Coffee review

Online celebrity drink bulletproof coffee what is the making course explanation ketone bulletproof coffee that brand is good

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Whether you're in weight management or not, you've probably heard of the new term bulletproof coffee (bulletproofcoffee). Bulletproof coffee can be said to be the most ramming drink this year, from European and American stars such as "divider" heroine Charlene Woodley (ShaileneWoodley),

Whether you're in weight management or not, you've probably heard of the new term bulletproof coffee (bulletproof coffee). Bulletproof coffee is the most compacted drink of the year, ranging from European and American stars such as "divergent" actress Shirleen Woodley (Shailene Woodley) and "Generation 1" member Harry Styles to fitness blogs and Ptt weight loss experts. Is bulletproof coffee as magical as rumors? Generally speaking, coffee with cream is considered to be super high in calories, so why can you manage your weight by drinking bulletproof coffee? How to make and drink bulletproof coffee? The following article will explain it in detail for you.

Weight management principle of bulletproof coffee: ketogenic diet

Bulletproof coffee was first developed by Dave Dave Asprey, an engineer in Silicon Valley. He has been troubled by weight problems for a long time. Later, he went on a trip to Xizang and was inspired by buttered tea. When he returned to the United States, he added unsalted cream and coconut oil to his morning black coffee, thus inventing bulletproof coffee. According to Dave, he named it bulletproof coffee because he not only had no hunger, but also became mentally good and physically as strong as wearing a bulletproof vest.

At this point, you probably already know the benefits of bulletproof coffee: increase fullness, maintain blood sugar, and, in turn, boost your spirits. But what is the weight management principle of bulletproof coffee? Why does greased coffee become so strong?

In fact, the weight management principle of bulletproof coffee is very close to the "ketogenic diet" that has been popular in the fitness world for some time. Ketogenic diet, also known as sugar-limited diet weight loss, is simply eating very few carbohydrates (starches, sugars, etc.), and fat to replace the usual energy from carbohydrates. Of course, the so-called "bulletproof coffee diet weight management law" is not enough to drink bulletproof coffee full of fat, it must be 6 hours before eating, and with a low-sugar, high-fat diet, in order to achieve weight management effect.

As for why fat can be used instead of sugars to achieve weight loss? This is about the mechanism of energy utilization in the human body. Generally speaking, the foods we eat to provide energy can be divided into three categories: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates break down into glucose in the body, some provide energy, and some are stored in the liver to form liver sugars. When the human body needs energy, it will first use glucose, and then use liver sugar. If the above two stocks are not enough, it will begin to decompose fat. Therefore, if you reduce carbohydrate intake, body fat will be used as an energy source to decompose and burn, producing ketone bodies (ketone) to achieve the effect of fat reduction. In the simplest sentence, eat less carbohydrates and the excess fat in the body will be consumed.

On the other hand, fats and fats are the most difficult to digest of all nutrients, and if there is a lack of carbohydrates, metabolism will be slower, which can help prolong satiety. When the fat you eat cannot burn quickly to produce energy, it also encourages the body to consume the fat accumulated in the body to provide enough calories.

Combining the above principles, eating less carbohydrates and eating more fat can help the body burn fat. In the generally recommended balanced diet, carbohydrates account for about 55% of calorie intake, protein accounts for 15-20%, and fat accounts for 30%. A low-sugar diet, commonly known as "meat loss" or "Arkin diet", adjusts the proportion of carbohydrates to 20%. The proportion of carbohydrates recommended by ketogenic diet and bulletproof coffee diet is even lower, at less than 10%, that is, no more than 50 grams of carbohydrates in a day, while oils account for more than 70%. It has been proved that this nutrition ratio can achieve a significant fat reduction effect in a short time.

How to drink bulletproof coffee to suppress hunger

After understanding the principle, let's take a look at how the so-called bulletproof coffee weight management method actually works. According to the weight management diet of the founder of bulletproof coffee, after getting up every morning, drink 2 cups of bulletproof coffee on an empty stomach for breakfast, and then stop eating anything until noon. It is best to have an interval of more than 6 hours from breakfast to lunch, so that only fat can be digested in the body, which can not provide energy quickly, thus prompting the body to consume accumulated fat; if you start eating too early, it will accumulate undigested fat for breakfast and increase the amount of fat. Because a large amount of fat can maintain a sense of satiety, although the fat eaten does not provide energy and the body does not feel hungry, it is especially energetic with the help of caffeine and does not have the mental illness that is often found in weight management on a diet.

For lunch, it is recommended to eat a small amount of protein, with lots of vegetables and healthy oils, and supplement nutrients other than carbohydrates. You should eat less for dinner and stop eating 12 hours before breakfast in order to get up on an empty stomach.

Overall, the proportion of fat in the diet should be 50-70%, protein 20%, vegetables 20%, starch and other sugars less than 5%. According to the experience of many users, the effect can be seen in 1-3 months.

Practice and proportion of bulletproof coffee

According to the bulletproof coffee website, the bulletproof coffee is made from a mixture of black coffee, unsalted milk (butter) oil and coconut oil at 1:1:1, that is, a cup of 240cc black coffee, plus 1 tablespoon cream and 1 tablespoon coconut oil. This proportion of bulletproof coffee, a cup of calories of about 217 calories, it is recommended to drink two cups a day as breakfast.

