Coffee review

Blue Mountain Coffee what is the real Blue Mountain Coffee Blue Mountain Coffee Price Blue Mountain Coffee beans

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie Coffee teaches you how to distinguish between true and false Blue Mountains? 1, appearance: the raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee are cyan, the appearance is very neat, the size is medium to small, the ends are warped up, the volume increases a lot after baking, very full. 2, grinding beans: the real Blue Mountain Coffee beans

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee teaches you how to distinguish between true and false Blue Mountains?

1, appearance: the raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee are cyan, the appearance is very neat, the size is medium to small, the ends are warped up, the volume increases a lot after baking, very full.

2, grinding beans: the real blue mountain coffee beans grow at high altitude, its cytoplasmic structure is relatively loose, when grinding by hand, it feels very crisp, cool and continuous, and there is no feeling of resistance.

3, the characteristics of Blue Mountain Coffee: the aroma is very rich and dense; the so-called blended Blue Mountain Coffee does not have this aroma.

4. Blue Mountain Coffee Flavor: the real Blue Mountain Coffee has a balanced and full-bodied taste, without any feeling of prominence or lack of flavor, which is the most important identification point that can not be reached by any other coffee beans. The aroma of blue mountain peas is more subtle and the taste is relatively stronger.

So, what is Blue Mountain flavor coffee?

The so-called "Blue Mountain matching" actually has nothing to do with Blue Mountain. The reason for this is that the early Blue Mountain coffee was expensive, and the operators used mixed beans and deep roasting to make coffee close to the blue mountain taste according to the blue mountain flavor. therefore, conscientious merchants in domestic and foreign markets will tell customers that this is a comprehensive blue mountain, blue mountain flavor, blue mountain style coffee beans, not real blue mountain coffee.

The real Blue Mountain and Blue Mountain flavor are two different concepts, which are generally roasted with other beans to mimic the similar taste of Blue Mountain coffee. The beans of "Blue Mountain matching" are mixed, have a big difference in shape and are easier to identify. Also do not believe in dozens of yuan a pound of "the best Blue Mountain", more than ten yuan a cup of "Blue Mountain Coffee".