Coffee review

Does regular drinking coffee do any harm to your health? what are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) 1, coffee is good for the skin Coffee accelerates the metabolism of the skin, accelerates the discharge of waste cutin, weakens the dark circles under the eyes caused by poor circulation; another is antioxidation, regular drinking coffee can keep skin cells full of vitality, prevent cell oxidation, anti-aging work

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Drinking coffee is good for the skin

Coffee accelerates the metabolism of skin, accelerates the discharge of waste cutin and weakens the dark circles under the eyes caused by poor circulation; in addition, regular drinking coffee can keep skin cells full of vitality, prevent cell oxidation and anti-aging.

Drinking coffee can prevent cancer and fight cancer.

The polyphenols in coffee are strong antioxidants. Drinking some coffee every day has a certain effect on cancer prevention and anti-cancer.

Women who drank more than three cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 21% lower risk of basal cell cancer than those who drank less than one cup of coffee a month. At the same time, caffeine can also inhibit the growth of tumors in the body.

If women drank four or six cups of coffee a day, the incidence of breast cancer would be reduced by 25 percent, 70 percent, even for women with a family history of breast cancer. This is because coffee can reduce the production of carcinogenic estrogens.

3. Drink coffee after a meal to nourish the stomach and aid digestion

Drinking coffee after a meal is good for stomach health. But on the other hand, if you drink coffee in the empty stomach, the secretion of gastric juice will damage the gastric mucosa, which in turn damage the health of the stomach.

People who love meat had better have a cup of coffee after dinner, which has a good effect on relieving grease and aiding digestion. In addition, the content of soluble dietary fiber in coffee is higher than that in orange juice, and caffeine can stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, drinking coffee has the effect of relieving constipation.

4. Drink coffee to protect the liver

In recent years, many studies have shown that drinking coffee can greatly reduce the risk of hardening and liver cancer, and the polyphenols in coffee can also protect our liver. Therefore, we recommend that patients with hepatitis drink some coffee every day, which can well repair hepatocytes.

Drinking coffee can help people with heavy drinking, overweight, diabetes or iron overload reduce the risk of liver disease, but there is no evidence that coffee and tea can reduce the risk of chronic liver disease from fatty liver or viral hepatitis.

5. Drinking coffee can prevent radiation injury

Radiation injury has become a prominent pollution and harm at present. Especially the radiation of household appliances: such as people who operate computers for a long time, microwave ovens, televisions at home, and so on. Especially for pregnant women (pregnant women's food) radiation has affected the health of the next generation (health food). Some studies do show that coffee may help prevent radiation damage.

6. Drinking coffee can relieve exercise soreness

Drinking two cups of coffee after exercise can help relieve muscle soreness. Drinking coffee can help people relieve muscle pain caused by excessive exercise, according to a study. Although caffeine has the effect of relieving exercise pain, it is often only effective for people who do not drink coffee very often.

7. Drinking coffee can relieve alcohol

Chlorogenic acid in coffee can prevent alcoholism. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol will quickly oxidize the acetaldehyde converted from alcohol, decompose it into water and carbon dioxide and discharge it out of the body.

8. Drinking coffee can prevent gallstones

Some studies have suggested that caffeinated coffee stimulates gallbladder contraction and reduces cholesterol, which is prone to gallstones. Drinking coffee can reduce people's risk of developing the most common and painful form of gallstone disease.

9. Drinking coffee to prevent depression

People who drink coffee regularly will feel happy and restless, and their mood will be improved. When you are upset or depressed, having a cup of coffee can really calm your mind.

1. Easily lead to infertility

According to researchers' statistics, women who drink one cup of coffee a day are more likely to suffer from infertility than those who do not drink coffee. Experts have investigated 104 women who have the habit of drinking coffee, of which about 50 are not easy to get pregnant. Some fertility experts believe that this is a small-scale study that cannot finally confirm the special effect of coffee on fertility. However, the researchers stressed that if there is no medical explanation for the cause of infertility, it should be considered that infertility is related to caffeine.

two。 Increased risk of myocardial infarction by 70%

Increased risk of myocardial infarction in the United States, doctors at the Boston University School of Public Health studied 858 women who first suffered from myocardial infarction between the ages of 45 and 69 and 858 women who had never suffered from myocardial infarction over a four-year period. Drinking five or more cups of coffee a day increased women's risk of myocardial infarction by 70%, and the risk increased with the amount of coffee consumed.

3. Drinking only a few cups of coffee a day can raise blood pressure.

Pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome is a unique disease of pregnant women, patients with edema, hypertension and proteinuria, if not timely prevention and treatment, can endanger maternal and fetal safety. Drinking just a few cups of coffee a day can raise blood pressure, according to an Australian study. For this reason, pregnant women should not drink coffee.

4. Easily lead to osteoporosis

Researchers at the University of California in the United States investigated 980 50-98-year-old women and found that elderly women who drank more than two cups of coffee a day without milk for a long time, regardless of age and obesity, the bone mineral density of the hip and spine decreased, and the extent of the decrease was related to the duration of the habit and the amount of consumption. Because caffeine can be combined with free calcium in the human body and excreted through urine. The decrease of free calcium will inevitably lead to the decomposition of bound calcium, which leads to osteoporosis.

5. Drinking coffee often can cause fetal deformities.

Coffee drinking by pregnant women is bad for the fetus as early as in the early 1980s, Dr. Colin of the US Food and Drug Administration found in the experiment that when mice were fed the equivalent of 12 or 24 cups of espresso for adults every day, pregnant mice would give birth to malformed mice. To this end, the researchers, in the name of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, warned pregnant women to stop drinking coffee.

A warm reminder that drinking coffee can refresh your mind, and it is also a kind of interest to people in life, but you must drink it properly so as not to cause serious physical effects.

6. Make a mess when you are nervous

Many people know that drinking a moderate amount of coffee can improve our alertness and sensitivity, but this is only limited to a moderate amount. If you drink too much coffee, it will produce the same dose of stimulants, which can cause nervousness. Especially for people who tend to have anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations and tinnitus.

In a tense environment, many people are used to drinking coffee, and the more nervous they are, the more they drink. This leads to more emotional excitement and excitement, which leads to mistakes in the busy, the loss outweighs the gain.

7. Aggravate hypertension

The disadvantages of drinking coffee also involve high blood pressure, if you are a person with high blood pressure, you are advised to stay away from coffee at ordinary times. Coffee itself has the effect of relieving pain and is often combined with other simple painkillers, but taking it in large quantities for a long time, but drinking coffee in patients with high blood pressure will only make your condition worse.

Because caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous multiplicative effect, so people with high blood pressure should ban coffee and any drinks containing caffeine during stressful work. Some regular coffee drinkers think they are immune to caffeine, but this is not the case. One study shows that blood pressure can rise for up to 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.