Coffee review

Coffee channel effect Italian coffee channel phenomenon how to avoid coffee channel effect

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please pay attention to the channel effect of coffee in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style), that is, in the process of making coffee, water does not pass through or flows quickly through the coffee powder for some reason. You know, one of the criteria for a good cup of coffee is to extract the coffee evenly.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The channel effect of coffee is that in the process of making coffee, water does not pass through or flows quickly through the coffee powder for some reason. You know, one of the criteria for a good cup of coffee is that coffee should be extracted evenly. The channel effect of coffee just makes the extraction of coffee unstable and uneven.

The channel effect of coffee is common in two places.

1. Manual brewing

When pouring coffee powder with water, if you directly pour the coffee powder into the place where the coffee powder meets the filter paper, the water will not pass through the coffee powder, but will flow directly into the coffee sharing pot through the gap between the filter paper and the filter cup, resulting in the so-called channel effect.

2. Espresso production

In fact, in the process of making Espresso, if we hit the powder bowl with a powder hammer after pressing the powder, we can see that there is a gap between the circle around the pressed powder of the coffee powder and the powder bowl.

So, how should we avoid the channel effect?

1. Uniform distribution

Pay attention to the coffee powder evenly distributed in the powder bowl, whether it is a "hilly" distribution of powder heap, or evenly tiled powder heap is reasonable. If the effect of powder is not ideal, you also need to flatten your fingers and then fill them to avoid uneven distribution of powder.

2. Vertical filling and pressing

As long as you can ensure that the pressed powder is parallel to the powder bowl and keep the pressed powder thickness the same. It is recommended to use the strength of the whole arm and shoulder to avoid filling with wrist strength only. This action can not only ensure the vertical direction of filling, but also prevent joint strain caused by repetitive movements.

3. No powder percussion is needed.

You can use pier hitting method, direct filling method, finger flattening, and other methods to press powder.

4. Maintain the machine regularly and do a good job of cleaning

In addition to affecting the extraction state, unqualified coffee machines will also produce miscellaneous smells. The unclean water distribution network will lead to uneven distribution of water flow and lead to uneven extraction channels.

5. Use a coffee machine with soaking function

It can make up for the uneven extraction caused by uneven distribution of powder, so as to improve the probability of successful extraction and reduce the probability of channel formation.

6. No damage to the cutter head

Do not use worn and worn cutterhead to ensure uniform grinding.