Coffee review

Is it good to make Dirty with SOE coffee beans? Introduction to the extraction techniques of single dirty curry

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, SOE and Dirty can be said to be the two major online celebrities in the coffee industry. In recent years, many coffee shops have launched SOE and Dirty made from single beans. Qianjie also met a lot of guests. As soon as they entered the door, they asked, "can you use SOE to do Dirty?" Qianjie is also curious about this.


SOE and Dirty can be said to be the two major online celebrities in the coffee industry. In recent years, many coffee shops have launched SOE and Dirty made from single beans. Qianjie also met a lot of guests. As soon as they entered the door, they asked, "can you use SOE to do Dirty?" In this regard, Qianjie is also very curious, SOE and Dirty will collide what kind of spark, let many friends flock to it?


Dirty with both Ice and Fire

What Dirty drinks is its layered feeling, so after the coffee is made, it doesn't need to be stirred evenly or with a straw, but drink directly from the surface, and it is recommended to drink three or four mouthfuls.

The first sip is full-bodied and warm espresso (with a small amount of milk), which makes us feel the strong flavor of coffee; the second sip is non-full-bodied milk and coffee, which can taste the strong taste of milk chocolate; the third sip is chilled milk and a touch of coffee.

In the absence of ice dilution, the overall taste of Dirty is very full, from bitter to sweet, from hot to cold, is a very rich and multi-layered experience.


Why use SOE as Dirty?

As we all know, SOE is a coffee product that can taste the unique local flavor of the producing area. While using SOE to make Dirty, we can not only feel the unique hierarchical sense of Dirty, but also taste the coffee aroma with higher directionality, so we can choose our favorite flavor characteristics to make espresso. Different beans express different flavors, such as SOE, which is rich in flower and fruit flavors, or medium-to-deep baking, such as Manning, which emphasizes black spices.


What kind of SOE is more suitable for making Dirty? If I "head iron" insist on this bean to do Dirty, how should I adjust it? In this regard, Qianjie will share with you some attempts to use SOE to make Dirty for your reference. (in this experiment, the extraction parameters used in Qianjie are as follows: powder weight 20g, liquid weight 38g, extraction time 27s~33s)

Try one: medium and deep baked Yega Xuefei hole plus SOE (sun exposure)

The SOE Dirty made with Kongjia extract shows a soft citrus citric acid with a touch of creamy taste in the first mouthful, and the chilled milk stimulates the taste buds' perception of sour aroma more in the second mouthful, and the coffee is not fully integrated with the milk, like drinking orange milk. (this SOE bean of Yega Xuefei is lighter in baking degree than the warm sun mixture used in stores. After debugging, the concentrated liquid is thinner and lighter in color. )


Try 2: deep baked Queen's Manor of Brazil (in the sun)

This deep-baked bean from the Queen's Manor of Brazil, after being made into SOE Dirty coffee, the full-bodied butter cookie flavor fills the mouth at the moment, and the mellow and smooth hot coffee has the sweetness of a trace of chilled milk at the end; the second sip is more diluted almond-flavored coffee and chilled milk sweet; then drink the overall flavor like nut chocolate milk.


After making two kinds of traditional SOE Dirty, Qianjie had a whim about what would happen if the special processed beans with strong flavor would encounter SOE Dirty, so Qianjie pulled out Milasu strawberry candy and made the following attempt.

Try 3: medium-baked Milasu strawberry candy (raisin honey treatment)

As the name suggests, the finished SOE Dirty smells rich strawberry aroma; although it tastes sweet and sour strawberry milk, the aftertaste after swallowing is not as long as imagined and fleeting; after the second sip, the coffee flavor becomes much lighter, more of the fresh sweetness of milk, which tastes like milk with a little coffee flavor.


It is also possible that Qianjie never found a suitable extraction scheme, resulting in the flavor of SOE is not full enough. For strawberry candy under special treatment, the bean is more crisp and looser than the traditional treatment, and it is more sensitive to the fine adjustment of grinding degree, so it is relatively difficult to debug the appropriate extraction parameters. It takes several or even a dozen times to debug to get a relatively suitable cup of SOE, which is a painful and long process. I hope that all persistent friends will eventually debug and make a cup of SOE Dirty that they are satisfied with.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
