Coffee review

How to choose the coffee beans in the mocha pot? How to use the mocha pot? how fine is the coffee powder?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the mocha pot is a coffee brewing apparatus with a long history, which was invented by Alfonso Bayerti in 1933. The early mocha pot was made of aluminum, but later it was gradually made of stainless steel.


Although mocha pots are not very popular in China, they are standard coffee utensils in Italian families, so that Italian housewives can also brew rich black coffee at home. With everyone's love of coffee, some friends asked Qianjie about the use of the mocha pot. This article will tell you the details of the use of the mocha pot.

What are the characteristics of coffee extracted by mocha pot?

Our common mocha pot generally consists of three main components: the lower pot for water, the powder trough for coffee powder, and the upper pot for extracted espresso.


When we heat the mocha pot, the water in the lower pot is first heated and converted into steam, creating a certain pressure that pushes the steam from the bottom up. When the hot water reacts with the coffee powder, the increasing pressure pushes the extracted coffee liquid to the pot, and we get the strong coffee liquid we need.

The high-temperature pressurized extraction form of the mocha pot is similar to our common espresso. The increase of the extraction pressure makes the coffee flavor better, so the coffee extracted by the mocha pot also has a rich and mellow taste. When a double-valve mocha pot is used to make coffee, a pressure valve is added to the original basis, which increases the coffee concentration and contains more coffee oil.


Unlike espresso, the extraction pressure and accuracy of the mocha pot is far lower than that of the espresso machine. As can be seen in the coffee shop, the freshly made espresso is covered with golden rich oil, while the extraction pressure of the mocha pot is lower, and the extracted coffee is thinner, so it cannot be completely said to be espresso. Qianjie thinks it is more appropriate to call it espresso.

How to choose coffee beans?

We all know that under the influence of roasting degree, coffee will form a sour and bitter tone, deep roasting is to highlight coffee chocolate, caramel and other flavor types, shallow roasting is to retain more flower aroma and fruit acid, so we hand-brew different single coffee beans can drink a unique flavor. While mocha pot coffee is different from hand-brewed coffee, pressurized extraction makes the coffee flavor more concentrated and forms a stronger taste. If we use light roasted beans, mocha pot coffee is prone to irritating acidity, while deep-roasted coffee tends to show a strong bitter taste. So it's crucial to choose the right coffee beans.


1. Italian blend of coffee beans with balanced flavor

The article in front of the street also concluded that the principle of the mocha pot is similar to Italian coffee, so the choice of coffee beans is also close to Italian coffee. Professional roasters will choose coffee beans from different producing areas and different flavors to be mixed and roasted (or roasted separately and proportionally), and most of them will use more than moderate roasting degree. Qianjie's understanding of blended beans is to maintain a stable flavor and a balanced taste, so that the blended coffee shows the effect of one plus one greater than two, and the flavor and taste of mocha pot coffee is more balanced.


There are four kinds of Italian coffee on the Qianjie bean list, all of which are more suitable for extraction with mocha pots. Here Qianjie recommends the most popular "sunflower blending" in the store. The mocha pot coffee, made from sun-dried Yeh Jaffe red cherries and Honduran sherry coffee at 3:7, has the flavor of whisky and vanilla, paired with the sour and sweet of tropical fruit. Even without ingredients, it does not show a strong irritating taste, but presents a rich sense of layering.

two。 Medium and shallow baked coffee beans with obvious flavor

With the pursuit of boutique coffee, there are more and more individual coffee beans with exquisite flavor on the market, which are often used in Italian coffee, and mocha pot coffee is no exception. Qianjie suggests using special treatments to show more obvious flavor of individual coffee, such as Qianjie Costa Rican musicians series of Mozart coffee beans. The front street Mozart coffee beans are treated with raisin honey, retaining 100% pectin and zero water treatment to highlight the rich sour and sweet tropical fruits. The coffee made into a mocha pot shows the acidity of raisins and berries.


3. Medium-to-deep roasted single coffee beans with nut flavor

For those who like to roast aroma, Qianjie recommends medium-baked single-product coffee beans, such as the Brazilian Queen's Manor coffee beans on the Qianjie bean list. The coffee variety of Qianjie Brazilian Queen's Manor is Yellow bourbon, which has a richer pectin layer than ordinary red bourbon varieties. In the blessing of the sun treatment, the sweeter fructose infiltrated into the raw coffee beans, showing a clear sweetness. The coffee made into a mocha pot has aromas of black, cream and peanuts, paired with milk to show the silky taste of Hot Chocolate Milk.


Tips on the use of mocha teapot

Due to the low extraction pressure of the mocha pot, the extraction of a full-bodied black coffee should be adjusted to a finer grinding degree to improve the reaction of coffee particles with water. Qianjie recommends that the diameter size of coffee powder be controlled between 0.3 mm and 0.55 mm, which is similar to that used in Italian coffee, but thicker than Italian grinding. In the past, the street store used the EK43s bean grinder as a reference, and the front street will be ground with a scale of 0.5.


Usually we add cold water to the pot, but the disadvantage of cold water is that a small amount of water will enter the powder tank before the water temperature reaches the required temperature, which may lead to uneven extraction. Therefore, you might as well warm water to bring the stability of extraction.

After the cease-fire, if you feel that there is less liquid extraction, you can let the remaining temperature extract for a while. If the extraction volume is almost eight-tenths full, the mocha pot can be cooled on a cold towel when the mocha pot is removed to avoid over-extraction caused by residual temperature. If the mocha pot makes a whining sound when heating, but there is no coffee liquid overflow, the heat source should be turned off first to avoid safety risks caused by excessive internal pressure.


The mocha pot should be cleaned in time every time it is used to avoid coffee residue stains, otherwise it is easy to taste and bitter. If the old coffee stains are left in the filter, gasket and extraction channel, it may cause blockage and affect the extraction.

Brewing coffee, freshly roasted coffee beans are crucial. Coffee beans will have an exhaust period of 4-7 days after roasting, and then enter the best appreciation period with stable flavor, and the aroma of coffee gradually fades away with the passage of time. If you choose coffee beans that have been roasted for more than two months, the aroma may have dissipated and it is difficult to restore the flavor, so Qianjie will confirm that only coffee beans freshly roasted within 5 days will be shipped.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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