Coffee review

What are the classification of coffee varieties and what are the common coffee varieties?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Based on the classification of coffee varieties: ① according to large varieties, coffee can be simply divided into Arabica species and Robusta species. In general, Arabica tastes better than Robsta (it is not so simple to generalize). For example, we often hear a fast food chain claiming to use 100% Arabica coffee beans. But it is important to note that Arabica does not necessarily represent

Based on the classification of coffee varieties: ① according to large varieties, coffee can be simply divided into Arabica species and Robusta species. In general, Arabica tastes better than Robsta (it is not so simple to generalize). For example, we often hear a fast food chain claiming to use 100% Arabica coffee beans. But it is important to note that Arabica does not necessarily represent good coffee, or that most Arabica coffee beans are far from quality.

As the original species of the Arabica variety. It is said that iron pickups originated in southern Sudan, flourished in Ethiopia and finally planted in Yemen around the 7th century AD for commercial production. The ripe fruit of the iron pickup is red, and the leaves on the crown are red. The yield of this variety is relatively low and its disease resistance is very poor, but its excellent cup test quality makes it popular all over the world.

Bourbon (English name Bourbon)

Bourbon is the product of a genetic mutation of the original Tybika species on the island of Reunion, and it is also the patrilineal and even paternal variety of many popular Latin American coffee varieties, including Kaddura, Kaduai, Pacas, New World, etc. Bourbon is still popular in Latin America today, crossing the ocean to Africa and taking root in Rwanda and Burundi. The ripe fruits of bourbon are mostly red, and there are also yellow or orange varieties. The output of bourbon is about 20% more than that of Tibica; although the flavor is slightly sweeter and sometimes more balanced, the two varieties of coffee are generally very similar.

Kaddura (English Caturra)

In the 1930s, a Bourbon gene mutation was found near the Brazilian city of Kadura, and it was named Kaddura. Kaddura's yield is high, and compact plants are easy to pick, but if planted at lower elevations, this characteristic becomes its own worst enemy-coffee becomes quite light here, so the weight of the fruit itself can crush the plant. If planted in a high altitude environment (more than 1200 meters), Kaddura's coffee quality and yield can be better guaranteed. Kaddura is a common variety of Central American coffee belts.

Kaduai (English Catuai)

Brazil bred Kaduai in the 1950s, which is a hybrid of Kaddura and the New World, with strong disease resistance and high yield. Like Kaddura, the ripe fruit of Kaduai is naturally divided into red and yellow. Kaduai is famous for its acidity and is common in most Central American countries.

Rose Summer (English Geisha)

Rose summer has a feeling of sudden rise, the popularity in the market in the past two years is getting higher and higher, in the early years, roses summer beans can not be seen. Rosa, with slightly slender fruits and leaves, is a genetic mutant of Tibica and is said to have originated in the small town of Rosa in southwestern Ethiopia. Rose seeds were shipped to Tanzania in the 1930s and to Costa Rica in the 1950s. These two countries are the only important growers of Rosa outside Panama. On the other hand, the rosy summer of Panama is after the undisputed coffee (people are used to making the Blue Mountain the king of coffee). From the perspective of the rose summer beans in the past two years, after many curve adjustments, the rose summer beans have a strong tropical flavor and obvious characteristics of citrus and tea, which is indeed a rare good bean.

New World (English Mundo novo)

New World (also known as Mondonovo) is a hybrid of Bourbon and Tibica, which first appeared in the 1940s and is still widely welcomed by Latin American coffee producers today. Its disease resistance and yield are better than bourbon and Tibika, but at the cost of insufficient flavor complexity.

Katim (English name Catimor)

Katim is a hybrid of Kaddura and Timor. This highly resistant plant has the ability to resist coffee leaf rust. When it comes to this, I inevitably want to talk about Yunnan coffee in our country. In fact, the coffee beans in Yunnan in the early days were mainly Arabica, and they were also original species with excellent taste. As early as the 1950s, it also won high praise on the international stage. In fact, Yunnan is a place that can produce very high-quality coffee beans in terms of tree species, geology, climate, and so on, but our way of handling raw beans is very backward, which leads to the low recognition of Yunnan beans in the market. Later, because of the large-scale ordering of Nestle coffee, in order to increase production, coupled with the lower quality requirements of instant coffee, Yunnan began to cut down Arabica beans on a large scale and began to plant Katim. Since then, Yunnan coffee has become synonymous with low-end coffee. It is gratifying that in recent years, Yunnan production areas have re-recognized the importance of quality and began to increase the planting proportion of Arabica species. After several years of growth, the production of Yunnan coffee beans has been very gratifying.