Coffee review

African coffee producing area with charming fruit acids and washed and sun-dried coffee beans of producing area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, African coffee flavor characteristics: charming fruit acid as the birthplace of coffee, African coffee in the entire coffee industry in a pivotal position. Although coffee has been commercially grown worldwide for hundreds of years, Africa's vast number of wild coffee varieties remain the greatest treasure trove of coffee researchers today. African coffee is generally characterized by intense aroma and charm

African coffee

Flavor characteristics: charming fruit acids

As the birthplace of coffee, African coffee plays an important role in the coffee industry. Although coffee has been commercially grown worldwide for hundreds of years, Africa's vast number of wild coffee varieties remain the greatest treasure trove of coffee researchers today. African coffee is generally characterized by strong aroma and attractive fruit acid, its acidity is lively and exciting, but African coffee is often slightly thin, sweet is not too prominent. African coffee due to drought and water shortage, more than the use of sun treatment of raw beans, beans are often uneven and beautiful, defect rate is high.

Coffee cultivation in Serbia is dominated by the western and southern regions, with smallholder families accounting for 90% of the total cultivation. Nearly 1.2 million smallholder families live on coffee cultivation. The planting area of each household is less than 4 hectares, the average planting altitude is between 1000 and 2300 meters, the planting density is between 1000 and 1800 coffee trees per hectare, and the output per hectare is nearly 600kg.

Coffee cultivation in Ethiopia is divided into:

● Forest coffee forest coffee (8-10%), coffee trees coexist with other crops in the original forest, without any artificial care, farmers will regularly pick coffee fruit

● Forest-semi-forest coffee (30-35%), coffee tree planting area is located around the forest and farmers 'living area, coffee tree and forest coffee are the same natural production varieties, farmers will manage coffee tree planting area and plant other cash crops.

● Garden coffee (50-55%), coffee trees are planted around farmers 'living areas, and most of them are coffee planted by farmers themselves.

Plantation coffee (5-6%), large private growers with more processing facilities and production capacity.

Ethiopia's coffee processing methods are divided into the following:

● Sunlight is the most traditional treatment method. Harrar area is especially dry and has no water source for washing. All production is sun-treated. Other areas Sidama, Yirgacheffee ,Guji and Jimma also have sun-treated production.

● Washing, compared with the sun on the treatment equipment, water resources, treatment plant environment has higher requirements, but also can be more stable mass production of high-quality coffee, except Harrar production areas have washing treatment methods

flavor profile

● Wash, citrus fruit, similar to lemon, orange, orange, grapefruit, sweet grapefruit, flavor strength from the more obvious citrus fruit (peel) aroma, to different intensities of fruit acid, from soft small orange, to moderate intensity of orange, and then to the more refreshing lemon and grapefruit acid.

● Sunlight, ripe yellow, red, black fruit fruity, similar to apricot, peach, cherry, strawberry, cranberry (dry), blueberry (dry), plum, etc., accompanied by different degrees of aroma, such as rum, whiskey, and even red wine aroma (beaujolais).

Ethiopia's Nine Fine Production Areas

Yejia Xuefei (fine production area): altitude 1,800 ~ 2,000 meters| Garden coffee system|

Yegashefi is affiliated with the Sidama region and is separated due to its unique flavor. In addition to the town of Yejia Shefei, it also includes three sub-producing areas around Wenago, Kochere, Gelena and Abaya. Therefore, Yirgacheffe A, Wenago A, Kochere A, Gelena/AbayaA will be more expensive than the namesake B in the new Yergacheffe grading system. In addition to washing and sun exposure, the recently introduced semi-washed Yega Shefi is also worth a try.

Xidamo (fine production area): altitude 1,400 ~ 2,200 meters| Garden coffee system|

The flavor is similar to Ye Jia Xue Fei, delicate washed or sun-dried West Damo, the same flower fragrance and orange fragrance, the price is not inferior to Ye Jia Xue Fei. The varieties of these two regions are similar, with medium seeds but also small seeds with short plants, which farmers often sell separately. Common Kurmie, poor disease resistance;Wolisho; tall and robust;Deiga, medium tree, these three species are the main force of the fine sun series Biloya and Aretha.

