Coffee review

Production and consumption of coffee beans in Nigeria increases exports of Arabica Carobusan coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Nigeria Coffee beans Coffee production and consumption in Nigeria have been increasing. Coffee consumption in Nigeria increased by 5 per cent in 2010, in part because of the increase in Nestl é mobile kiosks and the 37 per cent market share of the instant coffee industry. Nestle Coffee products for Nigeria are produced in Ivory Coast and distributed to various parts of West Africa. Nestle owns it in Nigeria.

Nigerian coffee beans

Coffee production and consumption in Nigeria have been increasing. Coffee consumption in Nigeria increased by 5 per cent in 2010, in part because of the increase in Nestl é mobile kiosks and the 37 per cent market share of the instant coffee industry.

Nestle Coffee products for Nigeria are produced in Ivory Coast and distributed to various parts of West Africa. Nestl é has more than 60% of the market in Nigeria.

Nigerian coffee factories and industries are reviving

In recent years, old coffee plantations in Nigeria have been restored, and old coffee plants are usually rejuvenated by removing plants to a height of about 1.5 meters.

There are also some new technologies for the spread of Robsta plants, and more than 110 varieties of Arabica coffee factories are working to improve the country's coffee industry in the Manbira plateau test.

Nigeria is also establishing new coffee plant cultivation and fertilization methods to increase the yield of coffee plants, and coffee marketing strategies have begun to show positive results.

The wet processing of coffee fruit also improves the overall quality.

Raw coffee production

60 kg bag

42000 = 5544000 lbs.

2015: 42401 = 5596932 pounds

2014: 42616 = 5625259 lb

2013: 8405615 lb = 40592


Raw coffee export

60 kg bag

2016: 0 = 0 lb

2400: 2015

316800 lb 2014: 2620 = 345840 lb

2013: 113520 lbs.

The latest in 2012

Data = 316800 pounds July 10, 2012

Source: ICO