Coffee review

Why is the name of individual coffee so long? Of course, the longer the better.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) We often see some English words, numbers, or some strange names on the label of coffee products. Friends who have just come into contact with boutique coffee must have such confusion, such as Kenya AA, Ethiopia / Yegashefi G1, Guatemala.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

We often see some English words, numbers, or strange unknown names on the names of coffee products. Friends who have just come into contact with boutique coffee must have such confusion, such as Kenya AA, Ethiopia / Yegashifi G1, Guatemala SHB, Indonesia Sumatra / Lin Dong Manning 20 mesh. How on earth do you understand these combinations? What does each of them mean?

What is single coffee?

"Single-origin coffee" is a broad term that is often interpreted simply as originating from a single producer, crop, or region in the same country. "Single estate" and "single region" mean coffee comes from the same estate, processing plant or cooperative, and buyers can then see labels indicating the name of the region, specific region or estate where the coffee is grown, or even micro-regions (specific varieties within a specific estate).

However, this does not completely represent the meaning of a single product. The most important thing about a single product coffee is that it can be traced back to its source. You can know exactly where the coffee comes from. It is a single product rather than a mixed formula. Usually higher quality single-origin coffees, you can see the history of the specific farm production, and the flavor of these coffees is the same as it should be, with the characteristics of specific coffees grown in specific areas.

That's why third wave coffee loves single-serve coffee-everyone knows more about the coffee you drink and how the growing stage affects the flavor of the coffee.

The name of single-serve coffee contains basic flavor and quality

The most common coffee naming formula: country + region + variety name + estate name (treatment plant, group name)+ treatment method + grade...

Through naming, you can directly understand the basic flavor and quality of this coffee, so today I want to explain to you that these seemingly complex names represent important information about each single coffee!

Name of the port of export

For example: Santos, Brazil, Mocha, Yemen. In addition, the coffee produced in Ethiopia is also known as "Haramoka".

Name the original species and variety.

When Arabica species and Robusta species are shipped at the same time, the variety name will be marked under the country name.

For example: Camelon-Arabica, Uganda-Robsta and so on.

Varieties of coffee will also have different flavors, and rare varieties will be specially marked.

For example: Bourbon (Bourbon), Pacamara (Pacamara), Rosa (Geisha).

Mountain naming

For example: blue Mountain in Jamaica, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Wait.

Exporter, group name

For example: Galamita in Costa Rica, Caesar Louis in Panama. Wait.

Grading mode

There are many kinds of coffee, the climate, soil and altitude of each country.. They are all different, so there will be different ways of grading in different countries. These grading standards mainly come from the following key points:

1. Differences in the appearance of raw beans, such as size, shape, defect ratio.

two。 The environment in which raw beans grow and their effects, such as altitude and hardness.

3. After baking, it is judged by the quality of the cup.

Proportion of defective beans

The less the proportion of defective beans, the higher the grade of beans. Such as Ethiopia, Peru

Ethiopia has a raw bean grade of G1~G5. G1~G4 is the fine grade of washing and tanning. (in the past few years, the highest mark for sun-dried beans was only G3, but in recent years, the origin will be based on the needs of importers, so there will also be G1 and G2 sun-dried beans.)

Defective beans include: unripe beans, fermented beans, shell beans, broken beans. Etc.

Coffee bean size

A sieve used to screen the size of coffee beans

Such as Indonesia, Kenya, Colombia.

More than 18 mesh (about 0.7cm) is Supremo, and the following is Excelso.

The item represents the diameter of the coffee bean, one item is 1x64 inch, (1 inch = 25.4mm)

Kenya's grading is based on the size of beans, supplemented by cup quality and bean weight.

For example, the best quality is AA PLUS (AA+), followed by AA and AB.... Wait. In addition, PB is classified by appearance, Peaberry (round beans).

The height of altitude.

The large temperature difference between day and night at high altitude, low temperature, short sunshine, high humidity and other factors will make coffee grow more slowly, grow fruits with higher density, and taste sour and fragrant. Because the cost of picking and transportation is higher, the higher the altitude of coffee is, the higher the price is. The major coffee-producing countries in Central America are classified by altitude. According to the elevation of the cultivated land, it can be divided into three, four, seven and so on, and the grade standards vary from country to country. For example, Mexico and Honduras use three levels, while Guatemala uses seven levels.

Cup test quality

Such as Brazil.

Brazil is currently the largest coffee producer in the world. However, among the coffee-producing countries in Central and South America, Brazil's production altitude is on the low side, and the terrain is flat, lack of micro-climate, industrial policy is large and cheap, so the coffee beans produced are soft, and there are not many high-quality coffee. Compared with other producing areas, the taste is smoother, so it is a good choice to mix other coffee.

Because it is distributed all over the country and the solid quality varies, it has its own standard. After the cup test, the taste is rated according to five grades: Strictly Soft is extremely supple, Soft is supple, Softish is slightly supple, Hardish is not palatable, and Rioy has iodine choking flavor.

Having said so much, do you have a better understanding of how the name of individual coffee is named? Let's review the equation again.

The most common coffee naming equation: country + producing area + variety name + manor name (treatment plant, group name) + treatment method + level.

The above figure is an example:

Country (Nation): Ethiopia (Ethiopia)

Producing area (Region): Kochere, Yirgacheffe.

Variety (Varietal): original species (Heirloom)

Altitude (Elevation): production and planting in mountainous areas above 2000 meters

Cooperative or farm (Farmer): Collective cooperative

Treatment (Process): washing (Washed)

Description (Notes): the flavor here describes the flavor of lemon, black tea and so on.

For coffee glutton, the above information is very helpful, which means that what I bought today is coffee beans from Yegashifi, Ethiopia, from the town of Cochel, which is a common and stable producing area with good evaluation and flavor. Although it is a cooperative rather than a large manor product, the use of water washing still has a clean and bright flavor, indicating that I can taste the clean citrus, lemon flavor and sweet and sour black tea tail of the traditional Yejassefi.

You see, now that you have a preliminary understanding of individual coffee, what's the next step? Drink too much, of course.