Lime (fine production area): altitude 1, 200~2000 meters| Pastoral, forest, semi-forest, plantation coffee system|

The output is small, mainly exported to Europe and the United States market, Taiwan is not easy to buy, but Europe and the United States are very popular, there are three treatment methods of washing, sun and semi-washing. Lim's body viscosity will be significantly lower, flower and citrus flavor performance is also inferior to Yega Shefi and Sidamo, but more grass and brown sugar aroma, fruit acid bright.

Hala (fine production area): altitude 1,500 ~2400 meters| Garden coffee system|

Hara is an ancient city in the east, but coffee is not grown in the Urban area. The so-called Hara coffee refers to the coffee produced by Haraji High and Low in the Great Hara area. Since the annual rainfall is only 1,000 mm, all solar treatment is adopted. Flavor Upper Hara Coffee is famous for its special [mixed fragrance], which is typical of ancient early morning flavor. She is tied with Yega Shefi [double star].

If Harrah's defective beans are picked clean, it's easy to drink berry fruit with a pleasant, fermented aroma. However, due to various factors, the quality of Hara coffee has been unstable in recent years, and the grading system is not true, so be sure to test or try it when purchasing.

Jinma (commercial soybean production area): altitude 1,350 ~ 1,850 meters| Forest/semi-forest systems|

Kimma is the capital of the Kafa Forest or Kafa Province. The English spelling is very messy. Most maps are jimma, but coffee sacks are spelled Djimmah. This is Ethiopia's largest coffee producing area, accounting for 1/3 of exports.

Kafa Forest is known for its primitive wild varieties. Jinma is the distribution center of kafa in this area. Farmers used to pick from forest areas and transport them to Jinma. Then they mixed hundreds of varieties together and sold them as commercial beans, resulting in the aroma of many delicious varieties being masked.

Although the washed gold marmalade lacks the orange fragrance and floral charm of Yejia Xuefei, the flavor spectrum is quite clean and clear, similar to Central American fine products. Commercial-grade fine gold ma is very common in Taiwan. If you are lucky, you can buy high-quality and inexpensive gold ma. You can drink the fragrance of lemon peel, which is not inferior to West Damo. Overall, Kimma has a better flavor than the Brazilian bulk commercial bean Sandos, making it a good mid to low priced formula bean.

Iruba (commercial soybean production): Altitude 1,350 ~ 1,850| Forest/Semi-Forest Coffee System|

This area is located in the west of Ethiopia, just bordering Sudan, is the most convenient western production area, coffee gene complexity is only second to the coffee forest, beans are significantly larger than Yega Shefi and Sidamo, fruit acid flavor is low, viscosity is good, flavor balance, coffee here is mostly transported to Jinma mixed, rare independent sale.

Kimbi, Lekati (commercial soybean producing area): Altitude 1,500~1,800| Forest/Semi-Forest Coffee System|

There are sun-dried and washed beans in this area, beans are similar to Hara's long body beans, and there are also a small number of high-quality beans popular in Europe and America. Most of them are known as poor haras, fruit acids and fruity flavors due to erubaba, which has a bright flavor.

Tiebi, Beibeika (bulk commercial bean production area): altitude 500~ 1,900 meters| Pastoral/Forest/Semi-Forest Coffee System|

The two producing areas are very close, Tibi is in the north of Bebeka, with enterprise-oriented coffee plantation, and in recent years, the pastoral system has been promoted to increase agricultural income, with an annual output of about 3,000 tons. Both have wild coffee, yield is not high, flavor is very different from Harrah and Yerga Sherphine, low fruit acid is the biggest feature, suitable for making formula beans, there are sun and water washing.

