Coffee review

Treatment after coffee frost disaster

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Recently, the Pu'er municipal government sent a group of experts to the counties and districts of the city to guide the coffee disaster relief work. As the leader of the expert group, in the process of going deep into the disaster areas to guide the recovery of coffee disaster, I found that although some of our coffee growers in the worst-hit areas have received training from the city, there are still some problems in the process of implementing pole-cutting measures: 1. The fresh fruit of the coffee was not harvested. For

Recently, the Pu'er municipal government sent a group of experts to the counties and districts of the city to guide the coffee disaster relief work. As the leader of the expert group, in the process of going deep into the disaster areas to guide coffee disaster recovery, I found that although some of our coffee growers in the worst-hit areas have received training from the city, there are still some problems in the process of implementing pole-cutting measures:

1. The fresh fruit of the coffee was not harvested. In order to minimize the disaster loss, it is required to pick the fresh coffee fruit and cut the stick. At present, the fresh fruit of picked coffee has been difficult to peel, so it can be dried directly and sold after shelling.

在咖啡霜冻灾害之后的处理办法 - 刘标 - 普洱茶、咖啡  石斛 刘标

two。 The coffee cutter is not sealed. Without sealing, a large number of coffee trees will be dehydrated in the future. Therefore, it is required to seal with paraffin wax, paint, film and so on.

3. There are still fresh fruit left behind after cutting the pole. Leave a branch as a nutritive branch after cutting, but remove all the fresh fruit from the nutritious branch, otherwise it will affect the sprouting in the coming year.

在咖啡霜冻灾害之后的处理办法 - 刘标 - 普洱茶、咖啡  石斛 刘标


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