Coffee review

Italian coffee French milk coffee formula

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is said to be Nehov, governor of the Netherlands in Batavia, Indonesia, in 1660. He was inspired by drinking English milk tea, so he tried to add milk to his coffee. Unexpectedly, the coffee after adding milk tasted smoother and smoother. In addition to the strong aroma of coffee, there was a faint smell of milk, which was still better than milk tea. However, this way of drinking milk coffee has not spread in his hometown of Holland.

It is said to be Nehov, governor of the Netherlands in Batavia, Indonesia, in 1660. He was inspired by drinking English milk tea, so he tried to add milk to his coffee. Unexpectedly, the coffee after adding milk tasted smoother and smoother. In addition to the strong aroma of coffee, there was a faint smell of milk, which was still better than milk tea. However, this method of drinking milk coffee did not spread in his hometown of Holland, but became very popular in France and became an indispensable drink on the French breakfast table.

In French milk coffee, the ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1, so when making orthodox French milk coffee, you should hold the milk pot and coffee pot with both hands and pour it into the coffee cup at the same time, so you need considerable wrist strength. Because of the high latitude and cold climate in France, when drinking this kind of milk coffee, we usually choose a cup such as a mug or a large bowl without a handle, so that we can keep warm by holding the cup with both hands when drinking.

Steps for making French Milk Coffee:

Step 1: pour the coffee into the special kettle of French milk coffee. You can choose deep-fried and strong coffee.

Step 2: pour the hot milk into another jug. The ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1. Step 3: pour coffee and milk together. When pouring in, it should be noted that the outflow of the two pots should be the same.