Coffee review

Basic knowledge of boutique coffee four common mistakes in drinking coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Error 1: drink a cup of coffee for a few hours, drink hot coffee until cold, iced coffee until cold; mistake 2, scoop cappuccino foam with a small spoon; after mixing, put the spoon in the cup; error 4 drink individual coffee without trying, just add sugar and milk. Suggestion 1. Coffee worth tasting can experience different flavor performance of coffee at different temperatures; other coffees, especially with milk

Mistake 1 Drink a cup of coffee for several hours, hot coffee until cold, iced coffee until cold;

Mistake 2 scooping cappuccino foam with a small spoon;

Mistake 3 When stirring is complete, place the spoon in the cup;

Mistake 4: Drink single-item coffee without trying, add sugar and milk directly.


Coffee worthy of tasting, at different temperatures, can experience different flavor performance of coffee; other coffee, especially coffee with milk, should be drunk as soon as possible by heat or ice.

2, cappuccino is the original intention of milk foam, milk and espresso fusion, through the inclined angle, drink directly with the cup, can be better at the same time drink three. With a small spoon to drink, can only drink milk foam.

3. After stirring, the spoon should be placed back in the dish. If the spoon is in the cup, it will hit the mouth and nose when drinking, affecting drinking, and may also be stained with coffee.

4. The significance of single-item coffee lies in the fact that no accessories are added and the flavor of coffee itself is tasted. A cup of coffee is hard to come by. Therefore, it is best to try one or two original flavors when drinking, and if you really don't adapt, it is not too late to add sugar. With milk and sugar, you never know what you're drinking.

How to drink coffee is actually a kind of freedom, but how to drink it is good to drink, there is science. Just like making good coffee, there are also stresses. These are all knowledge, not empty. Such posts are not made fun of or blamed for. There is selfishness in it, because cabbage is a coffee shop, and we want to be decent baristas and spread something right, even if we are not good enough.

A barista once asked us: Anyway, the cappuccino on the market is not very integrated, what is wrong with the guest drinking with a spoon? My sincere answer: "The guest is not wrong, the barista is wrong, but it is still wrong to drink with a spoon." Barista can't break the pot: anyway, customers don't understand, give up the standard. Guests should also respect this skill, a cup of fusion cappuccino that is thousands of practice.

Cabbage baristas and roasters often miss in the process of learning. The cappuccino made by the new partner who had been working for a few months was not very integrated, which was the truth. However, we would like to inform our guests that this time the Mantenin was not baked well enough. We still want our guests to know exactly what the right cappuccino looks like. The more the customer understands, the better.

We all love praise and hate criticism. It's human nature. But getting the right criticism and nitpicking from guests is always an unavoidable pressure and the most effective motivation.