Coffee review

How to use Coffee Flavor Round Coffee Flavor description

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) how to use flavor wheel? The design of the wheel encourages tasters to start at the center and work outward. The most common taste descriptors are near the center, and they become more specific as the layer expands outward. The taster can stop anywhere on the way, but taste

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How to use the flavor wheel?

The design of the wheel encourages tasters to start at the center and work outward. The most common taste descriptors are near the center, and they become more specific as the layer expands outward. The tasters can stop anywhere on the way, but the farther the tasters work, the more specific the description will be.

1. Attribute name: this is a descriptive name for sensory attributes (taste, smell, or taste) that sensory scientists believe exist in coffee in the process of developing vocabulary. The first edition of the World Coffee Research sensory Dictionary contains 110 attributes.

two。 Definition: each attribute has a definition that clarifies and describes the meaning of the property name.

3. References: for each attribute, a reference is provided as a standard to measure the attribute. There is only one reference to the above example. But others may have two, three or even four. For example, the Smoky attribute has three references: three for aroma (benzyl disulfide, wood ash, and smoked almonds) and one for flavor (smoked almonds). As shown, references can be used to evaluate flavor or aroma (or both). Sometimes the same reference is used for multiple properties. For example, roasted peanuts are used as a reference for peanuts and roasted peanut properties.

4. Intensity score: each reference has an intensity score of 1 to 15 and is marked as an aroma or flavor reference. Intensity score is a key factor in making world coffee research sensory vocabulary not only a descriptive tool, but also a measurement tool-it allows evaluators to measure the number of given taste or aroma attributes in coffee samples. The strength score allows the evaluator to compare the strength of the attributes in the sample with that in the references and assign the appropriate score to the sample.

5. Preparation instructions: each reference includes preparation instructions, including serving instructions. For example, it is always better to smell with a covered glass so that the fragrance does not contaminate each other on the table. Following the preparation instructions will ensure that each reference represents the correct strength.

6. The parent class is located near the center. You can try.

7. The subcategory is located closer to the edge. You can try.