Coffee review

What is the difference between Panama and Jensen Manor Red Label Rose Summer Flavor Taste Characteristics

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Panama Emerald Manor_Esmeralda Manor Rose Summer is the king of fine coffee, commonly known as red standard rose summer, emerald rose summer, flower aroma and tropical fruit intense sweetness, is the consistent characteristics of classic rose summer. Oolong tea, peach, honey, fresh

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Panamanian Emerald Manor-Esmeralda Manor Rose Summer is the king of boutique coffee, commonly known as "Red Standard Rose Summer". The rose summer of jade, the aroma of flowers and the strong sweetness of tropical fruits are the consistent characteristics of the classic rose summer. Oolong tea, peach, honey, fresh and comfortable, bright and balanced, the aroma is extremely layered, the whole aroma and caramel sweetness are wrapped together, and the tip of the tongue feels sour obviously. Just in the mouth is mild and round, fruit sweet and sweet strong, like swallowing a mouthful of fresh fruit tea, sweet and clear heart. The lower the temperature, the finer the acidity. Charm is also quite long-lasting, let people feel good satisfaction! The beans with 1700 meters of high hardness and high density are full in shape, medium particle size, thick and long, and pointed at both ends.

Panama Elida Manor, Alida Manor is located in the Boquete producing area, the elevation of the manor is almost the highest in Panama, is a rare ultra-high altitude manor in Central America! Thanks to Boquete's unique climate, wet and dry seasons, ample sunshine and precipitation, and fertile soil formed by volcanic ash from Mount Baru, the coffee cultivation of Erida Manor quickly grew its own climate, and in 1929, the estate's coffee beans were exported to Germany for the first time, earning a good reputation for Panamanian coffee. In the following 3/4 centuries, the cultivation of Arida coffee, as a family manor, has developed continuously and formed its international reputation. The taste of imported black berries is obvious, clean and full, with a good sense of fat, good fusion of sweet and sour, high-altitude tree tomato flavor, and a long-lasting sense of fat.

Jensen Manor, Volcan, Karl Jensen Rose Summer, average elevation of 1700 meters, the estate is covered with nutrient-rich volcanic soil, full of jasmine and delicate berry aromas, clean, honey, lychee, maple syrup, lemon and citrus, apple, rose, dark chocolate fruit, pomegranate, ripe grapes, peaches and dark berries.