Coffee review

Service consciousness that baristas should have in coffee service training

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, 1. Attach importance to customers and serve customers attentively. The psychology of many customers is that I use your products for good service. I think it's not bad, and it gives you an opportunity to make money. What they subconsciously care about most is your respect and attention to them, so when you communicate with them, the first thing that comes to mind is that I must serve this customer well. How can I make this

1. Attach importance to customers and serve them attentively

The psychology of many customers is, "I use your products for good service, but I think it's not bad, and it gives you an opportunity to make money." What they subconsciously care about most is your respect and attention to them, so when you communicate with them, the first thing that comes to mind is, "I must serve this customer well." The idea of "how can I satisfy this customer", not "how can I get the customer to pay his pocket and send the customer away?" If your service makes customers feel that they are not being watched and respected, they may lose this opportunity, and what is more serious is that they will spread their feelings to their relatives and friends, then you will lose more customers.

Patient and considerate customer service. As customers' personality characteristics, preferences, age, experience and so on are different, different customer communication methods and habits are different. Baristas should patiently handle business, answer inquiries and provide warm and thoughtful service according to different customers.

Value customers and express them through actions and words. For example, when receiving customers, baristas say honorific, friendly pronunciation and intonation, pay attention to etiquette and politeness, listen to customers' feelings with empathy, and so on, these subtle actions and words and deeds will make customers feel your attention and care. Baristas need to subconsciously realize the importance of customer service in order to unconsciously show it in action and let customers feel, instead of hypocritically showing frequent compliments and no practical actions, instead of making customers very disgusted.

two。 Take the initiative to think of customers.

Positive people are active and negative people are passive. Positive people are active changers, they make decisions according to principles and dare to take responsibility for their own decisions, while negative people always easily say "I can't", this language fully reflects an irresponsible attitude. They can never get rid of the shackles of the environment. Baristas, who are responsible for customer service, should take the initiative to think for customers and solve problems for them.

Take the initiative to think of customers. In fact, there are many small details that we can easily do and move customers all the time in our work and life. The question is whether we try to find out. In order for our service to move customers, first of all, we must love our work, absolutely not the idea of working for the sake of work or working for the boss. Only when we really regard work as a kind of fun and duty, will we devote ourselves to it.

Only when we put our heart into it will we pay attention to many details that others ignore. Only with our sincerity, enthusiasm, and love, and always keep in mind the service tenet of "customer first", we will finally achieve 101% service effect and retain the hearts of customers.

3. Get rid of the misunderstanding of service consciousness

① service is to act according to the system.

This wrong consciousness lies in the simple understanding of service as doing their respective duties according to the system, mechanically and rigidly implementing rules and regulations, the process of service is based on the process of communication between individuals, and the main body of service is the customer. the art of interpersonal communication is imperceptibly permeated in the process of service, just imagine if we say bluntly to customers when facing customers, "this is the policy of our company." "our company stipulates that this situation cannot be returned," and "We can't wait for your situation." how will customers feel? What we are talking about here is not the non-implementation of the company's rules and regulations, but how to think actively from the customer's point of view and provide patient and user-friendly service to customers in a way acceptable to customers.

②, it's not my fault. It's their fault.

Some baristas are unwilling to admit their mistakes to the dissatisfaction and dissent raised by their customers, but excessively emphasize the responsibility of others or customers, and blame it on the outside. Generally speaking, it is the customer's fault, and it is not their own fault. In the end, it is impossible to deal with customers' dissatisfaction. From the customer's point of view. Baristas represent the image of the company. Customers will think that "anyway, it is your fault that has caused dissatisfaction and loss to me." customers will not distinguish that this is the fault of the business department and that is the fault of the maintenance department. as far as customers are concerned, whoever accepts his own dissatisfaction should be responsible for solving it, not who is responsible for it.

Service quality that ③ baristas should possess

Service quality belongs to the category of professional accomplishment, which refers to the requirements of enterprises on the personal quality of baristas. Service literacy can be improved through learning, training and knowledge accumulation.

