Coffee review

Sca Coffee sca Coffee Certificate High Gold content what is the use of sca Coffee Certificate

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) for coffee professionals, if there is an international coffee community that can communicate with colleagues and improve their skills, then Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) boutique coffee association is a good choice. SCA Fine Coffee Association (Speciality Coffee Ass

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For coffee professionals, if there is an international coffee community that can communicate with colleagues and improve their skills, then Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) boutique coffee association is a good choice.

The SCA Fine Coffee Association (Speciality Coffee Association), founded by the SCAA American Fine Coffee Association in 1982 and the SCAE European Boutique Coffee in 1998, officially merged into an open, inclusive and knowledge-sharing organization in January 2017. it is currently the largest coffee organization in the world. Mainly committed to the promotion and development of professional coffee, to promote every link to follow the spirit and norms of fine coffee, including farmers, farmers' associations, coffee committees, exporters and export associations, organizations and media, transporters, transport lines, importers, traders, processors, equipment manufacturers, roasters, retailers, bar hands to end consumers. Its members are spread all over the world, covering every element of the coffee value chain. Committed to the establishment of a fair, sustainable and nurturing all coffee talents association.

SCA Fine Coffee Association is a global non-profit organization made up of thousands of coffee professionals. In the spirit of knowledge sharing, the association plays a calling role in the entire industry chain of the coffee industry, bringing together industry professionals, so that both coffee makers and baristas can learn from each other, cooperate and develop the future through the association. SCA Fine Coffee Association supports diversity and invites local coffee staff to present their individual characteristics in an international perspective through the association's activities or guidance.

The Coffee Credit Certification course is one of the actions specifically supported by the SCA Fine Coffee Association. The certification system names coffee technology in six categories: coffee introduction, barista technology, coffee brewing, coffee raw beans, coffee bean roasting and coffee beverages. Except for the first coffee introduction, which is only a first-level course, the other five items can be divided into three levels, and you will receive due credits according to different grades upon successful completion of the course. The three grades are divided into basic, advanced and professional, and the corresponding credits are 5, 10 and 25 credits. After accumulating 100 credits, you will be awarded the SCA Diploma in Fine Coffee Technology.