Coffee review

Picture and text teaching: iced latte, it's still so simple!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I wonder if yesterday's ice coffee production brought you a hint of summer coolness, so today, Qianjie wants to share the opposite of iced American coffee-iced latte! As well as the recent explosion of the way Drity (dirty coffee), a star product extended from an iced latte, is made, let's get into the next step.


I wonder if yesterday's ice coffee production brought you a hint of summer coolness, so today, Qianjie wants to share the opposite of iced American coffee-iced latte! As well as the recent explosion of the way Drity (dirty coffee), a star product extended from an iced latte, is made, let's move on to the next sharing time.

The way ice lattes are made:

Step 1: take out a cup with a capacity of about 300ml.


Step 2: add 80g of ice and pour in 170ml's milk.


Step 3: grind out 20g of coffee powder and extract a 38ml coffee concentrate. (the data adjusts the data according to the current equipment and the status of the coffee beans of the day ~)


Step 4: pour the concentrate into a cup filled with ice and milk.


Step 5: stir well and you can drink!


The way Drity (dirty coffee) is made:

Preparation before production: you need to put the cup you are going to use in the refrigerator to let the cup itself be frozen through at a low temperature; because Drity pays attention to hot and cold layering, you need to operate the following steps consistently to achieve the best results!


Step 1: prepare a frozen cup that is thrown into the refrigerator ahead of time.


Step 2: pour in 180ml's iced milk.


Step 3: grind a cup of coffee powder and fill it into a powder bowl to compact it.



Step 4: place the cup under the boiling head when extracting the coffee concentrate, so that the concentrate can float completely on the surface of the iced milk!


Step 5: when the concentration and extraction is finished, you can drink it! (you can feel the Drity level better if you speak a little louder! )
