Coffee review

Colombian Palm trees and Big Bird Manor Coffee Story Lactic acid fermentation treatment of coffee bean flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Deeply in love with Manning and Blue Mountain, I did not expect that one day I would be attracted by lactic acid fermentation. Qianjie will introduce you to a coffee estate from Colombia, which is famous for its lactic acid fermentation.

Deeply in love with Manning and Blue Mountain, I did not expect that one day I would be attracted by lactic acid fermentation. Qianjie will introduce you to a coffee estate from Colombia, which is famous for its lactic acid fermentation.

Country: Colombia

Region: cundinamraca

Producer: La Palma & EL tucan Palm Tree and Bird Manor

Farm: La Palma & EL tucan

La Palma & El Tuck á n is a farm, mill and coffee ecotourism destination located in the Zipacon Mountains of Kundinamaka. The name of the farm indicates the core concept of their operation: symbiosis, that is, the mutual benefit of action. Just as palm trees and giant beaked birds exist in a balanced relationship in their habitats, La Palma & El Tuck á n approaches the coffee ecosystem through sustainable production and innovative processing, and invites everyone in the supply chain to visit the farm and witness the coffee production environment.

On farms, the intersection between coffee farming and sustainable tourism is clear. Open-air cafes and huts hidden in the forest encourage visitors to consider the continuity between coffee production and consumption space. Vegetable gardens, composting production, biochar production, water filtration, fertilization methods for coffee trees, various shading tree species and the overall biodiversity of farm animals and plants are indicators of sustainable agriculture in practice.

Coffee has been an integral part of the economic development of Kundi Yamaka province for more than a century. Coffee in the region is not just a crop; it is part of the social and cultural fabric of the region.

Coffee from Quentimaka grows on the western slope of the Andes in eastern Colombia. Here, coffee cultivation is known for its biodiversity, integration into local ecosystems and the commitment of coffee producers in the sector; these ingredients have contributed to the popularity of shade coffee in Kundinamaka. Under a layer of native Andean flora, shaded coffee demonstrates the regional concept of conservation and environmental sustainability.

Cundianmarca's coffee farm covers an area of more than 43000 hectares, 70 per cent of which is under other tree species. The department revolves around the country's capital, Bogota, which has more than 10 million residents and a vast metropolitan area. Although the farms in Kundinamaka are very close to the urban centres of the country, they are in sharp contrast to the ecosystem that actively protects Colombia's natural diversity.

Columbia Las Palmas lactic acid processed coffee

Lactic acid fermentation allows lactic acid bacteria to grow under anaerobic conditions and continuously measure oxygen content, sugar content and pH value. Bacteria feed on sugars in mucus and produce high concentrations of lactic acid. After reaching the required pH value, soak the coffee in clean water to stop the bacteria from growing and dry on the viaduct. "

Lactic acid fermentation produces a completely unique final product: a slightly sticky wine, unique acidity and citrus flavor, and our sipping experience that is almost equivalent to drinking dry white wine. As one of our clients described it, "Wow. First bite. Rich sense of touch! The front is citrus, with strong acidity and butter.

Qianjie followed the anaerobic sun-dried coffee beans in the hot meat harvest in 2020.

Kaddura is a variety of bourbon, the end of coffee beans are curved, round and slender, production capacity and disease resistance are better than bourbon coffee beans, higher altitude adaptability, higher altitude, the opposite flavor, the smaller the yield.

I wonder when Rose Summer will have the same treatment?