and famous coffee in Hawaii. However, because the output here is not high, the cost is extraordinarily high, and the demand for individual coffee in the United States and other places is increasing, so its unit price is not only getting higher and higher, but also not easy to buy.

Kona coffee beans from Hawaii have the perfect appearance, and their fruit is extremely full and shiny. The taste of coffee is rich and aromatic, with cinnamon flavor, and the acidity is well balanced.

Hawaiian coffee is the only top variety produced in 50 states in the United States, and the United States is naturally its largest market. Kona coffee beans from Hawaii have the most perfect appearance. Their fruits are extremely full and shiny. They are the most beautiful coffee beans in the world. The coffee is smooth and fragrant, with an attractive nutty flavor and a well-balanced acidity, as charming as the colorful colors of the island of Hawaii and a long finish. The world-famous "Kona of Hawaii" is a mellow and sour coffee bean.

Coffee well-known index: ★★☆

Taste index: ★★★

Composite index: ★★? ☆

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Best time to travel: unlike other resorts, Hawaii's peak and off-season are not divided by climate (it's always great), but there are four seasons as everywhere, with prices rising slightly in winter from mid-December to March. Summer is the best time for family travel. Relatively speaking, the off-season is spring and autumn, with fewer tourists and higher interest.

TOP 6: the hometown of Arabian Coffee-Ethiopian Coffee

Coffee location: Ethiopia

Workers are drying Ethiopian coffee beans.

Ethiopia, whose economy is dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry, is one of the countries with the largest variety of crops in Africa. Grain mainly produces moss bran, followed by barley, wheat, sorghum and corn. Coffee is the second largest coffee producer in Africa in the world.

Ethiopia, the hometown of Arabica coffee, grows at high latitudes and needs a lot of manual care. It is the hometown of mocha coffee, it has a sour taste similar to wine, fragrant, and the yield is quite high. Ethiopia has unique natural conditions suitable for growing all imaginable varieties of coffee. Mocha coffee is actually one of many kinds of coffee, belongs to chocolate coffee, beans are small and fragrant, sour and mellow taste is strong, sweet taste is moderate, often single drink, but mixed coffee, is an ideal flavor of comprehensive coffee.

The earliest way Ethiopia uses coffee is to chew the whole fruit to absorb its juice, and then they mix the ground coffee beans with animal fat to make it called "bunakela".

Food, as a physical supplement for long-distance travel, developed around 1000 AD to boil green coffee beans in boiling water into aromatic drinks. About 14 A.D.

In the 20th century, it gradually developed into today's roasted coffee, either with sugar or milk, and drank in a variety of ways. due to the prohibition of alcohol in the Koran, coffee quickly became popular in the religious Arab world very early. Nowadays, Ethiopians, rich or poor, drink coffee two or three times a day. The profound influence of coffee culture can be found in various traditional ceremonies, such as weddings and funerals, and festivals. Coffee is an indispensable lubricant in banquet friends and social business.

Ethiopia is the earliest exporter of coffee, which was recorded in 1810. As early as 1500, in the Ethiopian commercial town of "Harger" (Harar)

Coffee was an important commodity, followed by Istanbul in northwestern Turkey in 1554, Venice in Italy in 1645, London in England in 1652, Marseilles in France, and 1663

Coffee shops appeared successively in Amsterdam and the Hague in the Netherlands, Paris in 1675, Hamburg in Germany in 1679, Leipzig in 1694, Stuttgart in 1712 and Vienna in 1863. Coffee is becoming more and more popular in Europe.

Coffee well-known index: ★★★☆

Taste index: ★★★

Composite index: ★★? ★☆

Lalibela Rock Church is a shrine for Ethiopians, and saints gather here on January 7 every year.

The best time to travel: in Ethiopia, the most popular travel slogan is "enjoy 13 months of sunshine". This stems from Ethiopia's year-round pleasant climate, warm sunshine and a 13-month calendar. Ethiopians live in direct sunlight and have strong ultraviolet rays. Because most places are high above sea level, the annual temperature is generally between 12 ℃ and 28 ℃. Therefore, Ethiopia is the best time to travel all year round, which is a unique natural condition that many people call the kingdom of animals and plants.

TOP 5: world Best Coffee Award-Peruvian Coffee

Coffee venue: Peru

Peruvian coffee is mostly grown at the foot of the Andes, where it is rich in traditional Central American top coffee beans.

