Coffee review

Background of coffee development in Dominica introduces the processing and flavor of coffee in Dominica

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee from the Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) appeared in 1822-1844, and the earliest coffee garden was probably located in the BahorucoPanzo hills near Neyba. There are several coffee producing areas in the Valdesia region of Dominica and by 1880 it had become a major coffee manufacturing center in the country. In 1956, Dominica began to export coffee from specific producing areas, mainly Bani and Ocoa.

Coffee from the Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) appeared in 1822-1844, and the earliest coffee garden was probably located in the BahorucoPanzo hills near Neyba. There are several coffee producing areas in the Valdesia region of Dominica and by 1880 it had become a major coffee manufacturing center in the country. In 1956, Dominica began to export coffee from specific producing areas, mainly Bani, Ocoa and Valdesiao, and in the 1960s, farmers in these areas became more organized, and the processing plant was established in 1967 with 155 members. Like many coffee-producing countries, the volatility and unpredictability of coffee prices at the end of the 20th century led farmers to reduce their dependence on coffee exports, many of whom switched to legumes or avocados, but some farmers still keep a small portion of their coffee grown waiting for prices to recover. Although Valdesia is not a legal production area of the government, farmers in this area began to seek ways to protect the name of the production area after launching the Cafe de Valdesia brand in 2010.

Dominican Coffee varieties and handling methods

Dominica coffee is dominated by Arabica, 90% is Tibica, and the other 10% is Kaddura, bourbon and Kaduai. (it is said to be a descendant of Tibica planted by French officer Dikrou on the island of Martinique. The treatment method is mainly water washing and part of it is insolation. The 26th largest coffee producer in the world, but due to large domestic demand and low external sales, the global market share is only 0.3%.

Dominican coffee flavor

The soil of Dominica belongs to limestone and granite, is rich in minerals, and the soil is different from other Central American producing areas, so the taste of coffee is also very unique.