Coffee review

Introduction to the correct way of drinking Yega Coffee Flavor Teaching of the characteristics of hand-brewing Yega Coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Yega Xuefei Coffee introduction Yega Xuefei Coffee is produced in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, Yega Xuefei is the name of a local town. The altitude is about 1700-21.


Yega Xuefei from Ethiopia has a bright and delicate fragrance, which is an entry item for many coffee people. it is very suitable for hand-flushing, ice drop and other methods of extraction, so that people feel that the coffee is not only bitter.

What are the characteristics of Yejia Coffee beans?

The so-called Yega Chuefei flavor, is a beautiful citrus, lemon, berries and rich flowers, but also with a clear sense of tea, unforgettable. To show such a delicate flavor and taste, coffee's high-quality growing environment, variety, treatment, as well as roasting and brewing are indispensable. Among the many kinds of coffee beans baked in Qianjie, three are the most popular in daily life: fruit Ding Ding Cooperative, Red Cherry and washed Yega rations beans.


Ethiopia, located on the African continent, has underdeveloped water resources, so it has traditionally been treated with raw beans in the old sun, that is, drying directly in the sun. Because the technique is too rough, the quality of coffee is generally low. Until 1972, Ethiopia introduced Central and South American washing technology and equipment to improve the quality of coffee beans. Different from other producing areas, Yega Xuefei is a wetland, which is more suitable for washing treatment. The removal of bad beans in the washing step greatly reduces the defect rate of coffee, showing a higher degree of cleanliness, and the more clear and thorough the aroma. This move also magnifies the citrus lemon aroma of the Yejashifi coffee bean itself and makes it more fresh and bright on the palate.


In the past, most of the coffee we drank was bitter, and the reason why the coffee was bitter was mainly because the roaster roasted the coffee beans deeply, and the main flavor was nuts and dark chocolate. Due to the small size of Yega Chuefei coffee beans, it is easy to be heated unevenly or even zoom if deep roasting is used, so roasters tend to bake medium and shallow. Unexpectedly, Yega Xuefei, which uses shallow roasting, not only shows rising acidity, but also has a highly recognized fruit flavor, which can be said to have ushered in a new era of sour coffee. Like sweet and afraid of bitterness, which is precisely the popular taste, which is why Yega Xuefei is so popular all over the world. Qianjie hopes that what you drink is the classic Yega Chuefei taste, so the three Yega Chuefei on the bean list belong to medium and shallow baking.

What kind of equipment do you need to make coffee by hand?

When making coffee at home, we need to be equipped with the following utensils: hand pot, filter cup, sharing pot, bean grinder, filter paper, electronic scale, thermometer.


Bean grinder plays a very important role in hand flushing, which is usually divided into two categories: hand grinder and electric grinder. No matter which kind of grinding equipment you choose, the purpose is to get uniform coffee powder. The thickness of coffee powder will directly affect the taste of coffee, coffee powder is too thick, easy to extract insufficient taste light, too detailed easy to over-extract, the taste will be bitter. A tool is used to adjust the grinding degree in the front street-China 20 0.85mm standard sieve. The screening rate of medium and shallow roasted coffee beans in front street is always 75%, while that of medium and deep roasted coffee beans is 70%.


Here Yejia Xuefei belongs to medium-shallow roasted high-altitude coffee beans, Qianjie wants to extract more rich aromatic substances, so choose the thickness of the No. 20 standard sieve with a pass rate of 80%, and the corresponding store uses an EK43s bean mill scale of 10.


Thermometer is to measure the temperature of hot water, water temperature and grinding degree play a similar role, the higher the water temperature, the higher the extraction efficiency of coffee, the easier to release a variety of substances, the higher the concentration. If you use hot water that is close to boiling, it is easy to extract unpleasant bitter substances, so if you deep-bake coffee beans, Qianjie will use different cooking parameters from light-roasted coffee beans. Therefore, the front street of medium and deep roasted coffee beans is recommended to choose 87-90 ℃, while light-roasted coffee needs higher water temperature to stimulate aroma, so 91-93 ℃ is used.

There are many types of coffee filter cups on the market, and different styles of filter cups have different brewing effects, so they need to be equipped with corresponding filter paper to isolate coffee grounds. The daily products of Qianjie coffee shops will choose Hario V60 and KONO filter cups. V60 filter cup is mainly responsible for producing coffee beans with shallow roasting degree, while KONO filter cup is responsible for producing coffee beans with deeper roasting degree. The baristas in front street here will use resin V60 filter cups to extract Yega Chevy coffee.


The body of the V60 filter cup has a large round hole connecting the diversion ribs at the top and the bottom and the center, which speeds up the flow rate of the water, while the spirally shaped exhaust trough is designed to lengthen the flow path and increase the contact time of coffee powder and hot water. each flow of water converges along the groove to the center of the filter cup, the pressure on the coffee powder is concentrated, and the coffee extracted is more layered.

The hand flushing pot is used to steadily inject hot water into the coffee powder, and the thin mouth pot can pour out a stable flow of water and release the flavor substance by flushing the powder layer more evenly. The electronic scale allows us to control the total amount of water injected and the extraction time in order to cook according to the original cooking plan. Qianjie suggests buying a fast-display electronic scale with timing function, or directly searching the hand-made coffee electronic scale to buy.


Washing and cooking technique

On the network media, we can see all kinds of hand-flushing water injection techniques, such as one-cut flow, three-stage style, four or six flushing and so on, which can make the flavor of the coffee in the cup different. According to previous cooking experience, Qianjie suggests beginners to use three-stage water injection. Three-stage extraction is beneficial to dissolve flavor substances more fully, increase the level of taste, and avoid excessive extraction of coffee after soaking for too long.

If 15 grams of coffee powder, 1:15 powder-water ratio, 225ml total water, three stages of water is divided into: 30ml, 95ml, 100ml, the weight on the electronic scale shows: 30g, 125g, 225g.


Fold the filter paper and stick it with the filter cup, wet the filter paper with a small amount of water and make them fit better, and pour out the water from the pot. Then pour in the coffee powder and gently pat to let the powder layer distribute evenly. The first stage is gently injected with 30 grams of water for steaming for 30 seconds, and the second stage is injected with about 125 grams of water to circle evenly and smoothly outward. Then wait for the coffee liquid to drop, drop to half, inject the last section of water to 225 grams, wait for the coffee to fall behind, the general total extraction time is about 2 minutes. Finally, remove the drip filter, shake the coffee liquid in the next pot, and you can taste it from the high temperature.


The reason why people like hand-brewed coffee so much is that when we take the initiative to explore the extraction flavor of coffee, we adjust the brewing method according to the variety and roasting degree of different coffee beans, and carefully select utensils to feel the different appearance of coffee brought by different extraction methods. adjust the degree of grinding, temperature, water flow, water injection and other factors to adjust the extraction of coffee. Each step can bring a different sense of taste and smell, which is the charm of hand-brewed coffee.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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