Coffee review

Martha Yesa Black Angel tanning treatment at Maria Manor in Nicaragua

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street coffee-Nicaragua Maria Manor Masayesa Black Angel tanning treatment Nicaragua is located in the central part of Central America, is the largest country in Central America, the culture of Nicaragua varies in different regions, in most cases, most people

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee-introduction of Martha Yesa Black Angel tanning treatment in Maria Manor, Nicaragua

Nicaragua, located in the central part of Central America, is the largest country in Central America. The culture of Nicaragua varies from region to region. In most cases, most people pursue Spanish culture. However, other parts of the country are more influenced by British culture.

Coffee cultivation in Nicaragua is mainly divided into four major producing areas, including: Pacific coastal region, Bosnia and Herzegovina subregion, Madaguelba / Sinodega region, and Borgo region.

Nicaragua's first coffee cherries are grown in the Pacific Coast (Pacific), but most of the production comes from three regions in the north-central mountains of Nicaragua.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Segovias), known mainly for its floral aroma, unique flavor and bright acidity, has a maximum planting height of about 1500 SHG 2000, and produces coffee of the highest grade, but is rarely sold on the market.

The Madagelba / Senodega region (Matagalpa/Jinotega), the main coffee-growing area in Nicaragua, is rich in volcanic soil, humid tropical forest climate and dense vegetation, including a wide variety of lichens, moss, ferns and orchids, which is conducive to coffee cultivation, especially in the Isabelia and Dariense mountains, Matagalpa is generally mountainous at an altitude of between 600 and 1500 m, and coffee varieties Caturra and Bourbon are usually grown.

Martha Yesa, Maria Manor, Nicaragua

Country: Nicaragua

Producing area: Di Pilto

Processing plant: Maria Manor

Treatment: insolation

Altitude: 1200m

Variety: Martha Yelon

Baking degree: medium and deep baking

Flavor: vanilla, black grape, mango, brown sugar, sweet and sweet