Coffee review

Coffee roasting degree of roasting of raw beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The baking depth listed below deepens the raw beans (Green Coffee). The beans that have not been baked are green in appearance, and the color will change with the degree of baking. Light baking (Light Roast) is the most mild baking method, the appearance is wheat color, after extraction, there is no fragrance, bitter taste, not suitable for drinking cinnamon baking (Cinnamon Roast) mild baking method, the appearance is cinnamon color, more Light Ro

The baking depth listed below is deepened one by one.

Raw bean (Green Coffee)

The appearance of the beans that have not been baked is green, and the color will change with the degree of baking.

Light baking (Light Roast)

The most mild baking method, the appearance is wheat color, after extraction there is no fragrance, bitter taste, not suitable for drinking

Cinnamon baking (Cinnamon Roast)

Light baking method, the appearance is cinnamon color, more fragrant than Light Roast encounter sour quality beans, this baking method can stimulate its sour taste.

Medium baking (Medium Roast)

Moderate baking shows chestnut color, beginning to produce sour and bitter taste, soft taste, suitable for the blending of sour American coffee.

Medium baking (High Roast)

Slightly strong moderate baking, the appearance is brown, sour taste is suppressed, bitterness and sweetness become stronger.

Medium baking (City Roast)

Strongly medium-baked, City refers to New York City, with just the right sour and bitter taste.

Deep baking (Full City Roast)

Deep baking is thicker than City Roast, and you can hardly feel the sour taste.

Deep baking (French Roast)

The deeply roasted beans are light black and feel as if the fat is about to spill over, making them suitable for coffee, Olei and Viennese coffee.

Deep baking (Italian Roast)


Egg strong numerical baking degree weightlessness ratio baking process

# 84 Mustang 87 extremely shallow roast 8% Muth13% one explosion tight to tail explosion

# 69PUBG 65 shallow training 11% Mustang 14% end with a bang

# 64 medium 60 shallow roast 13% color 15% an explosion ends for about 30-40 seconds

Baked 14% Mustang 16% in # 59 Mel 55 near the end of the first explosion, the beans turned to endothermic before the second explosion.

# 54 Mustang 44 medium and deep baked 16% Mu18% second explosion begins 20-40 seconds, beans exothermic

# 43 Mustang 36 Deep Bake 17% Muth19% the second explosion starts for 40-100 seconds, with a dense burst sound.

# 35 Mustang 26 South Italian deep baking 19% Muth21% second explosion about 100 seconds after entering the tail explosion

# 25 Mustang 18 French retraining 21% Muth23% second explosion ends, white smoke turns to blue smoke, beware of fire

This is the suggestion of coffee science. It is more Chinese and can be used for reference.


Eight or five or several baking degrees all have the reference of "fixed".

However, some roasting degrees can not correctly reflect the characteristics of coffee beans.

In the future, you will understand that baking methods cannot be divided into "several baking degrees". This idea should have been eliminated a long time ago.

Let me give you a few examples about baking:

Beans with prolonged dehydration time and rapid high temperature quenching will taste very different even if they are baked in the same color.

Coffee beans of the same kind and different items will taste completely different even if they are roasted in the same color, because they have different heating ability.

Coffee beans of different densities are produced differently in the same baking mode, and bakers often call them "soft beans" and "hard beans".

Different treatments such as washed beans, semi-washed beans and sun-dried beans will produce different products in the same baking mode, and it is necessary to keep trying to find the best dehydration time for these beans, because beans with a little undercooked and underdehydrated beans will produce a bad smell.

Old beans and new beans will be produced differently in the same baking mode, involving water content and freshness.

The products of electric roaster and gas roaster will be completely different, and the gas baking machine will pull up the baking curve more quickly.

The products of roasters with different heating methods, such as direct fire, semi-direct fire, hot air and so on, will also be completely different. The baking temperature, smoke exhaust capacity, drum speed, firepower stability, throttle size, cooling rate after dropping beans and other factors of each roaster all affect the taste of coffee. Let's go on two more baking temperature graphs.



Two identical beans, using the same roaster, but using different methods to bake into the same color, the taste difference will be quite obvious. Just like a Kenyan bottle with some kind of "medium baking" can bake fascinating aromas of red wine, citrus sweetness and flowers, but using some kind of "deep baking" can cause unique tobacco aromas, cigar aromas, rotten wood flavors, and increased sweetness. it can also be intoxicating. But as tasters, we don't know what the concept of moderation and depth is.


Therefore, the variety in baking cannot be explained in several types at all. If a baker can only bake beans in eight stages, then the level can only deceive ordinary people.

The purpose of sending these is not to answer the questions of the landlord, nor to the data listed upstairs. I just hope that the students who have finished reading can have some understanding of the changes in the baking. Baking depth can be used to refer to or illustrate some information, but it is not entirely correct. When we are still in the learning stage of the novice period, we do not need to know such concepts as "the end of the first explosion", "the first burst of beans", "urban baking" and "French baking", so as not to produce "what is the best baking degree of beans?" "what kind of baked manning should I buy?" And so on this kind of question, falls into the deeper misunderstanding.