Coffee review

Does Rose Summer choose Blue, Green or Red? Detailed explanation of Rose Summer Coffee plots and Classification in Panamanian Jade Manor

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, The Emerald Manor of Panama is the discoverer of Rosa Coffee. Perhaps without the small step of separating varieties in that year, there would not have been a trend of Rosa Coffee for more than 20 years. As a brand that symbolizes the flavor experience of Rose Summer Coffee, the lots, grades, bids and batches of Rose Summer Coffee in Panamanian Jade Manor are different.

The Emerald Manor of Panama is the discoverer of Rosa Coffee. Perhaps without the small step of separating varieties in that year, there would not have been a trend of Rosa Coffee for more than 20 years. As a brand that symbolizes the flavor experience of Rose Summer Coffee, what message is conveyed among the plots, grades, bids and batches of Rose Summer Coffee from Panamanian Jade Manor?

Jade Manor was originally a manor, with the growing fame of the Jade Manor, it also needs more and more production, so it will continue to buy the manor of other coffee farmers around to expand the production scale. So far, the Jade Manor actually consists of four farms, namely, Ca ñ as Verdes, El Velo, Jaramillo Jalamillo and Palmira Oasis. At the same time, the small plots of these farms are named respectively, and the classification basis of jadeite comes from the single harvest or mixed harvest of 22 small plots of the three big farms, why the three big farms? Palmira Oasis is a newly added farm, and there is no information on production and plots yet. After the coffee tree is selected and planted, it will take another 3-8 years to complete the process of growth, flowering and fruiting and determining the flavor. The annual rainfall of Jaramillo farm in Haramie is 4000ml, the average temperature in daytime is 19-25 ℃, the average temperature at night is 11-15 ℃, and the average altitude is 1600-1700m. The Haramiyo site is subdivided into five small plots: Mario (Mario), Noria (Ferris wheel), Reina (queen), Bosque (forest) and Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires). The annual rainfall of Caas Verdess farm in Canas Vidis is 3500ml, the average temperature in daytime is 16-23 ℃, the average temperature at night is 10-15 ℃, and the average altitude is 1600-1800m. Cannes consists of nine small plots: Lino (flax), Coronado (coronation), Fundador (founder), Le ó n (Leon), Montaa (peak), Trapiche (sugar), Chinta (urn), Cabaa (cabin) and Tumaco (Tumako). Veil El Velo Farm is the latest plot purchased by Jadeite Manor, with an average elevation of 1700-1900m. In addition to planting Rosa and Kaduai, the site also has a small number of other exotic species, such as Laurina, Pakamara, Mocha and SL28. The veil is divided into seven small plots, namely: Guabo, Port ó n (Portal), Durazno (Peach), Higuer ó n (fig tree), Higo (fig), Buena Vista (Buena Vista) and guila (Eagle).


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Panamanian Emerald Manor in 2020, Rosa coffee beans are also divided into three grades, namely, blue, green and red. According to the definition of the Jadeite Manor, the blue standard is collected from less than 1500 of these estates, the red standard is collected from a single plot of more than 1500, and the green standard is mixed from more than 1500 of the plots, and the bidding is part of the red bid. Subsequently, the Jade Manor cancelled the blue mark, and during this period, the red mark was the most expensive grade. The red mark of Rose Summer was picked from more than 1600 meters and traced back to specific plots. The elevation of green mark picking is the same as that of red mark, but it can not be traced back to specific plots. The blue standard, as an entry-level Rosa coffee bean, is picked from Rosa coffee beans of 1500 meters and below 1500 meters.


In 2021, however, the Jade Manor cancelled the blue label. Therefore, after that, there is no jadeite manor blue label on the market, and in this year, the blue label appears under the name of volcanic rock.


In 2022, the volcanic rock will also be gone. By 2023, the Jadeite Manor will separate the original red bid from the red bid, so the classification of the jadeite will become a competitive bid, a red bid and a green bid. Before that, many people drank ordinary red marks but imagined bidding. There are some differences in the grading of coffee beans in Feicui Manor in different periods. If the grading definition of one year is used as a reference, it may be prone to misexpression. At the same time, it should also be noted that if you buy, which is the best red, green and blue mark? It depends on from what point of view, the original blue standard is the most cost-effective. Only the red mark and the green mark are chosen, the green mark and the red mark come from the same plot, if you do not need to drink the taste of each plot, you only need the quality of the red mark, in fact, the green mark can already meet this requirement. Of course, if you are willing to spend money and can drink the difference between the characteristics of the plot, then choose the red mark every day, but the price will also be higher.


Bidding is also produced from the same plots of ordinary red bids, and the price is raised by competitive bidding, and the special treatment of individual batches may get some better flavor, but this difference will not differ by several times or more than ten times as much as the price. whether it is appropriate or not. For ordinary consumers, coffee is mainly the taste of region, not the smell of land, which is more meaningful for producers. If a good result is due to human factors, use small plots as experimental batches to get the best answer, and then promote the overall planting and treatment of the whole site to the same level. Of course, this is the result of idealization, after all, consumers sometimes need differentiated choices. Specific to the different date batches and bidding flavor, it is more about the conversation between enthusiasts, after all, while drinking coffee and friends stressed: you know, my cup is collected from the February 13th batch 7N red mark. In a short sentence, the other party will naturally show shame.

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