Coffee review

Blue Mountain Coffee processing Plant

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, International online report (Mexico-based reporter Zhang Ling): as a non-coffee enthusiast, I don't do much research on coffee. However, when I heard that I had the opportunity to go to Jamaica for an interview, the first thing that occurred to many of my friends was that I could appreciate the true flavor of the world's top Blue Mountain coffee and expressed envy. Blue Mountain Coffee? The name is very poetic, after all

International online report (Mexico-based reporter Zhang Ling): as a non-coffee enthusiast, I don't do much research on coffee. However, when I heard that I had the opportunity to go to Jamaica for an interview, the first thing that occurred to many of my friends was that I could appreciate the true flavor of the world's top Blue Mountain coffee and expressed envy. Blue Mountain Coffee? The name is very poetic. What kind of unique charm can it be called "the top in the world"? After visiting the Blue Mountain Coffee processing Plant in Jamaica, I immediately joined the "Blue Mountain Coffee Family" and became its true FANS.

Unique natural conditions

As soon as you arrive in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, you can see the Blue Mountains that surround the famous city, where Blue Mountain Coffee is produced. According to legend, the island of Jamaica runs through many mountains, and the Blue Mountain northeast of Kingston is only one of these mountains. The reason why this mountain has such a good name is that when the British soldiers who had arrived in Kingston saw it shrouded in blue light, they shouted, "look, blue mountain!" From then on, it was named "Blue Mountain". Most of the Blue Mountains are above 1800 meters above sea level, of which the highest peak is 2256 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in the Caribbean.

The unique flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee is related to the unique geographical location and climatic conditions of the Blue Mountain Mountains. According to experts, between 25 degrees north latitude and 25 degrees south latitude is particularly suitable for growing coffee, known as the "coffee belt", where the Blue Mountains is located. In addition, Blue Mountain has fertile new volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, rainy all the year round, and a big temperature difference between day and night. Most importantly, every afternoon, clouds cover the top of the mountain, which not only shades the coffee trees naturally, but also brings abundant water vapor, which makes the taste and aroma of Blue Mountain coffee outstanding. Blue Mountain coffee beans are known as "golden beans", but they are only grown in the Blue Mountains more than 1800 meters above sea level, and the same coffee trees are planted in any other place with a similar climate.

We first came to Strawberry Villa, a famous tourist resort in Kingston, and the majestic Blue Mountains can be seen at the top of the villa. It was about 1pm and the sun was shining, but the blue mountains in the distance were still surrounded by layers of fog. It turns out that the Caribbean is responsible for all this. The island of Jamaica is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Whenever the sun shines on the sea on a sunny day, the Blue Mountains are shrouded in a faint blue atmosphere because of the refraction of the blue water.

A relatively simple factory building

Blue Mountain Coffee waiting to be lost

Why is Blue Mountain Coffee famous all over the world?

It is reported that the first coffee on the island of Jamaica was introduced by a French naval officer from Haiti in 1723. More than a hundred years later, Jamaica abolished slavery and allowed liberated slaves to cultivate their own land. some freed slaves moved to the mountains to grow coffee and exported it to Britain, the then sovereign country. Gradually famous by the British upper-class society. However, the initial cultivation of coffee did not attract enough attention from the Jamaican government until 1932, when the Jamaican government adopted an important decision to encourage coffee cultivation to reduce dependence on sugar exports.

Speaking of the beauty of Blue Mountain Coffee, first of all, because of its good taste, Blue Mountain Coffee has large particles, good quality, harmonious taste, strong mellow taste, uniform flavor, aroma, concentration, acidity and spiciness, and is universally recognized as the best coffee in the world. it is best to be drunk in the form of black coffee, so Blue Mountain Coffee is also known as the "aristocrat of coffee", which is unmatched by other coffee. Secondly, because the caffeine content of Blue Mountain Coffee is very low, which is less than half of that of other brands of coffee, it caters to the healthy consumption concept of modern people. In addition, the fact that Blue Mountain Coffee can maintain its top status today is also related to the policy of the Jamaican government to limit production and ensure quality. Brazil, the world's largest coffee producer, produces 30 million bags (60 kg each) of coffee a year, while Jamaica produces only more than 40, 000 bags, or about 170 tons, making it one of the world's less coffee producers. Only after it has been strictly recognized by the Jamaican Coffee Industry Authority, can coffee get a guarantee issued by the government and be officially named "Blue Mountain".

