Coffee review

Blue Mountain Coffee VS Kona Coffee Flavor and Taste distinction Blue Mountain Coffee Story Kona Coffee Grade Classification

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, All coffee lovers or beginners must have heard of Blue Mountain Coffee and Kona Coffee. Growing coffee here is one of the most popular coffee beans in the world, and you may want to know the difference between them. First of all, let's take a look at each kind of coffee: blue Mountain Coffee, a popular beer, comes from coffee beans grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. These Jamaicans.

All coffee lovers or beginners must have heard of Blue Mountain Coffee and Kona Coffee. Growing coffee here is one of the most popular coffee beans in the world, and you may want to know the difference between them.

First, let's take a look at each kind of coffee:

Blue Mountain Coffee

This popular beer comes from coffee beans grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. These Jamaican coffees must be grown in one of the four parishes within a specific altitude. All growers must be certified by the Jamaican coffee regulator. The organization requires planters to be responsible for their products and to prevent fraudulent sales.

The unique flavor of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee the unique climate of this small mountain range of Jamaica. The weather and soil conditions in certain areas produce a bean known for its lack of bitterness, balanced by the potential flavors of herbs, chocolates and nuts.

This silky coffee is carefully picked and hand-sorted. Due to the high quality and rarity of coffee beans, the price of 16 ounces of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans may exceed $100.

Of course, if you want to know more about Blue Mountain Coffee, you can search Qianjie Coffee and official account.

Kona is also famous for being one of the best coffee in the world. Only coffee grown in the Kona district of the Big Island of Hawaii is classified as Kona coffee. More specifically, coffee beans must be grown from the slopes of Mount Mauna Loa or Mount Valale. Like Blue Mountain Coffee, Hawaiian Kona Coffee grows at high altitudes on the hillside.

High altitude growth enables beans to produce rich complex sugars, creating a highly sought-after flavor.

The Department of Agriculture has a Kona bean classification system that ranks their quality and sets guidelines for specific levels. Type 1 Kona Extra Fancy is the most primitive and expensive grade. The price of 16 ounces is about $35, so it is much cheaper than Blue Mountain coffee. Students who are interested in the types of coffee beans can search for keywords to find out.

Each Kona coffee roast has different flavor characteristics. Medium baking is the most popular. It is famous for the smoothness and balance of its cherry, almond and chocolate flavors.

Each type of coffee grows under the condition of unique trace elements, thus forming its unique flavor. Blue Mountain Coffee is more nutty and herbaceous, while Kona Coffee is more fruity.

Blue Mountain Coffee will have a certification seal. For Kona coffee, you must check the percentage of Kona beans on the label. Only 100% Cona beans

If you think the flavor of Blue Mountain and Kona coffee is not enough, you can choose Indonesian Manning coffee.