Coffee review

Price characteristics of Arabica Coffee Bean Starbucks introduction to Manning Coffee Bean Taste producing area Variety Manor

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Arabica coffee trees grow between 900m and 2000 m above sea level; they are hardy, and the suitable growth temperature is 1524 ℃; they need more humidity, and the annual rainfall is not less than 1500 ml. At the same time, they also require higher cultivation techniques and conditions. The main producing areas of Arabica coffee beans are

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I believe all my friends have noticed that Arabica is written on all the coffee beans sold by Starbucks. What is Arabica? It is clear that these coffee beans come from different regions and have different tastes, why is there only Arabica on the raw materials? In this paper,

Let's follow the front street coffee to learn about Arabica.

What are Arabica beans?

In fact, many of the coffee beans we see on the market are branches of Arabica varieties, and they are also the ones with good flavor among the three major types of coffee beans (Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica). Therefore, it has become one of the main varieties of choice in the coffee industry, accounting for 30% of the global coffee production. (and 70% is Robusta, as long as it is used to make instant coffee.)

Arabica coffee beans are the most important commercial and boutique coffee varieties in the world. Arabica coffee beans are mainly produced in South America (except Argentina and parts of Brazil), Central American countries, Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia, etc.), Asia (including parts of Yemen, India, Papua New Guinea), Yunnan and Taiwan of China, etc.

The origin of Arabica beans and coffee beans is in the highlands of southern Ethiopia. They generally grow at 1000-2000 meters above sea level and are plants that require high elevations and suitable climate and soil conditions.


Arabica coffee accounts for about 65% of the world's coffee beans, and its excellent flavor and aroma make it the only coffee among these native species that can be drunk directly and alone. However, its resistance to drying, frost, diseases and insect pests is low, especially to the biggest natural enemy of coffee-leaf rust, so all producing countries are committed to improving varieties.

As a result, there are many branches of Arabica varieties, and more than 100 varieties have been recorded. Each branch variety will have its own characteristics, may be delicious, may be relatively strong disease resistance and insect resistance, may be high yield.


Although Starbucks coffee beans come from different countries and regions, the same thing is that Starbucks coffee beans are a member of the Arabica family. Also because of the different climate and soil in the planting area, as well as different varieties, there will be different coffee flavor performance.

Where do Starbucks Sumatra coffee beans come from?

Sumatra coffee beans are actually Mandarin coffee beans. Sumatra is the largest island in Indonesia and the sixth largest island in the world. It is located in the northwest of Indonesia. Because of its location, Sumatra has the earliest harvest season in the country from November to March.


Mantenin coffee beans grow in Arabica coffee beans on the island of Sumatra. Sumatran coffee has low acidity and complex flavor characteristics, many coffee lovers call it the representative of spice and herbal flavor.


We can see that there is a tiger mark on the Sumatran coffee bean package. This is the Sumatran tiger, which is also an extremely endangered protected animal. The Sumatran tiger is painted in the hope that people will pay attention to the protection of the environment and biodiversity, and on the other hand, the creeping tiger describes the calm, mellow taste and flavor of Mantenin coffee beans.


What's the taste of Manning coffee beans? Is it bitter?

Qianjie Coffee believes that there are several factors affecting the taste of coffee. On the one hand, the fertile volcanic soil on the island creates the earthy taste of coffee. When it comes to its low acidity, the most important factor is the Sumatran coffee process, properly unique wet planing.

Although the flavor is mellow and dull, as long as there is the right roasting and brewing, Manning coffee does not show uncomfortable bitterness, but has a clear taste.


Qianjie Coffee in order to make Mantenin coffee beans have a mellow performance, but also can drink coffee layers, so it will reduce the roasting of coffee beans to a medium-to-deep roasting level, on the one hand, make coffee beans have more caramelization and produce more substances that can return sweet, on the other hand, retain the slightly sour quality and improve the overall taste of coffee.

Suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie

Filter cup: Kono filter cup water temperature: 88-89 ℃ powder quantity: 15g powder / water ratio: 1:15 grinding degree: medium coarse grinding (China 20 standard screen screening rate 70%)


Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small flow around the circle to 125 grams of water injection, when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop water injection, all the water to be injected through the coffee powder and then remove the filter cup to end the extraction. The extraction time is 2: 39: 00 "- 2: 39: 00".