The oil composition of bulletproof coffee is also particular. Salt-free forage feeding milk (cow) oil and coconut oil is the best combination choice. Salt-free cream does not cause excessive sodium intake, and grass-fed cream is much more nutritious than feed-fed cream. The color of forage cream is yellow, which is rich in carotene, vitamin A, conjugated linoleic acid, short-chain fatty acids, vitamin K2 and other nutrients. Vitamin K2 can help bone mineral words and promote bone density; conjugated linoleic acid can help suppress hunger and promote fat digestion; short-chain fatty acids provide intestinal probiotic energy and promote rapid fatty acid digestion.

In addition, coconut oil contains a large number of medium-chain fatty acids (MCT), which can be converted into energy directly into the liver and do not accumulate in blood vessels, which is different from ordinary long-chain fatty acids. The ketone body produced by coconut oil metabolism can directly supply energy to the brain through the cerebrovascular barrier, slow down the degeneration of brain cells, prevent dementia or avoid deterioration.

Black coffee, as the protagonist of bulletproof coffee, can promote metabolism. 240cc black coffee contains 100mg of caffeine, which boosts metabolism by 4 per cent, helps diuresis and boosts spirits.

Are you excited to see here? Moreover, it is not difficult to make bulletproof coffee with such rich nutrition, as long as people who usually have the habit of making their own coffee, they can be done easily. The most authentic bulletproof coffee is as follows (one cup):

1. Take 240cc filtered water and boil

two。 Grind 2 tablespoons coffee beans and brew black coffee

3. Prepare 15-30 cc coconut oil and 15-30 grams of salt-free grass feeding cream

4. Pour the prepared black coffee, coconut oil and cream into the blender and beat well for 20-30 seconds.

Bulletproof coffee is ready in four simple steps. It's easier than a regular breakfast. You don't have to worry about being late for work at all.

Side effects of bulletproof coffee

Although the effect of weight management is highly respected, weight management with bulletproof coffee is not without risks. Long-term intake of unbalanced nutrition, the burden on the body is naturally not small. Bulletproof coffee weight management is more suitable for people who want to see the effect of weight management in the short term. Nutritionists suggest that the implementation of bulletproof coffee diet is best not more than one and a half months, and the implementation of more than 3 months, the effect will be greatly reduced. If you want a long-term, uniform diet control, calorie intake control with regular exercise, it will be a better way.

In addition to uneven nutritional intake, bulletproof coffee may also have the following side effects:

Ketoacidosis: bulletproof coffee diet promotes fat decomposition and produces large amounts of ketones. These ketones must be excreted from the kidneys, and too much may overburden the kidneys. Ketone body accumulation in the body will cause blood acidity increase, potassium ion loss, electrolyte imbalance, that is, the so-called "ketoacidosis." Common symptoms include dehydration, vomiting, nausea, and in severe cases may even affect brain function and cause kidney failure, coma and life-threatening.

Dehydration: the body will consume a lot of water in the process of decomposing fat and producing ketone body, resulting in dry mouth, polyuria and other reactions. Therefore, in the implementation of bulletproof coffee diet, you should replenish a lot of water at any time to avoid dehydration.

Digestive tract discomfort: increased oil intake of bulletproof coffee diet will slow gastrointestinal emptying, prone to gastrointestinal symptoms, such as indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, gastroesophageal reflux and so on. According to statistics, 30% of people who eat ketogenic diet have constipation problems.

The risk of kidney stones increases: the risk of kidney stones increases due to increased burden on the kidneys and lack of water in the body.

Although there are these side effects, generally speaking, as long as a short-term bulletproof coffee diet, and a large number of supplements of water and vitamins, fiber and other essential nutrients, the probability of side effects of bulletproof coffee is not high. However, bulletproof coffee diets are not recommended for people who meet the following conditions.

Diabetics: whether diabetics are suitable for a low-sugar diet, or even a ketogenic diet, has been controversial for a long time. Some diabetics do improve their condition by reducing their intake of carbohydrates. However, the etiology of diabetes is very complicated, and if a ketogenic diet is hastily implemented, the risk of ketoacidosis will be higher than that of ordinary people, or even fatal. For the sake of safety, diabetics are strongly advised to discuss with their doctors and dietitians before changing their eating habits, and then formulate their own dietary strategies according to their illness.

Hypertension, hyperlipidemia patients: hypertension, hyperlipidemia patients, the blood cholesterol has been on the high side, if you eat too much fat, it is likely to aggravate the disease, ketogenic diet is not recommended.

Patients with kidney disease: ketogenic diet can cause kidney burden, people who already have kidney disease should avoid using it.

Patients with gout: ketone body will increase the accumulation of uric acid, making gout worse, so patients with gout are not recommended to eat ketogenic diet.

Pregnant women and developing adolescents and children: pregnant women and developing adolescents and children need large and balanced nutrition and a ketogenic diet is not recommended.

Who is suitable for bulletproof coffee?

In the case of proper implementation, bulletproof coffee can indeed achieve very good results for people who want to lose weight and fat in the short term. In addition, because the ketone body can provide brain nerve cell energy and promote the stable neurotransmitter GABA, it is considered to have the effect of relieving seizures. In many treatments for epilepsy, ketogenic diet is listed as a very important and effective one.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, the coconut oil added to bulletproof coffee and the ketone body produced by metabolism can directly supply energy to the brain and prevent the degeneration of brain cells, which is very helpful for people with dementia.

Where can I buy bulletproof coffee?

Although bulletproof coffee is still a new diet, many combinations of bulletproof coffee can be found on the market, which are generally sold in the form of coffee beans or coffee powder with coconut oil. If you already have your own preferred coffee products, choose coconut oil and unsalted cream with food safety certification and match them at home to drink bulletproof coffee that suits your taste.