Coffee review

New Oriental Highland Coffee in Guatemala What is the aroma solarization method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Guatemala. New Oriental Heights. The smell of wine. Sunlight producing area: New Oriental Highland Altitude:1300~1700 Variety: Bourbon. Cadura Harvest: December to March Treatment: Bouquet Sunburn Rating:SHB Flavor Description: Citrus, Dark Chocolate, Plum, Wine, Pineapple "Bouquet Sunburn Treatment" does not refer to the addition of red wine to the green bean treatment process, but to the use of similar red wine fermentation

Guatemala. The New Oriental Highlands. The wine smells like a back. Insolation

Producing area: new Oriental Highland

Altitude: 1300 to 1700

Variety: bourbon. Kaddura

Harvest time: December to March of the following year

Treatment: wine aroma in the sun

Grade: SHB

Flavor description: citrus, dark chocolate, plum, wine, pineapple

"Liquor-flavor sun treatment" does not mean the addition of red wine in the process of raw bean treatment, but the use of a method similar to red wine fermentation to make the fermentation time longer and get the effect of wine aroma. The process described by FENGJEN is as follows:

1. Coffee farmers harvest ripe coffee fruit and place it on African-style scaffolding or cement floors, which are exposed to the sun to dry.

two。 In the process of regular stirring so that the coffee fruit can be evenly exposed, and constantly detect the degree of fermentation.

3. Dry to an appropriate moisture content after a few days.

4. The dried coffee fruit will be shelled by a practical sheller to remove the pulp and peel.

The wine flavor and sun treatment process are all ripe red fruits, and the fermentation time is longer, and the fermentation process should be observed at any time, which is quite labor-consuming and time-consuming, so the raw beans have a special fermentation flavor and the sense of hierarchy is more abundant.

□ Guatemala is currently the world's sixth largest coffee producer. The Coffee Association of Guatemala (Anacaf é) divides the country's coffee producing areas into eight different regions and establishes coffee brands belonging to Guatemala, and the New Oriental Heights (Oriente Highland) introduced this time is one of them.

New Oriental production area, as its name implies, is located in the easternmost part of Guatemala. Rain Water is abundant in this area and is shaded by clouds all the year round. Because it is located in the dormant volcanic zone, and the soil here is composed of a uniform mixture of a variety of mineral metamorphic rocks, it is different from that in other volcanic soil producing areas.

New Oriental Heights (Oriente Highland) was originally the poorest and most remote area in Guatemala, but since it began to grow coffee in the 1950s, it has attracted more and more attention in the international coffee market because of its good quality, growing fame and increasing demand year by year. The whole producing area began to flourish, and coffee has replaced other crops and become the main source of income for farmers in the region.