In the mid-1970s, Peruvian coffee production was about 900000 bags a year, and then steadily increased to about 1.3 million bags a year. Although private exporters buy coffee in remote areas through middlemen, the main market is still monopolized by the government. Later, the private Peruvian Coffee exporters Association (ComeradeExportadoresdeCafedelPeru) was established, which is committed to improving the quality of coffee. Its primary task is to set standards and eliminate inferior products, so as to create an atmosphere of quality supremacy. This positive move heralds a bright future for the coffee industry. Since then, rising prices have encouraged farmers to actively grow coffee rather than cocoa, the region's traditional cash crop.

The quality of Peruvian coffee is comparable to that of any kind of coffee in Central or South America. The high quality coffee produced by Peru is shipped to Germany for blending and then to Japan and the United States, which also illustrates its high standard of quality. Peruvian coffee, a rising star, is gradually opening up its popularity and entering the world. It is mostly planted in high-altitude areas, the planned planting makes the yield greatly increased, the taste mellow, the right acidity, more and more people like it.

Coffee well-known index: ★★★☆

Taste index: ★★★★

Composite index: ★★? ★★☆

Ma Qiu Picchu: the lost city

Best time to travel: Peruvian summer is from December to March of the following year, with February as the hottest month of the year, but its monthly maximum temperature does not exceed 31 ℃. Peruvian winter is from April to November, and the average monthly temperature in Peruvian winter is only 18 ℃. Therefore, the best travel time for Peru is from May to October.

TOP 4: the Diamond of Asian Coffee Crown-Yemeni Coffee

Location: Yemen

The name mocha coffee comes from Mocha in Yemen, and the port can no longer be used.

Yemen is the first country in the world to grow coffee on a large scale and has a long history. As early as the beginning of the 6th century, when coffee spread from the Horn of Africa to Yemen, Yemenis began to grow coffee as a cash crop. Yemenis have had the habit of drinking coffee since ancient times, and the coffee culture here is very different from that of other parts of the world. In Yemen, there are many middlemen engaged in the acquisition and storage of coffee, the newly purchased coffee is in no hurry to sell every year, and coffee farmers also hoard coffee at home as a means of saving. the ones that really enter the market are often old beans that have been in stock for several years. Due to the dry climate and lack of rain in Yemen, the water content of these coffee beans is very low, which gives Yemeni coffee a very unique taste.

Yemeni coffee is also picked and processed entirely by hand. The preliminary processing of coffee beans is made by drying and drying naturally in the sun. This method is the most primitive and simple, without any machinery or cleaning, so sometimes there are a small amount of sand and pebbles in Yemeni coffee beans. At present, only Brazil, Haiti and a few parts of India still use drying method to treat coffee beans. The coffee roasting process is also done entirely by hand, and the heat depends entirely on experience and feeling. Every process from planting, picking to roasting is done in the oldest way, and although the roasted beans are of different colors, it is this aroma mixed with rugged and wild flavors that makes the unique Yemeni mocha coffee. No wonder some people call Mocha "the diamond in the crown of Asian coffee".

Yemeni coffee has different names according to its specific origin, and there are 13 main kinds of coffee. Although the taste and flavor are slightly different, it is still collectively called mocha. One of the most famous varieties is Sanani.

(Sanani), Mattari and Harazi are mainly distributed in the mountains around the capital Sana'an and the high-altitude mountains between Sana'an and Hodeida province. Yemeni mocha coffee has small fruit, high density, high acidity and unique aroma. Compared with other famous coffee varieties, it has a strong sour taste, as well as a mixture of malt, nuts, wine, chocolate and other spices.

Coffee well-known index: ★★★★

Taste index: ★★★★

Composite index: ★★? ★★★

The ancient city of Shebam in Yemen stands in the desert of Rubuhari {or empty city}, occupying an area of 1gam15 of the Arabian Peninsula.

Best travel time: different places in Yemen have different best travel times, if you go to Tihama, Aden Aden or

Hadhramawt, do not go in July, when it is very hot; if you go to the plateau, December is very cold. Most areas are dry and dusty from October to February, and the temperatures in March, April and August are moderate but rainy. Generally speaking, April-May and September-October are the best travel times. In addition, traveling on major festivals in Yemen is also a good choice to learn about the local culture.

TOP 3: the most superior coffee in the world-- Jamaican coffee

Coffee venue: the Blue Mountains of Jamaica

Jamaica's Blue Mountain Coffee is famous all over the world. Of course, you can't miss the opportunity to see and taste the Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica.

Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee in the world. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. It is located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round. (the average precipitation is 1980 mm and the temperature is

This climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, as well as the highest price in the world. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste. It is generally drunk on a single product, but because the output is very small and the price is extremely expensive, it is generally made with coffee with a similar taste on the market.

