Coffee review

Chemex coffee pot usage chemex coffee brewing steps chemex how to brew

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) step 1 heat the water to 205 degrees, bring it to a boil, and let stand for 30 seconds. Craft coffee Chemex brewing guide-step 2 open the Chemex filter and insert it into the top of the beer machine to ensure that the three-layer side of the filter is aligned with the pouring gate. Craft coffee brewed with Chemex

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Step 1

Heat the water to 205 degrees, bring it to a boil, and let stand for 30 seconds.

Guide to Chemex brewing of craft coffee-step 2

Step 2

Open the Chemex filter and insert it into the top of the beer machine, making sure that the 3-layer side of the filter is aligned with the pouring gate.

Guide to Chemex brewing of craft coffee-step 3

Step 3

Pour hot water into the inside of the filter for about 5 seconds. Keep the filter in place and discard washed water. The flushing filter helps seal the interior of the eyedropper and removes any paper smell.

Guide to Chemex brewing of craft coffee-step 4

Step 4

If you use pre-ground coffee, please skip to step 5. Otherwise, weigh out your entire coffee beans and grind them in an environment slightly thicker than the medium cup. Refer to our coffee grinding guide.

Craft coffee Chemex brewing guide-step 5

Step 5

Pour the ground coffee into the filter and gently shake the beer machine back and forth to precipitate the coffee grounds.

Craft coffee Chemex brewing guide-step 6

Step 6

Time: 0:00-0:45

Turn on the timer and slowly pour the right amount of water on the ground to make them moist evenly (about 70 grams). Let it rest until your timer shows 45 seconds. This step is called flowering. Hot water forces the coffee to release trapped gas, causing the coffee bed to expand and the surface to bubble, allowing you to enjoy a wonderful fragrance.

Guide to Chemex brewing of craft coffee-step 7

Step 7

Time: 0:45-2:45

Begin to cast continuously in a spiral way. Try to avoid pouring directly into the center or edge of the filter. If the water level is close to the edge of the container, pause for a moment and let it drain before continuing. Once your timer says 2:45 or your scale says 600g, don't pour.

Guide to Chemex brewing of craft coffee-step 8

Step 8

Time: 2:45-3:30

Let all the water be discharged through the filter. Remove the filter from the eyedropper and throw away the residue. If your last time is more than 4 o'clock, your drudgery may be too small. If your last time is less than 3 o'clock, your grinding may be too rough. Next time you make a wine, make a small adjustment-practice makes perfect!