Coffee review

Colombia Rose Summer Origin-Colombia Hope Manor Rose Summer and Whelan Origin

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Front Street-Colombia Hope Manor Guixia Introduction Hope Manor has a total of four estates: Esperanza, Las Margaritas, Cerro Azul and Potosi. Winner of Best of Panama (2008) and runner-up (2009). 2012 More

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Front Street-A brief introduction to the Rose Summer of Hope Manor in Colombia

Hope Manor has a total of four estates: Esperanza, Las Margaritas, Cerro Azul and Potosi. Won the Best of Panama Best Panama Champion (2008) and runner-up (2009).

2012 even arranged three seats in the top ten of SCAA Coffee of the Year with three products, the incredible number 2, 3 and 7. In GFA (Good Food Award), Hope Manor has also become the only award-winning estate outside Ethiopia, Kenya and Panama.

As early as in 2007, Hope Manor first bought Kaleda Manor next to the Jade Manor to learn how to grow rose summer. After mastering the technology, the rose species were transplanted back to an altitude of 1700 to 1950 meters above sea level, with a large temperature difference between day and night. Blue mountain manor with rich microclimate. In other words, the rose beans of the Blue Mountain Manor today are the "descendants" of the early transplantation from the Kaleda Manor next to the Emerald Manor. Compared with Panamanian water-washed rose summer coffee, the batch of rose produced by the Blue Mountain processing plant is first peeled without water, then soaked in water and fermented for 19-24 hours, then washed with water, and finally the desiccant is dried regularly to remove moisture.

Huila, Narino and Tolima in southwestern Colombia are all producers of fine coffee, and almost all the top 10 Colombian coffee competitors come from these three producing areas, and they are also dominated by small coffee farmers with small yields and small farming areas. Huilan province is located in western Colombia, where the Andes form a narrow canyon, where coffee grows on the slopes, and it is also a well-known coffee-producing area in Colombia.

The Hope Manor is located in a forest with an elevation of 1400m to 1650 meters above sea level, collecting fully mature coffee beans by hand. Coffee farmers adhere to a good planting environment and perseverance to control the quality of raw coffee beans. It is the winner of the 2007 Colombian Coffee Competition. In 2008, it also won 9th and 12th and 14th (different coffee growers), and is the top manor in Colombia.

Hope Manor has four estates (Esperanza, Las Margaritas, Cerro Azul and Potosi). Won the Best of Panama Best Panama Champion (2008) and runner-up (2009). 2012 even arranged the 2nd, 3rd and 7th seats in the top ten of SCAA Coffee of the Year with three products. In GFA (Good Food Award), Hope Manor has also become the only award-winning estate outside Ethiopia, Kenya and Panama.

Knowledge expansion: the species of Geisha was discovered in the rose forests of Ethiopia in 1931 and later sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya. Introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936 and introduced to Costa Rica in 1953.

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