The qualities of baristas mainly include: personal cultivation, psychological quality, professional quality and comprehensive quality.

Personal cultivation

Self-cultivation is a kind of self-suggestion and an attitude of dealing with people, which can bring about lasting changes in people's self-consciousness or thinking, thus helping you achieve your personal goals.

Respect is the foundation

As a waiter, respect is the most basic requirement. As the saying goes, "respect for customers is a kind of common sense, respect for superiors is a bounden duty, respect for colleagues is a duty, respect for subordinates is a virtue, and respect for everyone is a kind of self-cultivation."

Modest and honest

Modesty is a virtue of man. Baristas need to master comprehensive professional knowledge, but in real work, some baristas often think that what customers say is layman's words, disdain for customers, or even pretend to understand, which will make customers have a strong aversion. The learning of knowledge is endless, sincere and humble communication with customers will not expose their shortcomings, but can win customer recognition and respect of the basic literacy.


Patience and tolerance is not only a magic weapon in the face of unreasonable customers, but also a virtue. Baristas need to be tolerant, tolerant and understanding of customers. Real customer service must take care of customers' preferences and emotions. Customers have different personalities and different methods and ways of doing things. Baristas will inevitably encounter guests with bad attitudes in the process of providing services, and you will also be aggrieved because of this, but as long as you remember your duties and use your tolerance to influence customers, once such customers are moved by your service, they are more likely to become high-quality customers and loyal customers.


For baristas, many companies usually have requirements; they do not make promises easily. When you talk about it, you have to do it. Baristas should not easily promise, casually agree to any requirements of customers, this will make their own work passive, but baristas must bear in mind their promises, once promised to customers, they should try their best to do, for those who cannot do it through their own efforts, should take the initiative to apologize to customers and explain the reasons.

Dare to take responsibility

Sometimes there are customer complaints or misunderstandings by customers at work, and colleagues often pass the buck to each other, giving customers a bad impression. Barista is the service window and microcosm of an enterprise. it represents the image and brand of the company. Therefore, baristas can not say that this is the responsibility of that department, all responsibilities should be resolved by me, and we should have the courage to assume responsibility to customers. We should carefully investigate and deal with them internally, and never let customers feel that you are playing the ball.

Psychological quality

Psychological quality refers to the psychological tendency, characteristics and initiative of the psychological activities formed by human beings in the long-term social life. Good psychological quality is an important part of the overall quality of baristas. It is usually impossible for a barista who is emotionally unstable, withdrawn and tense to provide warm, friendly and friendly service to customers.

A positive attitude

Baristas are often misunderstood by customers at work, or feel that the work cycle every day is very boring, and their mentality or emotions are more or less negatively affected, which is very common and normal. The key is to maintain a positive attitude, baristas need to know how to adjust their mentality and adjust their emotions, such as communicating with customers and colleagues with a positive attitude. Constantly feel the happiness that work brings to you and so on. The most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude towards customers and colleagues and win their recognition, attention and trust with sincerity and enthusiasm.

Smile service etiquette

Smile service has attracted wide attention all over the world and various industries, and has become an effective weapon for communications, finance, government, power, retail, civil aviation and other organizations to create core competitiveness and build high-quality service brands.

Smile is the most basic politeness in modern interpersonal communication and workplace. Smile service is the externalization of barista's good heart and friendly and sincere attitude, and it is also a good bridge to communicate with customers in service.

Barista's smile service can show personal accomplishment and the company's overall image. When baristas smile to customers, they show goodwill, respect and friendliness to each other, which can reduce the strangeness and psychological gap of customers. And then create a sense of "home", so as to establish good communication channels and customer relations with customers.

Grin all the time

Smile actively

Baristas should take the initiative to make eye contact with customers when they hear customer inquiries or conduct business. Customers smile first, first smile at each other, and then open their mouth to say welcome and talk.

If the barista smiles first when making eye contact with the customer, the barista immediately smiles with etiquette and understanding.