Coffee review

Fancy coffee in winter coffee shop recommends hot coffee-21

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [English name]: Viennese coffee (American) [English name]: Vienna Coffee (American) [material]: slightly deep-roasted coffee 150ml, stirred cream 20ml, white sugar 10g [preparation]: pour the coffee into the cup, cover it with stirred cream, and finally, sprinkle with white sugar. [English name]: Arabica coffee [English name]: Cafe la

[English name]: Viennese Coffee (American)

[name]: Vienna Coffee (American)

[materials]: 150ml coffee, 20ml cream, 10g sugar

[method]: pour the coffee into the cup, cover it with stirred cream, and finally, sprinkle with sugar.

[English name]: Arabica coffee

[name]: Cafe la Jet Set

[materials]: 80ml of deep-roasted coffee, 20ml of Jundu wine, 20ml of stirred cream, a little orange peel

[method]: pour Jundu into the cup, pour in the coffee, cover it with stirred cream, and put a few slices of orange peel on top.

[English name]: fennel liqueur coffee

[name]: Cafe Anisette

[materials]: 100ml of deep-roasted coffee, 20ml of fennel liqueur, 20ml of whipped cream

[method]: pour fennel liqueur into the cup, pour in the coffee, and cover with stirred cream.

[English name]: Vasik Coffee

[name]: Huasteco

[materials]: 60ml of deep-roasted coffee, 60ml of foamed milk, 10ml of pomegranate juice, 20ml of green mint wine

[method]: pour pomegranate juice and mint wine into the cup, put in the milk foam, and gently pour in the milk with a teaspoon. Then, using the same teaspoon against the edge of the cup, slowly pour the coffee on top of the foam, so that the milk and coffee form a layer.

[English name]: Xishen coffee

[name]: Ambrosia Coffee

Pour coffee, Italian liqueur and brandy into the cup and sprinkle with powdered ginger. Brandy and teaspoons should be ironed in advance. Put the teaspoon on the cup, put a cube of sugar on top, pour in the hot brandy, and light the fire. After the fire is out, gently stir the coffee with the top teaspoon.

[English name]: driver's coffee

[name]: Einspanner

[materials]: 120ml of deep-roasted coffee, 20ml of cream, a little white sugar (as needed)

[method]: pour coffee into the cup and float the cream on top. The Viennese way to serve the table is to use a tray with a coaster on top and the coffee cup on the coaster. At the same time, put a sugar cup on the tray and a teaspoon on the cup.

[English name]: Irish Coffee 01

[name]: Irish Coffee

[materials]: 150ml of slightly deep-cultured coffee, 20ml of Irish Whiskey, 10g of white sugar, right amount of fresh cream

[method]: ① first warm the cup, add sugar, whisky, and pour coffee; ② finally float the cream on top.