Coffee review

The origin of fine coffee beans in Africa, what kinds of coffee beans are in Africa, and the origin of coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Speaking of coffee beans from Africa, you can immediately think of Kenyan coffee beans and Ethiopian coffee beans. Their beans have always been very popular among the people, because the rich sour fruits are really unforgettable. Africa, located in the equatorial zone, is a well-known region of coffee producers in the world, such as Ethiopia and Kenya. A

Speaking of coffee beans from Africa, you can immediately think of Kenyan coffee beans and Ethiopian coffee beans. Their beans have always been very popular among the people, because the rich sour fruits are really unforgettable. Africa, located in the equatorial zone, is a well-known region of coffee producers in the world, such as Ethiopia and Kenya.

Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and its coffee seeds have been planted all over the world, giving rise to a variety of varieties. Almost all coffee in Ethiopia is grown on small farms and is uniformly exported by the government. There are nine coffee producing areas in Ethiopia: Yega Sheffield, Sidamo, Lim, Hara, Jinma, Iruba, Kinby, Tibbebeca, Lake Tana, Wenago, and Gelena/Abaya. One of the most famous can be said to be the Yega Sheffei producing area.

Ethiopian coffee varieties

As mentioned above in Qianjie Coffee, there are so many varieties of coffee in Ethiopia that there are as many as 5, 000 varieties of Ethiopian native coffee beans found in the forest of the southern Kaffa region alone. Among them, there are nearly 2000 coffee bean varieties recorded (of which 1927 are native varieties and 128imported varieties). As a result, coffee fans who often buy coffee beans in Ethiopia have found that coffee beans in Ethiopia vary in shape and size, because the variety of Ethiopian coffee is very large, most of which have not yet been officially genetically identified. It is precisely because of the astonishing number of varieties, on the one hand, it is difficult to identify and classify them, and on the other hand, the Ethiopian government is unwilling to disclose the information of these varieties for the sake of protection, so it is collectively called "Ethiopian native species Heirloom".

So Ethiopia is a coffee breed bank with a lot of potential. Among them, such as iron pickup, rose summer coffee varieties all originated in Ethiopia, there are thousands of beans, which is the first reason for the different sizes of Ethiopian coffee beans.

Kenya is located in eastern Africa, the equator runs through the central part of the country, and the Great Rift Valley stretches north and south. It is bordered by Somalia to the east, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, Ethiopia and Sudan to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the southeast.

Kenyan coffee, known as the "Cup of connoisseurs" (Connoisseurs' Cup), often has a strong aroma, bright and lively acidity, full and elegant mellowness, a lingering multi-layered taste and the acidity of fruit juice.

Kenyan coffee is mostly grown at an altitude of 1500m, and is harvested twice a year. Coffee from different producing areas also has different flavors due to microclimate differences. Kenya coffee producing areas are the most famous in seven major producing areas, Thika, Kirinyaga and the west side of Mount Kenya (Mt. Kenya West, Nyeri, Kiambu, Ruiri and Muranga.

The varieties originally introduced to Kenya were Bourbon and India's Kent, and later Blue Mountain Tibica varieties were introduced from Jamaica and planted in Mount Elgonne. But the famous BlackBerry flavor of Kenyan coffee is brought not by Blue Mountain, Kent or traditional bourbon varieties, but by bourbon variants SL28 and SL34, which first appeared in Kenya in the 1930s. The coffee producing areas in Kenya are mainly concentrated in Mount Kenya (Mt. The plateau region represented by Kenya). Tropical climate, acid red volcanic soil provides a natural and suitable growth environment for coffee, the main producing areas such as Nyeri, Ruiru and so on.

The cultivated varieties in Kenya are mainly composed of three varieties: SL-28, SL-34 and Ruiru11.