Lake Tana (alternative production area): elevation 1,840 meters| forest systems|

Monastery coffee, the annual production of coffee in the surrounding forests is very small, less than 10 tons, in fact, can not be called the production area, the lake area is full of Eastern Orthodox monasteries, churches, religious murals and myths, creating the world's most "divine" coffee.

European monasteries pioneered local coffee farming, which was later run by coffee communities or cooperatives in the villages surrounding the town. There are no special plantations here, coffee trees are naturally scattered in forests and fields. During harvest season, Ethiopian coffee trading companies come to town to buy coffee beans collected by farmers.

In addition to the town of Yejia Shefei, it also includes three sub-producing areas, namely Wenago, Kochere and Gelena/Abaya.

West Dharma Region Profile

Sidamo grows in the southernmost Ethiopian plateau at an altitude of 4,600 - 7,200 feet (Sidamo Province). It is a famous boutique coffee area in southern Ethiopia, bordering Kenya, southeast of Gemma and due south of the capital. It is usually sweeter and more popular than most people. Its annual output is about 225000 bags/60kg. The beans are smaller than Longberry and have gray in green. In Sidamo's sun drying field, coffee is placed in hemp net wooden frames. Workers take turns stirring coffee manually in the sun. Sun-baked sidamo is usually labeled as G4 outlet, while washed sidamo is more perfect than sun-baked sidamo, so most of them are G2 outlet.

Sidamo coffee is very diverse. Different soil types, microclimate and numerous native coffee species, high mountains, highlands, plateaus, valleys and plains, diverse terrain, and the geology of the area is rich in nutrients, well drained volcanic soil, soil depth of nearly two meters, the surface soil is dark brown or brown. Its greatest advantage is that soil fertility is maintained through the recycling of organic matter, using withered leaves from surrounding trees or plant roots as fertilizer.

Sitama coffee beans are slightly gray, some places are coarse and some places are fine, the acidity is soft and strong, the alcohol is appropriate, and the sweet and spicy aroma is one of the courtyard coffees in the southern highlands of Ethiopia. It differs from African coffee in that Sidamo has a clear acidity, a smooth taste and a delicate floral aroma.

90+ candle light

Country: Ethiopia

Production area: 90+SNNP, Sidama

Elevation: 1750-2000 m

Treatment: Natural Process

Category: Ethiopian Heirloom

Light Roast

Wind: floral, nectarine, tropical fruit, blackberry, blueberry, plum, cream, cinnamon

Acidity: medium to high

Ninety Plus Coffee, a specialty coffee supplier from the United States, was founded in 2006

"90 +" does not mean all coffees rated above 90. Good coffee, one year, one year nothing. Sometimes it appears in different estates and has different taste characteristics. "Ninety +" refers to a 13-flavor range of premium coffee. These coffees come only from the American specialty coffee creator-Ninety Plus Coffee. They are all old Ethiopian Heirloom varieties, cultivated in an ecological environment and processed under art standards to optimize taste.

The processing process is 90 +'s specialty. It will separate these coffees one by one according to variety, microclimate and fresh harvest time, taste them one by one, design processing methods for each taste, achieve a taste characteristic, just like the design of big brands, carefully study and spend painstaking efforts to complete a handicraft close to art. Natural products go through a lot of refinement and improvement, and finally reach the most beautiful posture before presenting the content to everyone.

The products of the new production season may cancel the original L grading system (original L7\L12\L39\L139), while the product and product line division is divided by more significant taste difference. The product line is divided into four series: NinetyPlus Ethiopia, NinetyPlus Panama, Ninety Levelup and NinetyPlus Limited. The flower head belongs to a single farm system (we temporarily call it Single Farm Project, SFP for short).

