Coffee review

Coffee producing area flavor? What are the flavor characteristics of coffee in Africa, Central and South America, Asia and islands?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie coffee introduction: Africa, Central and South America, Asia and the island coffee flavor African bean flavor: among them Ethiopia's coffee has a strong orange flavor, Kenya coffee has a strong berry flavor, as well as the sour flavor of black plum juice and grapefruit, as well as the sweet smell of sugar cane. Yeah

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Introduction to Front Street Coffee: African, Central and South American, Asian and Island Coffee Flavor Characteristics

African Bean Flavor: Ethiopian coffee has a strong orange aroma, Kenyan coffee has a strong berry aroma, dark plum juice and grapefruit acid aroma, and sugar cane sweet aroma. The orange aroma of yega and the berry aroma of kenya coffee are the most distinctive features of african beans, and coffee fans are most interested in them.

Central and South American Bean Flavor: Overall, the flavor is quite normal. Brazilian coffee is soft and sweet, Costa Rica coffee is mild and soft, sour, sweet and chocolate blend together, extremely balanced. Panama coffee is full of citrus, jasmine, almond, mango and nectar sweet aromas, bright and varied fruit acids, especially Panama rose summer flavor is the most prominent. El Salvador's Pacamara coffee has pleasant spicy aromas, slightly gingery, sour and fruity notes. Nicaragua coffee is characterized by charming almond flavor, drink more balanced.

Asian beans and island flavor: more full-bodied than Central and South American beans and African beans, but less sour, flavor slightly heavy wood, herbs, spices and earthy, low smoky aroma than the rising acid aroma. Island beans are light and mild, with a light and elegant tone.