The "secret" of why Blue Mountain coffee tastes pure: their coffee trees are all on rugged hillsides, and the picking process is so difficult that non-local skilled women are simply unable to do it. It is very important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking. Immaturity or ripeness will affect the quality of the coffee. The picked coffee beans are shelled on the same day, and then let them ferment for 18 hours. After that, the coffee beans were cleaned and screened. The subsequent process is to dry, which must be carried out on the cement floor or on a thick blanket until the humidity of the coffee beans drops to 12% 14%. And then store it in a special warehouse. Take it out and roast when needed, then grind it into powder. These procedures must be strictly mastered, otherwise, the quality of coffee will be affected.

Jamaica's national treasure, Blue Mountain Coffee, is perfect in all respects, just like wine, many wineries are now bought by the Japanese. The Japanese have bought most of the Jamaican coffee in recent years, so it is very difficult to buy it in the market. It is said that it has not been available in Britain for four years, and the spending power of Easterners is really staggering.

Coffee well-known index: ★★★★☆

Taste index: ★★★★☆

Composite index: ★★? ★★★☆

Jamaica surrounded by the Caribbean Sea

The best time to travel: Jamaica is suitable for travel all the year round, with warm days in winter, not too cold nights and hot summers. May-November is the rainy season, with more rainfall in May, June and October, except for Portland in Portland.

Outside, most areas usually fall in the evening, and the rest of the time is sunny. The peak period of tourism is from mid-December to mid-April.

TOP 2: Mexican Coffee, one of the best coffee in the world

Coffee location: Mexico

In Mexico, due to geographical and climatic reasons, the Mexican coffee growing area is close to Guatemala, and the production classification belongs to the Central American type. The main producing areas are: Kolabegu, O'Aluca states, most of the products are washed beans produced in the highlands, with a good aromatic and sour taste. Mexicans are enthusiastic and optimistic, and the chocolates in Mexican coffee perfectly reflect this. Mexican coffee has different practices, but the main difference is whether it contains alcohol or not.

This is the main coffee producing country in Central America. The coffee tastes comfortable and charming. The Mexican coffee of choice is coatepec and Huatusco.

(huatusco), Orezaba (orizaba), of which Cottpe is considered to be one of the best coffee in the world. Coffee is characterized by a smooth taste, high acidity, medium mellow and a slightly nutty finish. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral, moderately sour, special and elegant. Although the professional value of coffee in Mexico is small, it is very suitable for blending. Because of the huge output of coffee, the price is not very expensive.

Coffee well-known index: ★☆

Taste index: ★☆

Composite index: ★☆

The best time to travel: 1000-2000 mm in the central Gulf Coast and the southern Pacific coast. Because the territory of Mexico is mostly plateau topography, there is no severe cold in winter, no heat in summer, and evergreen trees in four seasons, so it enjoys the laudatory name of "Pearl of the Plateau". The most appropriate tourist season for Mexico is from mid-December to March of the following year. During this period of time, the wind is sunny and the temperature is suitable.

TOP 1: Cuban Coffee, the Best of Coffee

Coffee venue: Cuba

Cuba, famous for producing sugar, tobacco and coffee, is a republic made up of Cuba, the largest island in the West Indies, and other affiliated islands. Coffee was introduced from Haiti by the French in the middle of the 18th century. Cuban coffee is a kind of coffee with Caribbean flavor, which is full of grains, fragrant, sweet and bitter. Some people call it "Cuba Blue Mountain". It is full of intoxicating tobacco flavor and is the best of coffee.

Cuban coffee beans are characterized by medium-large, bright green coffee beans of high quality. The grades are divided into ETL (extra Super Class), TL (Middle Pole) and AL according to the size of coffee beans.

Mount Clydale is Cuba's proudest high-quality, large-shaped high-end coffee bean. The best coffee in Cuba is Turquino or Extra.

Turquino). Tujino is a coffee grade rather than a place name, just like Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue

Mountain). This coffee has a pure flavor and moderate granules, and because it is grown at lower elevations, its acidity is lower than that of many coffees grown in Central America.

Coffee well-known index: ★

Taste index: ★

Composite index: ★

The best time to travel: Cuba has a mild subtropical savanna island climate, with an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. Cuba is divided into two seasons throughout the year: the dry season, November-April is the best time to travel, December-January is affected by the cold air in the north, the climate is cool. In the rainy season, from May to October, there are usually brief showers in the afternoon.