Coffee review

A brief introduction to the characteristics of single Coffee Bean Sidamo Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Ethiopia Sidamo sun introduction single coffee sun flavor is usually a vague term, is the elegant fragrance of the population who like this coffee flavor, but also bad for this flavor

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

When recommending Ethiopian coffee beans, Qianjie asks guests, "would you like a brighter, sour Esser or a juicy one?" When everyone is often obsessed with drinking Essex beans, the baristas in front street will choose the flavor they want as quickly as possible through the citrus-like bright and sour flavor of Yegashifi and the fruity and juicy flavor of Sidamo.


Generally speaking, the sun flavor of single coffee is a vague term, which is not only the elegant fragrance of the people who like the coffee flavor, but also the strange taste of the people who don't like it. Even if he is a coffee glutton, he can conclude that the coffee beans are made from the sun, but he may hesitate to say what the "sun flavor" is.


Sun flavor actually refers to the taste of coffee beans obtained in the process of sun treatment. In the process of turning a coffee fruit (Cherry) into a coffee raw bean (Green Bean), two different methods are commonly used: washing and tanning. When the medium sun treatment is actually the direct drying of the whole coffee berry, so the coffee beans will absorb the sugar in the pectin of the pulp, the coffee beans will smell slightly fermented and the coffee will taste sweeter.

How to treat coffee beans in the sun

During the coffee harvest season, farmers in the Sidamo area only pick ripe red fruits and put them in baskets one by one. The picked coffee fruit has uniform size, similar maturity and no other impurities. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to manually screen defective coffee beans and immature or overripe coffee fruits. Then lay the coffee red fruit on a high wooden frame or whole scaffolding to make the sun, so as to avoid the risk of beans smelling on the ground.


In the process of exposure, it will constantly turn to ensure that the coffee beans can be evenly exposed to water; every three to five days, farmers will manually screen out the defective and moldy beans. Wait for the peel to dry and harden, and then use a sheller to remove the hard peel. After obtaining the raw coffee beans, the farmer will do one last screening in pursuit of the perfect taste.

Is the sun-tanned coffee beans good in Sidamo?

Ethiopia, as a very important coffee exporter in the world, mainly produces Sidamo, Yegashifi, Kochel, Hara, Gima and so on. Sidamo is the main producing area of boutique beans, and the coffee beans are famous for their excellent fruit characteristics and delicate and elegant flavor.

The Sidamo region is located in the south of Ethiopia, extending to the districts of Arsi and Bale in the east and Gamogofa in the west. Sidamo coffee is cultivated at the altitude of 1400m-2000m. The industry here is dominated by agriculture, and the main growing area of coffee is around the Great Rift Valley (Great Rift Valley) of East Africa. Sidamo has developed rapidly in recent years and is an important distribution center for coffee export. The coffee flavor of Sidamo is very diverse, and the different soil types, microclimate and countless native coffee species make the coffee produced in each town have obvious differences and characteristics.


The coffee beans in the region are also loved by coffee consumers around the world because the sun treatment creates fuller sour berries and smooth fullness.

Sun-dried coffee beans in the Sidamo area represent


Qianjie Coffee-Sidamo Sakura 7.0 Coffee beans

Continent: Africa

Country of ownership: Ethiopia

Origin: Sidamo Humbela

Processing plant: buku able processing plant

Coffee bean seed: Heirloom (Ethiopian native bean seed)

Altitude: 2250-2350m

Treatment: sun treatment