Huakui production area: Guji Guji, Shakisso, Hambella Hambella

At present, there are about 20 treatment plants of various sizes in Hambella production area. As a coffee green bean company rooted in Ethiopian coffee producing areas, Hongshun has established four solarization plants in Ethiopia since 2016 in the GUJI zone Hambella producing area, and conducted a series of research on solarization methods using high quality coffee varieties in the region in the 17/18 season. Hambella core production area four manor treatment plants, namely "Dire" church treatment plant,"mansa" mountain pond treatment plant,"Bobea" red flag treatment plant,"Goro baessa" mountain spring treatment plant. Goro baessa is a small village surrounded by mountains at an altitude of 2280 meters. December is its coffee harvest season every year. Whenever this time, the mountains are full of red ripe coffee cherry. The village is neatly arranged on the African sunbed. This is where the "flower queen" is treated.

The Huakui 2.0 we tasted came from a micro-batch of Shanquan treatment plant. Compared with last year's local hybrid "Huakui","Huakui 2.0" had more consistent bean shape and cleaner treatment. After the cup test evaluation, this year's "flower chief" has a bit rich and enchanting flower fragrance, mellow red wine and tropical fruit flavor, and a bit more transparent fruit juice sour and sweet. Ethiopian Sidamo Shakisso Natural

Country: Ethiopia Fiscal year: 2003

Production area: Guji District

Altitude: 2250-2350

Treatment: Sunlight

Breed: Native species Heirloom

Producer: Local smallholder farmers

Flavor: Passion fruit, rose bouquet, strawberry jam

Yirgacheffe Worka Washed G1

[Yejia Shefei Washing Woka]

Country: Ethiopia Fiscal year: 2003

Grade: G1

Production area: Worka Woka

Degree of baking: Light baking

Treatment method: washing

Breed: Native species

Processing plant: Woka Cooperative

Flavor: lemon, kumquat, white grape juice

Woka Cooperative

Water washing Ethiopia can reach the highest level of G1, which is very rare

This bean comes from a single farm in Ethiopia and is processed by the Worka cooperative. Alemayehu Alako Farm is a member of the Waka Cooperative.

Woka Cooperative was founded in 2005 and joined the famous Yejia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU,Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union) that year, which is famous for producing high-quality sun Ye Jia Xuefei. The Waka Cooperative has about 300 coffee farmers. YCFCU was founded in 2002 and includes 26 other cooperatives serving more than 45000 coffee farmers.

Woka is located in the southeastern Jietipu producing area (Gedeb) of Yejia Sheffield. In the early years, the area used the name of Waka to export locally produced coffee beans, or handed over to the Waka Cooperative for processing. But in the past two or three years, independent and single sources have been excavated by coffee hunters all over the world, such as Banko Gotiti, Banko Dadhato, Halo Bariti, and so on. Guodingding Village is the first village area that was independent a few years ago, and many self-employed small farmers were also members of the Waka Cooperative, so the technology of producing coffee is not to mention.

The Waka Cooperative, located in the south of Gedeb District, was founded in 2005 and joined the famous Yejia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU,Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union) that year, which is famous for producing high-quality sun Yega Coffee Farmer. The Waka Cooperative has about 300 coffee farmers. YCFCU was founded in 2002 and includes 26 other cooperatives serving more than 45000 coffee farmers.

Ethiopia Yega Xuefei Kochel

Grade division: G1

Variety: Heirloom

Planting height: 1650 m ~ 1800 m

Treatment: washing

Flavor characteristics:

Fruity (fruity), Fresh Jasmine Aroma (fresh jasmine), Berries (berry), Citric Acidic (citric acid), Pineapple (pineapple), Apple (apple) Smooth (smooth), Clean (clear), Long Aftertaste (long finish)

[Cochell producing area]

Kochere, located on a plateau with an altitude of 1650 meters to 1800 meters above sea level

Ethiopia's main picking season is November and December, and most farmers do not use modern farming methods, use artificial care of coffee trees, and do not use harmful pesticides or herbicides. As a result, almost all coffee in Ethiopia is the default organic coffee, whether certified or not, the combination of original growth methods and precision processing makes the region's coffee world-famous. Neko farmer said: this time because there is no time to prepare, but the next harvest will be ready to certify RFA organic certification.