Coffee review

Tresrios Farm produces beans with closed cracks and physical hardness.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are eight different coffee growing areas in Costa Rica. Each producing area produces coffee beans with its own unique flavor characteristics, creating a rich variety of flavors in Costa Rica. Tres Rios Tres is one of the eight coffee bean producing areas in Costa Rica.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There are eight different coffee growing areas in Costa Rica. Each producing area produces coffee beans with its own unique flavor characteristics, creating a rich variety of flavors in Costa Rica. Eight coffee bean producing areas in Costa Rica

Among them, Tres Rios Tresrios

The mountains of Tres Rios produce the world's most popular coffee. Many coffee lovers give Tresrios a reputation as the "French Bordeaux" of the coffee growing area, because the characteristic manor coffee beans produced are of high quality. Like Poas, Tres Rios coffee is grown in soils rich in volcanic minerals in the Yilasu volcanic area. Different from other regions Tresrios has two significant seasons and the weather patterns of dry season and rainy season are obviously different providing ideal growth conditions for high-quality coffee beans.

Tresrios Farm is famous for producing beans with closed cracks and physical hardness (hard beans: full and dense wood structure). As a result, Tres Rios coffee has a pleasant finish and a well-balanced Body. Tres Rios coffee has a well-balanced acidity and does not overwhelm the lighter aroma.

Flavor characteristics: Tres Rios coffee has a complex and full-bodied aroma, and provides sweet chocolate and rich fruit flavor.