According to the information, there are several kinds of blue mountain coffee beans according to their quality. the top blue mountain coffee beans generally do not enter the circulation market, and most of them are booked by the royal family and tycoons. The listed Blue Mountain coffee beans are "Blue Mountain" brand coffee beans guaranteed by the Jamaican government, 85% of which are exported to Japan, and the rest are imported in bulk in the European and American markets. Therefore, most of the products billed as "Blue Mountain Coffee" in the Chinese market are fakes. In response to the saying, "scarcity is precious", Blue Mountain Coffee, which is sky-high in other countries, is not out of reach in Kingston supermarkets. A bag of 114 grams of Blue Mountain Coffee costs about $5. A bag of 227 grams of Blue Mountain coffee costs about $10.

Mr. Grant and the other staff are picking out coffee beans.

The reporter took a picture with Mr. Grant.

Visit the coffee processing factory

Along the winding mountain road, we drove to the famous MAVIS BANK CENTRAL FACTORY coffee processing plant in Kingston, which has the largest market share of Jablum coffee in Jamaica and can be seen in supermarkets and even duty-free shops at the airport. At the same time, it is also a coffee factory specially designed for tourists to visit the coffee processing process, and it seems that there are not a few visitors interested in the blue mountain coffee processing process. We had passed the normal visiting time, but Norman, the general manager of the coffee processing factory, was getting ready to leave work after identifying himself as a Chinese journalist. Mr. Grant received us warmly, and I noticed from his business card that he was a senator of the Jamaican Senate and president of the Jamaican Cultural Exchange Association. It turns out that Mr. Grant, who is less than 40 years old this year, comes from a family of coffee growers and processors. He has been in a coffee processing factory since he was a teenager.

In fact, the scale of this coffee processing factory is not large, with only a row of simple two-story factories and another large coffee bean selection room, which is a little shabby compared to the scale of some large factories in China. However, according to Mr. Grant, his coffee processing factory is the largest in Jamaica, which can be seen from the market share of Jablum coffee. On the way Mr. Grant took us to the coffee showroom, we passed the coffee bean selection room. the workers were all female workers who were choosing coffee beans and were not impressed by reporters visiting them. maybe it's because there are so many interviews and visitors. There are also many large wooden buckets with the words "Blue Mountain Coffee" in the factory yard. Jamaica was the last country to still use traditional wooden barrels to transport coffee in order to ensure the quality of coffee during transportation. In addition, in the factory yard, we also saw the freshly picked coffee beans lying on the ground to dry, and it is hard to imagine that they are the "coffee aristocrat" Blue Mountain coffee in the future.

In a small coffee showroom, full of machines related to coffee processing and some packaged Blue Mountain coffee beans, Mr. Grant asked people to bring different grades of coffee and taste them carefully, but as an expert, he was just tasting coffee instead of drinking it, because he spit it out every sip, and of course he gave a thumbs up and said, "Great" after each cup. We were all amused by Mr. Grant and deeply felt his love for his own coffee. According to Mr. Grant, every process of Blue Mountain Coffee, from planting and picking to cleaning, shelling and roasting, is very exquisite and has strict standards, while picking and many subsequent procedures are done by hand. After that, we visited the coffee plantation behind the processing plant and saw what kind of coffee beans were of high grade. There was a lot of knowledge, which was far beyond what we laymen could understand. Finally, Mr. Grant, who has no business ties with China so far, is full of confidence in expanding the Chinese market in the future, joking, "how many tons do you want, the price can be cheaper."

On the way out of the coffee processing factory, when I looked back at the magnificent blue mountains again, I couldn't help thinking of the words of the British soldiers who first arrived in Jamaica, "look, the blue mountains." Yes, what a beautiful sentence, perhaps it is it that brings good luck to the famous Blue Mountain Coffee in the future!

A big bucket of coffee

Coffee beans

Coffee bean picker

Coffee bean picker

Coffee processor

Coffee peeling machine

Coffee plantation

Jamaica Blue Mountain, where the world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee comes from.

Coffee beans that have been processed

A barrel for carrying Blue Mountain Coffee

JABLUM Blue Mountain Coffee, which has the largest market share in Jamaica, is produced by Mr. Grant's factory.

Coffee beans that are being cooled by the sun

Mr. Grant is tasting his coffee.

The famous Blue Mountains