Coffee review

Brief introduction of American 90 plus Coffee Company introduction to the flavor characteristics of Romiqi coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie-90 + Manor Prospect Coffee introduction Coffee sharing every day, do not drink coffee, today Qianjie to share with you coffee from 90 plus companies in the United States. 90 + is a coffee company from the United States. 90 + does not refer to all coffee with a rating of more than 90 points.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Front Street-90+ Manor Outlook Coffee Introduction

Every day coffee sharing, do not drink also salivation, today Qianjie to share coffee from the United States 90 plus company.

"90+" is a coffee company from the United States."90+" does not refer to all coffees rated above 90 points. It refers to a top coffee series of 13 flavors. Sometimes they are found on different estates and they have a variety of taste characteristics.

"90+" company has 13 kinds of coffee, each with different names, 13 are "90+" company's selected products, in the coffee industry by many fans love. Today, I want to introduce you to a Romici coffee.

Romici Lomi Tasha, grown from 1750-2000m above sea level, received a high score of 90+ level up from the American Specialty Coffee Association. Its name comes from the local Adam language, which means "light lemon." Sour taste, floral rich, is a more prominent flavor characteristics of washed yejia sherbet.

In Ethiopia, the tradition of harvesting wild coffee beans continues to this day. The coffee garden with an altitude of more than 1500 meters has formed a unique coffee terroir after more than a thousand years of evolution and adaptation. Ethiopian coffee grown in the wild is called "wilderness coffee", retaining the most original and natural taste of coffee beans, with the most direct and full expression of terroir.

Ethiopia can find a variety of coffee cultivation methods, from wild coffee groves, semi-developed land, to small plots of traditional management, to modern plantations, everything. About 50% of the coffee here is grown at an altitude of more than 1500 meters.

Knowledge expansion: 90+ beans are sourced from Ethiopian original varieties, including Gesha from Panama Estate, which is also an Ethiopian Heirloom. These coffees will be classified according to varieties and climates, and each taste will be specially designed and processed to achieve a taste characteristic.