Coffee review

Brazilian Santo Andre Manor Coffee description of Brazilian Santo Andre Manor coffee flavor

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For more information about coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Fazenda Santo Andre is located in Platina, Serrado, Minas Gerais. The farm was sold by merchant Lincoln in 1938. Acquired by Lincoln Ferreira and then managed by DIMAP, Stemba A Steelworks Products, which is 196

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Fazenda Santo Andre is located in Platina, Serrado, Minas Gerais. The farm was sold by merchant Lincoln in 1938. It was acquired by Lincoln Ferreira and then managed by DIMAP, Spica A Steelworks Products, a second-generation family business founded in 1967. When Dimap took over the farm, his team noticed that the location, climate and altitude of the farm were conducive to the growth of coffee. After a feasibility study, planting began. Coffee is carefully picked and selected at the peak of maturity, providing only the best location, representing unique local properties.

Fazenda Santo Andre is classified by variety. Mundo Novo is a natural cross between Sumatra and red bourbon and was found in Mineiros do Tiete in Sao Paulo. The seeds of one of the trees were planted in the municipality of Mundo Novo in Sao Paulo (now known as Urupes), where the plant array of the original variety Mundo Novo was selected. Here, between 1943 and 1952, various plant arrays were selected, followed by selection among offspring to eliminate the various defects observed in the population. Since 1952, these selected offspring have been bred and assigned to farms. The new option was released from IAC in 1977.