Coffee review

Honduran bucket coffee beans whisky Shirley barrel coffee beans hand-brewed coffee flavor description

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For more information about coffee beans, please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Honduras is located in the north of Central America, facing the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Gulf of Fonseca in the Pacific Ocean to the south, mostly mountainous and plateau terrain. It has a tropical climate, mild temperature and abundant rainfall, so it is an ideal place for coffee growth. Many kinds of products have been produced here according to local conditions.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee has acquired many coffee beans from producing countries. The quality of Highland coffee produced in Honduras is very good. Generally speaking, it has a rich and mellow taste, soft and unastringent taste, sour and slightly sweet taste, rich and unique aroma and a long finish. Loved by coffee lovers.

Honduras used to be one of the major producers of coffee in the world. Honduran coffee is mainly sold to some countries in Europe, so those who do not produce coffee in Honduras are surprised because they have never heard of it.

Honduras is located in the north of Central America, facing the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Gulf of Fonseca in the Pacific Ocean to the south. It has a tropical climate, mild temperature and abundant rainfall, so it is an ideal place for coffee growth. Many kinds of coffee are produced here according to local conditions.

Qianjie Coffee has tested many kinds of coffee beans in Honduras through the cup. Its coffee has no distinct characteristics, and does not have a sweet, slightly bitter, or sour taste, and the overall taste is balanced. Sometimes with a hint of flowers or fruit aroma, but more able to satisfy the taste of most people. The quality of coffee is not only suitable for direct brewing, but also suitable for re-processing, to make green tea coffee, rare fruit coffee, or add some other ingredients, the taste will shine before people's eyes.

Honduran coffee beans have different levels of flavor depending on the degree of roasting. Medium baking can maximize the sweetness of beans, while deep baking increases bitterness, but sweetness does not go away. In general, medium baking has the best taste and has a rich and unique aroma. It is rich in black berry flavor and caramel sweetness, and even has the flavor of black pepper and cut tobacco in some coffee.

Among them, the Honduran sherry coffee from Qianjie Coffee comes from Massagua, while Masaguara is a municipality of Intibuc á province in Honduras, located in the south of the Jes ú sdeOtoro valley, surrounded by mountains and hills. The landform of this producing area is mostly mountain and plateau, so people pick coffee beans by hand and then process them carefully. The products are mostly boutique coffee beans. Iron pickup is the most common bean seed in the world. it is easily affected by rust leaf disease and its yield is small. if planted properly, coffee has the characteristics of high sweetness, pure taste and pleasant acidity.

This Shirley coffee bean has a very high click-through rate in both the Qianjie coffee store and the coffee Taobao store, with a strong whisky aroma, and the coffee flavor is very unique. Among them, this Shirley coffee bean of Qianjie Coffee is treated with water washing-whisky sherry barrel low temperature fermentation. the magic of this bean lies in the use of aged oak barrels. the freshly picked coffee fruit is delicately washed and fermented in whisky oak barrels for 30-40 days, and then dried in the shade, so it has strange flavors such as whisky, lychee, dried longan, honey, melon and so on. This treatment gives this coffee a unique smell of whisky, and the strong aroma of wine is really cracked.

In addition, another reason for the popularity of this Honduran sherry coffee is its strong maneuverability, which can not only be made by hand, but also make ice drop coffee and so on. For example, Qianjie Coffee often uses Shirley coffee beans with Costa Rican Beethoven beans to make ice droplets, and the ice drop coffee made is refreshing and very distinctive.

In addition, the flavor brewed by hand is more rich. Qianjie coffee has an obvious vanilla cream aroma when testing this bean in the cup, so I want to highlight its sweetness, so I chose Hario V60 to brew it. V60 filter cup due to the fast flow rate, it can make the extracted coffee with distinct flavor and obvious aroma, water temperature: 91 degrees, powder content: 15g, powder ratio: 1:15: Degree of grinding: fine granulated sugar size (20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 80%).

The brewing technique of Qianjie coffee is three-stage extraction. in the first stage, the powder layer is fully wetted in the shape of "hamburger" for 30 seconds, then the second stage is brewed, and the second stage is injected into 125g at 54s of the timer. then stop and wait for the water level to drop to 2 / 3 of the powder layer and inject into the third stage. In the third stage, the water is injected to 225g at the timer 1: 39: 40, and the total extraction time is 2: 39: 10. Shake the coffee gently after the extraction, and then taste it after the coffee liquid is fully uniform.

This Honduran sherry coffee has a sticky taste, with sour berry notes, vanilla, dark chocolate, wine finish and sucrose, with a distinct overall flavor.

This is the flavor of normal hand-made Shirley coffee. Among them, the front street coffee is not only ice drop coffee or iced American coffee and other products, the front street coffee hand also has ice hand brewing when the front street coffee hand brews the product, for example, the guest wants to order individual coffee beans, want to drink ice, the front street coffee will use the ice hand to make coffee for the guest.

Qianjie coffee brewed iced hand coffee using 15 grams of coffee powder, powder-to-water ratio of 1:10, that is, 15 grams of coffee powder brewed 150g of hot water, plus 100g of ice to cool and dilute. When making ice hands, you should pay attention to the amount of coffee powder! First of all, the amount of powder is more! Because Qianjie Coffee suggests that the powder made by ice hands is less than 1:10, if the amount of powder is less, then the extracted iced coffee will be lighter.

And also pay attention to the degree of grinding! As the ratio of powder to water for making iced coffee is small, insufficient extraction will occur if normal hand grinding, so Qianjie coffee suggests to choose a finer grind than hand grinding to improve the extraction of coffee powder; in addition, if the ratio of powder to water, Qianjie coffee is recommended to choose 1:8-120g powder-water ratio for brewing, and add 100g to 120g ice to dilute it in the sharing pot. You can wait for the coffee liquid in the filter cup to be completely filtered before removing the filter cup. Because in this powder-water ratio, you don't have to worry about overextraction!

The processed flavor of the Honduran coffee bean barrel is all with vanilla cream accompanied by a strong smell of whisky, with obvious dark chocolate in the middle, obvious honey at the end, and obvious overall fruit acid. in addition, the Honduran water-washed bean sweet orange manor is also very good, with a balanced taste, with cocoa aftertaste, lovers who like Honduran coffee can not be missed!

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925